Martin Luther King, Yesterday and Today

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On this Martin Luther King day, as a proxy war rages in Ukraine, as regular people are divided against each other along antiquated racial lines, and as the world wakes up from the nightmare of “lockdowns” and other egregious violations of our civil and human rights, let’s honor the man who risked and lost his life to defy “the greatest purveyor of violence on earth”: our own government.

King knew that the “evil triplets of racism, militarism, and extreme materialism” were the lifeblood of establishment power, which would fall apart without its manufactured enemies, its disposable economy, and the organized division of its subject peoples.

Back then, King fought the vestiges of Jim Crow and the unofficial, if no less virulent, racism of the north. Today, he would fight state-corporate sponsored “intersectionality,” the weaponized “critical race theory” that masquerades as radicalism but, in reality, divides in order to conquer.

Back then, King defied much of the civil rights community, not to mention the federal government, to call the war in Vietnam the criminal occupation that it was.


Today, he would call out the US role in provoking the conflict in Ukraine, and note how the war further extends the goals of the World Economic Forum’s “Great Reset”: more scarcity, more surveillance and control, more money concentrated in fewer hands.

Back then, King planned to gather Americans of all races in Washington DC to demand an end to poverty in America.

Detroit 2011

Today, he would have railed against the effort to destabilize the working class and dehumanize immigration by means of an open border; he would have wondered at the science behind health dictates that closed small businesses, but left open giant monopolies; he would have been aghast at worldwide mandates that violated our most basic civil rights—the choices we make with our own bodies—in order to keep a job or get an education. Back then, King organized lunch counter sit-ins and bus boycotts to fight the evil of segregation; today, he would have sat-in at restaurants demanding vaccine passports and boycotted countries that required an experimental injection to enter their borders.

Like many of us, King might have been bewildered and disheartened by the world he found today. But not for long. Just as he broadened his vision to see how “the bombs in Vietnam explode at home, making the poor, both white and Negro, bear the heaviest burden,” so too would he see how the world has been denied its very humanity under the banner of “public health,” how globalization has finally robbed us of all sovereignty, and how those who wield advanced technology have both canceled our speech and privatized our immune systems.

Let’s remember the forgotten King of yesterday, the anti-war, anti-poverty activist who knew working people had to reach across racial lines to overcome oppression. Let’s also imagine the King of today, who would have wept to see his children so broken in spirit, and so bereft of wisdom, that we would let our schools and places of worship be shuttered even as the liquor stores were mandated “essential.”

Today’s King would force us to confront the new power that has settled over the globe, that hideous strength that makes nothing true and every transgression permissible. He would make us ashamed of how low we’ve become.  And he would command us to stand.


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John Kirby is the director of FOUR DIED TRYING, a feature documentary series about the extraordinary lives and calamitous deaths of President John F. Kennedy, Malcom X, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., and Senator Robert F. Kennedy.  The series will premiere in November of 2023.  

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Articles by: John Kirby

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