With Military-Industrial-Media-Academic Complex Ruling, Biden’s Drop Out Is of Little Importance


While it is good for the US and the world that Joe “having-supported-all-wars-there were-to-support“ Biden has dropped out, the mainstream media attention to the US presidential elections is mind-bogglingly out of proportion. There are 200 other countries, and among them, a few that will influence the world’s future much more than the US – but how many could even mention their leaders’ names?

Secondly, while the president’s personality, experience and style are of some importance, we must be aware that s/he first represents the declining, militaristic empire’s MIMAC – Military-Industrial-Media-Academic Complex, what some call the deep state. And that MIMAC is getting desperate.

Influential people who work against MIMAC risk their lives – the Kennedys, Martin Luther King, Jr. in the US, Olof Palme in Sweden, and Dag Hammarskjöld at the UN – and lots of unsung anti-war and peace heroes too. A short clip from 1967 when the US was greater but – already then – too arrogant:

Post-1945 US has been by far the most war-fighting and most killing nation, the most militaristic with 600+ military bases in 130+ countries and special operating forces and the CIA all over the place. It’s been the most regime-changing ‘leader’.

It’s been exceptionalist and seen itself as God’s own country and as standing over and above everybody else, lately with its rules-based international order enabling it to violate every UN Charter norm and Geneva Convention.

Please do not believe that Kamala Harris will change any of that.

Biden was Obama’s Vice President when that administration carried out yet another regime change, this time in Kiev in 2014, which marks the true beginning of the NATO-Russia conflict playing out so tragically in Ukraine.

When you listened to Biden’s rhetoric about the US being the “essential nation of the world” – and his own “I’m running the world,” it should be pretty clear that the problem is not Biden’s dementia but the US’ hubris, immodesty, megalomania – arrogance.

And it only got worse after 1967. Perhaps God, the infinitely patient, has finally intervened?


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