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Hong Kong’s “Occupy Central” Fooling No One By Tony Cartalucci, October 11, 2014
US Christian and Neocon Exterminationists: “Crush the Seed of Ishmael” – A “Final Solution” to the “Muslim Problem” By William Norman Grigg, October 11, 2014
Battle for Baghdad: ISIS Now Within 8 Miles of Airport, Armed with MANPADS By RT, October 11, 2014
Australia and the War on Terror By Sepehr Samiei, October 11, 2014
Iran Warns Turkey Over Military Presence in Syria By Tony Seed, October 11, 2014
Texas Ebola Outbreak Results in Forced Quarantine, Blood Draws Or Arrest By Christina Sarich, October 10, 2014
Airline Cleaning Crews Go on Strike Over Exposure to Blood, Vomit and Other Ebola Risks By Jonathan Benson, October 10, 2014
US State Officials Using Fear About the Spread of Ebola as a Mechanism for Encroaching on Freedom By J. D. Heyes, October 10, 2014
New CDC Whistleblower Video: More Autism Fraud By Jon Rappoport, October 10, 2014
Bolivia: Elections in the Time of Evo Morales – Movement Towards Socialism Likely to Win Third Consecutive Term By Emily Achtenberg, October 10, 2014
Cuba Warns of Serious Dangers Facing Humanity at the United Nations By Granma, October 10, 2014
Venezuela: International Media Barely Raises Eyebrow over Assassination of Pro-Government Legislator Robert Serra By Ewan Robertson, October 10, 2014
Protests Continue in St. Louis Over Police Shooting of Another Black Teen By Press TV, October 10, 2014
High-Level Donor Conference on Cholera in Haiti Fails to Secure Much Needed Funding By Center for Economic and Policy Research, October 10, 2014
Right On Schedule: US Eyes ‘Buffer Zone’ In Syria ‘Very Very Closely’ By Brandon Turbeville, October 10, 2014
Document Reveals European Union Bullied Ecuador Into Trade Agreement By Telesur, October 10, 2014
‘China Still not Leading Economy’: US Remains the Largest Economy in Absolute Terms By RT, October 10, 2014
Gary Webb: The Sordid Contra-Cocaine Saga By Robert Parry, October 10, 2014
Ferguson: “Weekend of Resistance” Against Police Violence – Cops Preparing for Violent Confrontation By Kurt Nimmo, October 10, 2014
US and Turkey at Odds Over Syria Intervention By Patrick Martin, October 10, 2014