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Blinken’s Failed Diplomacy: Feeble and Hostile American Threats against China by Top-ranking US Officials Visiting Beijing By Drago Bosnic, April 25, 2024
Video: A Warning to America: 25 Ways the U.S. Is Being Destroyed By WesternLensman and Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, April 25, 2024
NATO’s “War Mongering Tentacles” to Scandinavia By Drago Bosnic, April 25, 2024
Pfizer ‘Chose Not to’ Tell Regulators About SV40 Sequence in COVID Shots: Health Canada Official By Noé Chartier and Matthew Horwood, April 25, 2024
Russia Destroys TV Tower Used by the Ukrainian Military in Kharkov By Lucas Leiroz de Almeida, April 25, 2024
Is It Game, Set, Match to Moscow? The Imminent Collapse of the Ukrainian State. Douglas Macgregor By Douglas Macgregor, April 25, 2024
Türkiye-EU and the Cyprus Problem By Ata Atun, April 25, 2024
O Regime de Kiev está prestes a recrutar crianças nas escolas. By Lucas Leiroz de Almeida, April 25, 2024
“This Is Your Problem Now”: US Leaving Ukraine to Its European Allies “to Do the Dirty Work” By Ahmed Adel, April 25, 2024
Health Benefits of Caffeine, Retained Spike Protein Causing Long-COVID, Pandemic Preparedness for Avian Influenza By Dr. Peter McCullough, April 25, 2024
Remember the History of Poland and the Outbreak of World War II: UK Prime Minister Sunak in Warsaw, Representing the Military-Industrial-Complex By Konrad Rękas, April 25, 2024
“Wars for Peace”: Massive Propaganda Has Brainwashed You to Believe that Wars Make Peace By Peter Koenig, April 25, 2024
“October 7” Documentary: The Full Story of Israel’s Attack on Palestine By If Americans Knew, April 25, 2024
War Propaganda Camouflages Western-Imposed Barbarism in Syria By Basma Qaddour, April 25, 2024
Video: War and Natural Gas: The Israeli Invasion and Gaza’s Offshore Gas Fields By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, April 25, 2024
Silenced Screams: Untold Stories of the Brutal Israeli Invasion of Nur Shams By Fayha Shalash, April 24, 2024
Palestinian Casualties in Gaza Mount By Abayomi Azikiwe, April 24, 2024
Censorship Wars: Elon Musk, Safety Commissioners and Violent Content By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, April 24, 2024
As Frontline Losses Pile Up, Neo-Nazi Junta Escalates Propaganda About ‘Shootdowns’ By Drago Bosnic, April 24, 2024
David Sacks and Elon Musk Slam New US Aid: “Ukraine will collapse anyway” By Ahmed Adel, April 24, 2024