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“Non-Official Cover” – Respected German Journalist Blows Whistle on How the CIA Controls the Media By Michael Krieger, October 09, 2014
Rise of the Reapers: A Brief History of Drones By Chris Cole, October 09, 2014
The World Bank and the Philippines By Eric Toussaint, October 09, 2014
UN: 3,660 killed, 8,756 Wounded in Ukraine Conflict Since April By RT News, October 09, 2014
Hong Kong Occupy Central’s US Backed Leaders: Entwined With US State Department-Funded Organizations By Tony Cartalucci, October 09, 2014
US Air Raids on Syria: The Unlearned Lesson of Libya By Yuriy Zinin, October 09, 2014
Is the West Responsible for the Ebola Crisis In Africa? By Washington's Blog, October 09, 2014
Libya Takes Goldman Sachs to Court to Recover $1.2 Billion from a Series of Derivative Trades By Global Research News, October 08, 2014
Hong Kong Protests: Why Imperialists Support ‘Democracy’ Movement By Sara Flounders, October 08, 2014
Israel Bars Building Materials from Gaza – 15,671 Housing Units Damaged During Military Assault “Protective Edge” By Middle East Monitor, October 08, 2014
Economic Warfare Between the West and Russia Only Punishes the Guiltless By Anatoly Kucherena, October 08, 2014
In Memory of 9/11 Activist Tod Fletcher: A Life of Service (1952-2014) By David Ray Griffin, October 08, 2014
Ukraine: 3,660 Killed, 8,756 Wounded Since April – Kiev Forces Violate International Humanitarian Law, UN Report Says By RT, October 08, 2014
UN Intentionally Omits Mentioning Mass Graves in Ukraine in Report — Russia Civic Chamber By ITAR-TASS, October 08, 2014
After 13 Years, it’s Time to End the Endless War in Afghanistan By Sarah Lazare, October 08, 2014
Growth Estimates Revised Down Ahead of IMF-World Bank Meetings By Nick Beams, October 08, 2014
From Pol Pot to ISIS: “Anything that Flies on Everything that Moves” By John Pilger, October 08, 2014
The Bank Bailout and the Forbes 400 By Andre Damon, October 08, 2014
Cubana Flight 455: Remembering the Victims of US-Supported Terrorism By Tony Seed, October 08, 2014
Re-examining Global Warming: Global Chilling vs. Warming By Prof. Johan Galtung, October 08, 2014