Message to the US Media: “Killing Afghans who had nothing to do with what happened on 9/11”

For us, Obama did what he should have avoided, that is escalating the war in Afghanistan instead of ending this illegal and immoral war.

Just yesterday US bombers killed 25 Afghans in Helmand and when people complained NATO said “it was only 14 and they were insurgents”. 

Killing Afghans who had nothing to do with what happened on 9/11.

After what Wikileaks has revealed and what the common ordinary Afghans know about the crimes being committed against them by the foreign military, the latest 12 US soldiers from Fort Lewis in Washington State being on trial for killing Afghans “just for sport” and keeping body parts with them as war trophy, what difference does it make who rules the Congress?

We have deeper moral problems in this country if the people do not care about the crimes committed in another land in their name and borrow $100 billion from China or keep printing money to spend on the war in Afghanistan claiming “it will keep us safe”.  

Further, read the report by Richard Gage and Gregg Roberts : “Evidence Refutes the the Official 9/11 Investigation: The Scientific Forensic Facts” on their web  They presented their report at the Washington Press Club on September 9, 2010. The implication of their findings are extremely important.

Was the tragic events of 9/11 a “falseflag” as some have suggested?

Where is the media coverage on these issues and coverage about what is going on in Washington that is sinking our country and other countries attacked by the US. 

Siddieq Noorzoy is Professor of Economics, Emeritus, Chairman, Islamic Peace and Reform Movement of Afghanistan

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Articles by: Siddieq Noorzoy

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