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The War on Yugoslavia 25 Years Later: NATO’s Blueprint For the Conflicts of the Twenty First Century By Michael Welch, Diana Johnstone, and Kit Klarenberg, March 22, 2024
O Reino Unido está decepcionando a Ucrânia – mídia ocidental. By Lucas Leiroz de Almeida, March 22, 2024
Netanyahu’s US Visit Will Postpone the Great Extermination By Dr. Paul Larudee, March 22, 2024
Jared Kushner, Trump’s Son-in-Law and Former Advisor, Suggests That the Gaza Strip’s Waterfront Property Can be Prime Real Estate By Timothy Alexander Guzman, March 22, 2024
Where Are We Going? Artificial General Intelligence. “Robots Are Already Humanized in Appearance” By Karsten Riise, March 22, 2024
Twelve Years Ago: The US-NATO-Israel Sponsored Al Qaeda Insurgency in Syria. Who Was Behind the 2011 “Protest Movement”? By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, March 22, 2024
Psychotronic and Electromagnetic Weapons: Remote Control of the Human Nervous System By Mojmir Babacek, March 22, 2024
The Engineered Destruction and Political Fragmentation of Iraq. “America’s Third War against Iraq” initiated by Obama By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, March 22, 2024
The CIA Takeover of America in the 1960s Is the Story of Our Times. The Killing of the Kennedys and Today’s New Cold War By Edward Curtin, March 22, 2024
Covid Mandates, Pandemic Treaty. Demand to Exit The WHO: Open Letter to the People of Switzerland, the Federal Council and Parliament By Peter Koenig, March 22, 2024
“Iraq’s oil wealth is in the hands of Washington, while Iraqi go hungry,” Interview with Hussein Askary By Hussein Askary and Steven Sahiounie, March 22, 2024
The CIA’s Secret War — Using Russian Fascists to Fight Russia. Scott Ritter By Scott Ritter, March 22, 2024
Video: Australian Pilot Captain Graham Hood Urges Australian Government to Stop the COVID Shots By Dr. William Makis, March 22, 2024
U.S.-trained Niger Junta Kicks Out U.S. Troops, Drone Base By Nick Turse, March 22, 2024
25 Years Ago, US-NATO War against Yugoslavia: The October 2000 Overthrow of Slobodan Milosevic. Serbia’s Day of Infamy By Stephen Karganovic, March 22, 2024
The 5G and Effects on Mice, Rats and Humans. Ten New Studies. Dr. William Makis By Dr. William Makis, March 21, 2024
The EU’s Approach Towards Ukrainian and Russian Agricultural Imports Harms Polish Farmers By Andrew Korybko, March 21, 2024
Foreign Mercenaries Fighting for Kiev Regime Forces Should Leave Immediately By Drago Bosnic, March 21, 2024
Senator Chuck Schumer Blasts Bibi for Derailing US Strategic Objectives in Middle East By Mike Whitney, March 21, 2024
A Message to Israeli, U.S. and NATO Soldiers and Pilots: It’s Genocide, “Disobey Unlawful Orders, Abandon the Battlefield” By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, March 21, 2024