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Economic Warfare: US-EU Sanctions directed against Russia. Energy, Finance, Defense By RT News, September 12, 2014
Free the Cuban Five! By House of Latin America, September 12, 2014
Senate Hearing Whitewashes Militarization of American Police By Tom Hall and E. P. Bannon, September 12, 2014
Neocons Revive Syria ‘Regime Change’ Plan By Robert Parry, September 12, 2014
US-Backed Terrorism in Syria: A First-Hand Account of the Use of Mortars Against Civilians By Eva Bartlett, September 12, 2014
US to Rapidly Expand War in Iraq and Syria By Peter Symonds, September 12, 2014
Human Rights and Justice in Canada – The Case of Omar Khadr By Global Research News, September 12, 2014
Research Shows Frightening Correlation Between Fracking and Rates of Illness By Lauren McCauley, September 12, 2014
Human Rights Hypocrisy: The Canadian Museum for Human Rights By Kimlee Wong, September 12, 2014
To New York Times, ‘Full Range of Views’ on War Is Pretty Narrow By Peter Hart, September 12, 2014
Virologist: “It’s Too Late, Ebola Will Kill 5 Million” By Paul Joseph Watson, September 12, 2014
Mad Science: ‘Genetically Modified Micro Humans’ to be ‘Farmed’ for Drug Testing by 2017 By Christina Sarich, September 12, 2014
An Exception to American Exceptionalism: Russia and the Moral Foundations of a New World System By Valery Fadeev, September 12, 2014
Mainstream Media Propaganda: Breaking the Last Taboo – Gaza and the Threat of World War By John Pilger, September 12, 2014
9/11 Meets ISIL: Can the Truth Set US FREE? By Michael Welch, Prof Michel Chossudovsky, and Elizabeth Woodworth, September 12, 2014
Across America, the Campaign to Increase the Minimum Wage By Shamus Cooke, September 12, 2014
9/11 Truth: Who Is Osama Bin Laden? By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, September 12, 2014
Preliminary Report on Crash of Malaysian Airlines MH17: An Internationally Sanctioned Cover-Up Orchestrated by the US and Britain By Matthias Chang, September 12, 2014
9/11 Truth: Experts Examine the Evidence and Speak Out By Steven Starr, September 11, 2014
Solving the Mystery of WTC Building Seven: Controlled Demolition “Planned in Advance of 9/11” By Richard Gage, September 11, 2014