Michel Chossudovsky’s “The Globalization of War”: A Riveting Read

Book Review

In Michel Chossudovsky’s thesis as presented in The Globalization of War: America’s “Long War” against Humanity, the United States has become the Big Brother of George Orwell’s 1984, a totalitarian state that brainwashes its citizens into believing that a state of constant warfare must be raged against mythical enemies, that human rights must be suppressed for the sake of national security; and acts of horrific violence are portrayed as attempts at peace-making.

The rulers of the US state are global industrialists, bankers, and businessmen who seek to gain control of the world’s natural resources, including the vast natural gas, oil, and uranium reserves at the basin of the Caspian Sea, for power and profit. It’s a thesis that many in the main-stream media might dismiss as a conspiracy theory, save for the fact that it is supported by the chain of events that have unfolded since the close of World War II.

originalIn 1945, as Mr. Chossudovsky points out, the United States emerged as the sole victor state that had been unscathed by genocide and territorial devastation. France, the U.K. Belgium, and the Netherlands opted to surrender their sovereign powers to U.S. hegemony for the sake of reconstruction and financial stability. The American military, industrial, and political leaders chose to seize the post-war state of affairs to create a New World Order that would remain under their economic control. This objective became crystallized in the “Truman Doctrine,” which held that the U.S. must maintain global dominance by military means. Such dominance, the doctrine professed, was for the good of humanity.

The American people became hoodwinked into supporting a war without borders, a war not only against nations but also against nouns such as “terrorism,” by a carefully orchestrated media campaign in which the two enemies of the United States – – “rogue states” and “Islamic terrorists” – – became presented as violators of human rights.

The purpose of these endless wars, according to Chossudovsky, is not conquest but the destruction of sovereign states so that the United States will emerge triumphant as the world’s sole political and economic power. The author believes that this purpose was evident in the Vietnam Nam which resulted not in a military victory but rather the constitution of a new impoverished frontier for cheap labor. Mr. Chussudovsky, like Karl Marx, maintains that economics constitutes the sole explanation for prevailing systems of thought, morality, and political action.

Such action as undertaken by the U.S., Chossudovsky argues, is criminal since it has resulted in the murder of millions of innocent civilians, along with the creation of death squads, civil conflict, and terror groups, including al Qaeda. Such criminality, he maintains, is presented to the public as beneficent for humanity. Prof. Chossudovsky quotes former U.S. Secretary of State Madeleine Albright, who, when asked if the embargo against Iran justified the deaths of half a million children, said: “I think this is a very hard choice, but the price – – we think the price is worth it.”

Michel Chossudovsky is not biased in his condemnation of U.S. political leaders who have engaged in wholesale acts of death and destruction. He takes Barack Obama to the woodshed as well as Bush père and Bush fils. He is intolerant of both progressive liberals and neoconservatives, all the while keenly aware that the real movers and shakers are not the elected officials but international bankers, global industrialists, and, of course, defense contractors. The driving force behind the wars without end is greed.

The book contains insights into the U.S. creation of ISIS to create a strategy of tension in the Middle East and the U.S. support of a Neo-Nazi regime in the Ukraine. It also contains telling information about the ways and means the American propaganda machine manufactures consent and dissent for the economic elite so that the dumbed-down American populace will continue to believe that they live in a democracy.

At the conclusion of his analysis, Chossudovsky expresses optimism that an antiwar movement will be mounted to end America’s long war against humanity. This movement must target the mainstream media in order to uncover the lies and fabrications that sustain the global war agenda. It must also initiate a campaign of networking and outreach to churches, schools, universities, and political action groups. The dynamics of dialectical material, he believes, remain in place. The thesis of global capitalism eventually will give way to the antithesis of new-found nationalism. In this lies the hope.

Mr. Chossudovsky’s book is challenging and informative. For those who seek the truth, it is required reading.

Paul L. Williams, Ph.D., is the author of Operation Gladio: The Unholy Alliance between the Vatican, the CIA, and the Mafia.


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Articles by: Dr. Paul L. Williams

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