Latest News and Top Stories

Wal-Mart to Eliminate Health Benefits for 30,000 Workers By Andre Damon, October 10, 2014
Nobel Committee Ignores Nobel’s Will Again – Peace Prize is Not a Human Rights Prize By Jan Oberg, October 10, 2014
ISIS, Turkey, and the Propaganda of Intervention By Eric Draitser, October 10, 2014
US Has More Sanctions Against Russia Than Against Ebola By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, October 10, 2014
Argentina and Wall Street’s Vulture Funds: “Economic Terrorism” and the Western Financial System By Peter Koenig, October 10, 2014
US Vice President Biden’s Lies and Misrepresentations Regarding Ukraine and Russia By Eric Zuesse, October 10, 2014
China Urges U.S. to Stop “Fabricating Stories” on Cyber Security By Xinhua, October 09, 2014
Race and Militarism from Ferguson to Syria: A letter to African Americans By Ajamu Baraka, October 09, 2014
Prominent Israeli Settler Rabbi Calls for “Cleansing” of Palestinians By Patrick Strickland, October 09, 2014
U.S. National Institute of Health (NIH): “We May Have to Vaccinate Whole Countries to Stop Ebola Outbreak” By Melissa Dykes, October 09, 2014
40 Percent of Americans Think Government Will Save Them From Ebola By Kurt Nimmo, October 09, 2014
Fidel Castro Compares NATO to the Islamic State By Telesur, October 09, 2014
It’s Official: China Dethrones America as Largest Economy By Washington's Blog, October 09, 2014
World Health Organization Contradicts US Centers for Disease Control: Admits Ebola Can Spread via Coughing, Sneezing and Contaminated Surfaces By Mike Adams, October 09, 2014
The GMO Biotech Lobby’s Emotional Blackmail and Bogus Claims: Monsanto’s Genetically Modified Crops Will Not Feed The World By Colin Todhunter, October 09, 2014
The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) Announces Astronomical Autism Rate in the US: 1 in 68 Children By Christina Sarich, October 09, 2014
Foreign Media is Losing Their Freedom to Lie in Russia By Jon Hellevig, October 09, 2014
The Ebola Epidemic: A Social Disaster in West Africa By Niles Williamson, October 09, 2014
Obama Meets With US Combat Commanders Amid Mounting Calls for Ground Troops in Syria and Iraq By Bill Van Auken, October 09, 2014
Destabilization – US Weapon in a Energy War in Ukraine and the Middle East By Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya, October 09, 2014