Latest News and Top Stories

Monsanto Scandal Causes Reopening of US Investigation of GMO Wheat By Christina Sarich, October 07, 2014
The Ebola Test: Let the Test’s Inventor Speak By Jon Rappoport, October 07, 2014
Numerous Violations of Disease Protocol Surrounding the Dallas, Texas Ebola Case By Kit Daniels, October 07, 2014
Feeding the One Percent: Foreign Investors’ Land Grabs in Africa and Asia, Tax avoidance and Obscene Payouts to Directors By Grain, October 07, 2014
Ebola Outbreak in West Africa: The Political Dimensions By Abayomi Azikiwe, October 07, 2014
Israel on Trial for its Crimes Against Palestinians: Testimonies of Atrocities in Gaza From The Russell Tribunal By Rania Khalek, October 06, 2014
China, Russia to Sign 30 Agreements During Annual Meet By The Brics Post, October 06, 2014
First-ever Trial to Assess Guantanamo Force-Feeding By Reprieve, October 06, 2014
Joe Biden Apologizes for Half Truth: Persian Gulf Regimes and Turkey are Responsible for Supporting ISIS and Al-Nusra By Kurt Nimmo, October 06, 2014
The Law of Futility: Air Strikes Against the Islamic State By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, October 06, 2014
“Genetic Strains of Ebola that have Never been Seen Before”. Media Lies and US Government Coverup By Prof Jason Kissner, October 06, 2014
Who Was Responsible for The 2014 Destruction of Gaza? By Karin Brothers, October 06, 2014
New European Commission Stacked With Corporate Lobbyists By Colin Todhunter, October 06, 2014
Turkish President Proclaims “I Am Increasingly Against the Internet Every Day” By Michael Krieger, October 06, 2014
Israel Summons Swedish Envoy Over Palestine Recognition By Middle East Monitor, October 06, 2014
Instead of Bombing the Islamic State By Jan Oberg, October 06, 2014
Unfolding Truth: Dismantling the World Bank’s Myths on Agriculture and Development By Global Research News, October 06, 2014
Massive Land Grabs and Dispossession: Demanding an End to the World Bank’s Morally Bankrupt Development By Global Research News, October 06, 2014
America’s “Terrorist Academy” in Iraq Produced ISIS Leaders By Mike Whitney, October 06, 2014
US Military Marches East to Consolidate Front Against Russia By Ria Novosti, October 06, 2014