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When Safety Is a Fiction: Passing the UK’s Rwanda Bill By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, May 02, 2024
Epidemic of 15-19 Year Olds Dropping Dead in Schools and Dorms Across USA and Canada in April 2023 By Dr. William Makis, May 02, 2024
Video: Dr. Naomi Wolf Uncovers Pfizer’s Depopulation Agenda, as Evidenced by Its Own Documents By The Vigilant Fox and Dr. Naomi Wolf, May 02, 2024
The Prison Industry in the United States: Big Business or a New Form of Slavery? By Vicky Peláez, May 02, 2024
Excess Deaths and Depopulation: Shall We Sit Around in Our Insouciance and Permit This to Happen? By Dr. John Campbell, Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, Makia Freeman, Peter Koenig, Dr. Joseph Mercola, Jeremy Kuzmarov, Stop World Control, and Prof Michel Chossudovsky, May 02, 2024
History of World War II: Operation Barbarossa: Myths and Reality By Dr. Jacques R. Pauwels, May 02, 2024
Is America Trying to Bait Iran Into a ‘Limited’ Nuclear War? By Drago Bosnic, May 02, 2024
Fifth Generation (5G) Directed Energy Radiation Emissions In the Context of Contaminated Nanometal Covid-19 Vaccines with Graphite Ferrous Oxide Antennas By Mark Steele, May 02, 2024
Os Estados Unidos provocam deliberadamente crises no continente europeu. By Lucas Leiroz de Almeida, May 01, 2024
Turbo Cancer: Cholangiocarcinoma in 20 and 30 Year Olds By Dr. William Makis, May 01, 2024
As the Tide Turns Towards Justice for Palestine, Where Does the Palestinian Diaspora Stand? By Barbara Nimri Aziz, May 01, 2024
The mRNA Vaccine Jab: Genocidal Projects and Degrees of Complicity. “Disease X” is Looming By Mark Taliano, May 01, 2024
Secretary of State Blinken Barfs U.S. Hubris All Over Beijing Officials By Joachim Hagopian, May 01, 2024
Absurdity and Criminality: Netanyahu Says Israel Will Invade Rafah “With or Without a Deal” By Bharat Dogra, May 01, 2024
“Unyielding” Story of Military Anthrax Vaccine Debacle By Dr. Peter McCullough, May 01, 2024
Key Ingredient in Pfizer and Moderna COVID Shots Aids Cancer Development, New Study Shows By Dr. Joe Wang, May 01, 2024
More Evidence Showing Vitamin D Combats Cancer By Dr. Joseph Mercola, May 01, 2024
Why India and the Global South Should Firmly Reject the Technology of Genetically Modified Insects By Bharat Dogra, May 01, 2024
History: What You Need to Know About May Day. International Workers Day By Leo Panitch, May 01, 2024
The Subjugation of Humanity to Machines. Dr. T. P. Wilkinson By Dr. T. P. Wilkinson, May 01, 2024