Latest News and Top Stories

UN ‘Pact for the Future’: Digital IDs, Vaccine Passports, Massive Censorship By Michael Nevradakis, September 13, 2024
Genocide in the Foreground, World War Looming in the Background By Caitlin Johnstone, September 13, 2024
Regierung will Digitalzwang zustimmen. Ein Abkommen, das 8 Milliarden Menschen in eine Welt zwingen soll, die von digitalen Unternehmen kontrolliert wird By Norbert Haering, September 13, 2024
Hace 51 años: Chile, 11 de septiembre de 1973: Los ingredientes de un golpe militar By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, September 12, 2024
A Plausibility Probe of 9/11 and COVID-19 as ‘Structural Deep Events’ By Professor Piers Robinson and Kevin Ryan, September 12, 2024
Erdogan’s Proposed Islamic Alliance Against Israel Is Pure Demagoguery By Andrew Korybko, September 12, 2024
The Great Ozempic Scam. Big Pharma and the Causes of Obesity. The Importance of Natural Foods. Promoting Healthy Eating By A Midwestern Doctor, September 12, 2024
Selected Articles: Remote Control of the Human Brain, Crowd Control Technologies. High Risk AI Systems By Global Research News, September 12, 2024
Saudi Arabia Accelerates Decline of Petrodollar by Promoting Petroyuan By Ahmed Adel, September 12, 2024
EU Complicity in Israel’s Genocidal War on Gaza By Niamh NÍ Bhriain, September 12, 2024
Venezuela Fighting On. U.S. Sponsored Economic Warfare By Graham Harrington, September 12, 2024
9/11 Analysis: Where was Osama bin Laden on September 11, 2001? By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, September 12, 2024
Remote Control of the Human Brain, Crowd Control Technologies. High Risk AI Systems. Can We Preserve Democracy and Human Rights? Mojmir Babacek By Mojmir Babacek, September 12, 2024
Why So Much Media Attention for Venezuela? “Elected” vs. “Unelected” Presidents Latin America. Violent Regime Change By Marc Vandepitte, September 12, 2024
¿Por qué tanta atención mediática para Venezuela? By Marc Vandepitte, September 12, 2024
Protecting the Merchants of Death: The Australian Police Effort for Land Forces 2024 By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, September 12, 2024
Regime de Kiev admite ter enviado soldados mal treinados para a linha da frente. By Lucas Leiroz de Almeida, September 11, 2024
September 2001 Interview with Osama bin Laden. Categorically Denies his Involvement in 9/11 By Daily Ummat, September 11, 2024
The Bin Laden Family Profits from “Obama’s Alleged Terrorist Activities” and “The Jump in Defense Spending”: Wall Street Journal By Daniel Golden, James Bandler, and Marcus Walker, September 11, 2024
New Energy Holding Co-piloted by Russia and China? Oil Dependence in the Next Decade By Germán Gorraiz López, September 11, 2024