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World Population Alarmism: Twelve Billion People by 2100 By Tony Cartalucci, September 23, 2014
US Police Get “Anti-Terror Training” in Israel on Privately Funded Trips By Global Research News, September 23, 2014
Ebola Death Camps in Liberia: Disease Victims to Be Rounded Up and Removed from their Own Homes by Force By Mike Adams, September 23, 2014
Israeli Refuseniks: Occupation’s Dark Underbelly Exposed By Jonathan Cook, September 23, 2014
High Cost of Bad Journalism on Ukraine By Robert Parry, September 23, 2014
Rigged Gold Price Distorts Perception of Economic Reality By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts and David Kranzler, September 23, 2014
Witch-Hunting in America’s Universities: Steven Salaita and the New McCarthyism By Bill Van Auken, September 23, 2014
United States Militarizing Response to Ebola Crisis While Cuba Pledges Medical Assistance By Abayomi Azikiwe, September 23, 2014
Strikes by US and its Allies on Syrian Territory Require Syria’s Consent, Russian Foreign Minister Says By ITAR-TASS, September 23, 2014
Major Shia Militia Rejects US Military Intervention in Iraq: “The Islamic State is a U.S. Creation to Protect Israel” By Middle East Monitor, September 23, 2014
Turkey Provides Support to the Islamic State (ISIL) to Topple Syrian Government and Destabilize Iraq By Zayd al-Isa, September 23, 2014
50 US-Led Strikes Carried out in Syria By Press TV, September 23, 2014
8 Civilians, Including 3 Children, Killed in US-Led Strikes on Syria By RT, September 23, 2014
2,400 Year Old “Enemy of my Enemy is my Friend” Myth has Led to Insanely Stupid U.S. Foreign Policy By Washington's Blog, September 23, 2014
Grave with Beheaded Bodies Found on Ukrainian National Guard Positions in Eastern Ukraine By ITAR-TASS, September 23, 2014
Obama Ignores Congress Again to Launch Syria Attack with No Legal Basis By Paul Joseph Watson, September 23, 2014
US Launches Air Strikes Inside Syria By Peter Symonds, September 23, 2014
NATO’s War on Libya and Africa By Maximilian Forte, September 22, 2014
Nobel Peace Laureate Mairead Maguire: The U.S. and the UK Committed Genocide Against the Iraqi People By Mairead Maguire, September 22, 2014
In the Wake of Fukushima (3/11): Japan’s Shift into Renewable Energy By Andrew Dewit, September 22, 2014