Latest News and Top Stories

Letter from Charlottesville: Can Left and Right Realize, in Time, the Existential Need to Unite? Naomi Wolf By Dr. Naomi Wolf, January 31, 2024
Star Trek Actress Margot Muraszkiewicz Died After One Year Battle with ALS. She Was COVID-19 Vaccinated. By Dr. William Makis, January 31, 2024
US to Deploy Nukes in the UK for the First Time in 15 Years By Dave DeCamp, January 31, 2024
For Western Media, Israel’s Bombing of Gaza Is Not ‘Deadly’ By Prof. Des Freedman, January 31, 2024
War on Gaza: Dozens of Palestinians Found Dead at Elementary School in Zip-tied Body Bags By Middle East Eye, January 31, 2024
Defunding UNRWA: With This Act, Western Powers Are Likely Complicit in Genocide By Hasan Basri Bulbul, January 31, 2024
Biden Gives Green Light for Retaliation Against Iran By Peter Symonds, January 31, 2024
Out of the Euro? Is Germany Heading for the Dexit? Recession, Social Fracture and Unemployment By Germán Gorraiz López, January 31, 2024
China Ignores US Entreaties of Mediation By M. K. Bhadrakumar, January 31, 2024
Another Fast and Furious Scandal? Mexico Demands Answers as Cartels Acquire US-Military Grade Weapons By Zero Hedge, January 31, 2024
Five Peace Activists Arrested for Disrupting UNRWA Hearing, Demand Humanitarian Aid for Gaza By CODEPINK, January 31, 2024
U.S. Military School at West Point Supports Genocide By Karsten Riise, January 31, 2024
Slovakia Prime Minister Robert Fico Orders Investigation into COVID-19 Pandemic Management and Vaccines After 21,000 Excess Deaths Announced in Slovakia Since 2020 By Prime Minister Robert Fico and Dr. William Makis, January 31, 2024
US-Israel Implement Plan to Cut Food, Water and Medicine to Gaza By Mike Whitney, January 31, 2024
Amnesty Says Cutting Off Aid to UNRWA While Arming Israel Is ‘Stark’ Hypocrisy By Jake Johnson, January 31, 2024
Biden’s New Strategy for Ukraine: “De-emphazises” The Retaking of “Lost Territories” By Ahmed Adel, January 30, 2024
Mahatma Gandhi’s Message of Peace with Justice and Inter-Faith Harmony Is Most Needed Now By Bharat Dogra, January 30, 2024
Conventional Detergent: Political Science as an Ideological Laundromat By Dr. T. P. Wilkinson, January 30, 2024
Tigray Was Literally Destroyed by the U.S., Says Former Ethiopian Diplomat By Jeremy Kuzmarov, January 30, 2024
Kiev’s Request to Receive U.K. Obsolete and Retired Naval Vessels: Atmosphere of Despair Within Ukraine Military By Lucas Leiroz de Almeida, January 30, 2024