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Police State Targets Dissidents: Government To “Impose Extreme Disruption Orders On Individuals” By Mac Slavo, October 28, 2014
Ebola Can Survive For Months On Surfaces By Kurt Nimmo, October 28, 2014
Victoire Ingabire. Challenging the Official Rwanda Genocide Story By Ann Garrison, October 28, 2014
Contaminating Confucius: Christianity in China By Sandhya Jain, October 28, 2014
Canada: Decoding Harper’s Terror Game. Beneath the Masks and Diversions By Prof. John McMurtry, October 28, 2014
Open Letter to the BBC on Rwanda: The Untold Story By Charles Kambanda, October 28, 2014
How Israel is Turning Gaza into a Super-Max Prison By Jonathan Cook, October 28, 2014
Scientific Data Points to Government-Made Anthrax By Barbara Hatch_Rosenberg and Martin Hugh-Jones, October 28, 2014
Are Vulture Funds a US Tool Against Argentina in an Energy War With Russia? By Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya, October 28, 2014
Netanyahu Makes Contingency Plans to Deal with Possible European Trade Embargo By Anthony Bellchambers, October 27, 2014
Economic Collapse? How Will The Stock Market React To The End Of Quantitative Easing? By Michael Snyder, October 27, 2014
US Media: Treating Putin Like a Lunatic By Robert Parry, October 27, 2014
Monstersanto Brings You… Cola In A Can By Isa Esasi and Colin Todhunter, October 27, 2014
Ebola Cases Surpass 10,000 in West Africa While United States Politicians Impose Quarantines By Abayomi Azikiwe, October 27, 2014
Compelling Evidence of Ebola Fraud in the United States. Plasma Transfusion By Prof Jason Kissner, October 27, 2014
Centers for Disease Control (CDC) Finally Admits that Ebola Can Float through the Air … 3 Feet By Washington's Blog, October 27, 2014
US Patent Application for Ebola Virus – Five Years Ago Today By Lori Price, October 27, 2014
Kuwait Boycotts International Companies Working with Israel in the Occupied Territories By Middle East Monitor, October 27, 2014
US Dominion Farms’ Land Grab in Kenya Destroyed Farmers’ Livelihoods, Blocked Community Access to Water By Grain, October 27, 2014
Bought Journalism? The “Russian Submarine in Swedish Waters” Story and the Decay of Security Policy Journalism By Jan Oberg, October 27, 2014