Michel Chossudovsky Granted Doctor Honoris Causa by the National Autonomous University of Nicaragua (UNAN)

Michel Chossudovsky, Professor of Economics, emeritus, University of Ottawa and Director of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG) was awarded the title of Doctor Honoris Causa in Humanities by the National Autonomous University of Nicaragua, Managua in recognition of his commitment to the “cause of freedom and universal justice, and his contributions in the field of Economics, Political Science and the Humanities.”

Rector Ramona Rodriguez Perez, presented the Diploma and medal at a ceremony, held on Tuesday, May 17 in the Auditorium “Fernando Gordillo Cervantes”.

Presiding over the ceremony, were the Rector Ramona Rodriguez Perez; Vice-Rector Jaime Lopez Lowery; the Secretary General, Dr. Luis Alfredo Lobato White; Vice Rector for Research, Pichardo Javier Ramirez and Vice-Rector Academic, Dr. Hugo Gutierrez Ocon.

The venue was attended by members of the University Council, ambassadors, representatives of state institutions, professors and students  of the UNAN.

The granting of this distinction was approved by the University Council at the regular meeting of April 15, 2016, considering that Dr. Chossudovsky is a

“true example for our university community as a prominent academic and intellectual as well as a progressive voice in the international arena. He is world figure in the struggle for peace, human rights and the cause of the oppressed peoples against social injustic.”

In her speech, the Rector said:

“This event allows us to highlight the importance of international solidarity. It is not possible for us to limit our academic activity and scientific work to local and national issues. The strength of our institution will largely depend on our understanding of the New World Order which surrounds us and which affects our social and economic realities.  We must develop social awareness of the injustices of the world and reflect on the great problems facing humanity including conflicts, natural disasters, social injustice and crisis.”

She also referred to the role of the University at the international level which “allows us to promote our values and principles to contribute to a more united world”.

Translated by GR.

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