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Press TV Reporter Serena Shim Killed in Turkey Car Crash after ‘Spying Accusations’ By RT, October 20, 2014
Ex-Nazi Criminals Asked to Leave US in Return for Benefits By Press TV, October 20, 2014
Japan TV Anchor: I Couldn’t Tell the Truth About Fukushima By Global Research News, October 20, 2014
Police State USA: Feds Continue Orwellian Surveillance of Social Media By Joe Wright, October 20, 2014
The Fix is in: Fed Stops Stock Slide with Talk of Quantitative Easing (QE) Extension By Mike Whitney, October 20, 2014
Leaked Documents Expose Secret Contracts Between NSA and Tech Companies By Thomas Gaist, October 20, 2014
Pleas to Major Powers from Ebola-stricken Countries, Health Professionals Fall on Deaf Ears By Patrick Martin, October 20, 2014
US State Department Regulations Against Free Speech to “Shape and Sustain a… Democratic World” By Peter Van Buren, October 20, 2014
Plan to Merge Russia with the West. Former Oil Tycoon Launches “Pro-European” Political Movement in Russia By Steven MacMillan, October 20, 2014
Afghanistan: A Dangerous Projection of Presidential Inauguration By Alexander Knyazev, October 20, 2014
Economic Genocide in Rwanda: Installing a US Protectorate in Central Africa By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, October 20, 2014
Secret Project Created Weaponized Ebola in South Africa in the 1980s By Daniel Taylor, October 20, 2014
If Republicans Win Control of the Senate in November, Nuclear War with Russia Will Be More Likely. Here’s Why. By Eric Zuesse, October 20, 2014
Internet Morality and Policing Harassment: Punishing the Trolls By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, October 20, 2014
America’s Jihad By K. R. Bolton, October 20, 2014
Contamination of Ecuadorian Rainforest: Canadian Bar Association Withdraws Support to Chevron Due to Protests By Telesur, October 20, 2014
How the CIA Infiltrated Germany’s Mainstream Media By Global Research News, October 20, 2014
The Politics of Empire. The US, Israel and the Middle East By Dr. Ludwig Watzal, October 20, 2014
Turkey Supports the Islamic State (ISIL)? Journalist in Turkey Killed in Suspicious Car Accident By Press TV, October 20, 2014
IMF-World Bank Policies and the Rwandan Genocide By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, October 20, 2014