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Obama’s “Successful” Airstrike Strategy in Yemen and Somalia Resulted in Major Increase in Terrorist Attacks By Interventions Watch, September 11, 2014
The “Big Lie” in “News” “Reporting” About Ukraine and Russia By Eric Zuesse, September 11, 2014
“Perpetual War” Is Fine With the New York Times After All By Norman Solomon, September 11, 2014
Iraq Prime Minister Maliki continues Massacre of Innocent Civilians in his Last Days in Power By Struan Stevenson, September 11, 2014
Ramping up the Alert: The Terror Threat in Australia By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, September 11, 2014
Washington Menaces America With Its ISIS Creation By Tony Cartalucci, September 11, 2014
Afghanistan: US Airstrike Kills 11 Civilians By Andrea Germanos, September 11, 2014
The Mainstream Media Calls War Criminal Henry Kissinger “the Most Celebrated Foreign-Policy Strategist of our Time” By Peter Hart, September 11, 2014
9/11 Truth: The WTC Buildings were Brought Down Through Controlled Demolition By Richard Gage, September 11, 2014
FBI Whistleblower: Pentagon, CIA, NATO and MI6 Were Masterminds Behind 9/11 By Washington's Blog, September 11, 2014
9/11 After Thirteen Years: Continuous Warfare, Police State, Endless Falsehoods By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, September 11, 2014
Oh, Ye Masters of War: Marking 9/11 Again With A New Dragon To Slay By Danny Schechter, September 11, 2014
Never Forget … Countries from Around the World Admit They Use “False Flag Terror” By Washington's Blog, September 11, 2014
Massive Radiation Plume from Fukushima Heading Toward American West Coast According to a Scientific Report By David Gutierrez, September 11, 2014
NBC Reporter: Boots Already on the Ground in Iraq – “They Are Embedded with Local Fighters” By Paul Joseph Watson, September 11, 2014
Camouflage and Coverup: The Dutch Commission Report on the Malaysian MH17 Crash is “Not Worth the Paper it’s Written On” By Peter Haisenko, September 11, 2014
9/11: The Mother of All Big Lies By Stephen Lendman, September 11, 2014
Thirteen Years After the September 11 Attacks: CIA Torture and the “War on Terror” By Joseph Kishore, September 11, 2014
Obama Announces Open-Ended War in Iraq and Syria By Patrick Martin, September 11, 2014
History of World War II: Commemorating the Enigmatic Battle of Arnhem By Tony Gosling, September 11, 2014