Latest News and Top Stories

Does Russia Have “The Upper Edge” in Military Technology? “Most Advanced NATO Weapons Destroyed” By Drago Bosnic, February 29, 2024
Fauci “RETHINKING” After Attempting to Force-Vaccinate the Entire Population of the Planet By Dr. James Lyons-Weiler, February 29, 2024
Haiti: November 18, 1803, Remembering the First Successful Slave Revolution for Freedom By Jafrik Aayiti, February 29, 2024
Basic Tips for Optimal Health: Sun Exposure Strengthens Your Immune System By Dr. Joseph Mercola, February 29, 2024
History: The Polish-West Ukrainian Conflict Over East Galicia in 1918−1919 By Dr. Vladislav B. Sotirović, February 29, 2024
White House Admits Ukraine Will Lose More Territory Within Next Two Months By Ahmed Adel, February 29, 2024
Neoconservatives and Islamophobes, Not Muslims, Are the Real Threat to British Democracy By David Hearst, February 29, 2024
Old Problems with the New: Reforming the UN Security Council By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, February 29, 2024
Childhood Vaccine Injury: Injured by DTaP and Developed Vaccine-Induced Polio and Paralysis By Dr. William Makis, February 29, 2024
COVID Vaccine Truth Needs Evidence-Based Debate, Not Gag-Orders By Bharat Dogra, February 29, 2024
Israel Is an Illegal State. Dr. Ralph Wilde at the ICJ By Dr. Ralph Wilde and Peter Koenig, February 29, 2024
Joining AUKUS Could Boost New Zealand’s Poor Research and Technology Spending – But at What Cost? By Sian Troath, February 29, 2024
Indonesia to Offer Tax Perks to Companies Investing in Reforestation of Its New Capital City By Hans Nicholas Jong, February 29, 2024
The People of Gaza Are Being Deliberately Starved By Daniel Larison, February 29, 2024
“Is the Israeli occupation of the Gaza strip, the West Bank and East Jerusalem legal under international law?” A Palestinian Legal Masterpiece by Dr. Ralph Wilde at the ICJ By Steven Sahiounie, February 29, 2024
Former British PM Liz Truss Presents “Trussonomics” at the U.S. Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, February 28, 2024
Armenia Pivoting to The West, Distancing from Eurasia, Enhancing Military Ties with France By Uriel Araujo, February 28, 2024
Three Recent Surveys Re-emphasize the Need for Negotiations to End the Ukraine War By Bharat Dogra, February 28, 2024
Sending NATO Troops to Ukraine is “Not Ruled Out” By Drago Bosnic, February 28, 2024
Shielding US Public from Israeli Reports of “Friendly Fire” on October 7 By Bryce Greene, February 28, 2024