Max Blumenthal: A Hero of Our Time

Thuggish arrest of investigative journalist in Washington DC

Even though the charges against him were just dropped, the thuggish arrest of investigative journalist Max Blumenthal by the DC police in late October on months-old charges of allegedly “assaulting” a counter-protester who forcibly prevented him and others from delivering food to anti-coup activists occupying the Venezuelan Embassy earlier in the year proved that not even the scions of famous families are safe from the long arm of the “deep state” if they dare to draw attention to its illegal activities abroad.

Max Blumenthal is a well-known investigative journalist within the Alt-Media Community who earned his respect by challenging the narratives of his former Mainstream Media partners after traveling to Syria, Venezuela, and elsewhere to report the truth about how those countries have become victims of American foreign policy. Blumenthal has also actively campaigned against “Israel‘s” occupation of Palestine and is an outspoken anti-Zionist. It’s already commendable enough that he’s bravely challenging the establishment, but it’s even more worthy of respect that he comes from a famous family and therefore never had to do any of this unless he truly believed in it. His father is Sidney Blumenthal, former confidant of Hillary Clinton, and Max could have easily relied on his father’s connections to live a comfortable life free from controversy or strife, but he instead chose to stand up for the ideals that he truly believes in with the hope that his work could eventually have a positive impact on everyone who comes across it.

Because of his family’s standing and the widespread attention that his work has formerly received in the Mainstream Media and nowadays in the Alternative one, Blumenthal is considered by his country’s “deep state” to be a threat to their narrative control over the world, hence why they’ve recently targeted him in one of the most thuggish ways possible so as to intimidate him into self-censoring and ultimately discontinuing his work. He was arrested in late October by a team of DC police officers who ominously took up positions around his place of residence in the early morning of 25 October in a clear hint that they were prepared to carry out a SWAT-style raid if he didn’t peacefully surrender himself on months-old charges of allegedly “assaulting” a counter-protester who forcibly prevented him and others from delivering food to anti-coup activists occupying the Venezuelan Embassy earlier in the year, thus proving that not even the scions of famous families are safe from the long arm of the “deep state” if they dare to draw attention to its illegal activities abroad.

Blumenthal insisted that the charges against him were 100% false and politically motivated by his work, which was now proven to have been the case after they were just dropped. Standard procedure doesn’t dictate that a team of police officers prepare for a SWAT-style raid against a suspect accused of simple assault, let alone against one who clearly wouldn’t be regarded by any sensible person as being armed, dangerous, or likely to forcefully resist arrest. The whole intent in carrying out that stunt was to make him believe that he could be shot and killed if he didn’t go along with them that very instant, conveying the message that very powerful forces want him to shut up or else. One would naturally think that the scandalous circumstances in which the warrant was served would have attracted widespread media attention in and of themselves, to say nothing of the fact that he’s the son of a famous figure, though the Mainstream Media neglected to report on what happened. This is extremely unusual for the reasons that were mentioned, suggesting that a coordinated media blackout was imposed upon them.

Blumenthal is left-leaning just like the vast majority of the US’ Mainstream Media outlets, but they don’t regard him as “one of their own” who’s worthy of their protection because his reporting exposed how these same supposedly leftist platforms are peddling neo-imperialist propaganda that goes against everything that their ideology is supposed to stand for. The very fact that a prominent leftist activist-journalist such as Blumenthal would so loudly rise up against them reinforces their perception and that of their “deep state” backers that his work constitutes a threat which must be suppressed by all means possible, ergo his thuggish arrest on false charges that was conducted in such a dangerously irresponsible way meant to intimidate him. Had Blumenthal not been blessed with the instinct to instantly go along with what was happening, there’s a credible possibility that he might have ended up injured or worse just to send a message to anyone else that they should think twice before trying to follow in his footsteps.

Although that thankfully didn’t happen in this case, the heavy-handed approaches employed by the state against dissidents such as Blumenthal — to say nothing of their attempts to frame activist-journalists like him on trumped-up charges — usually end up backfiring by making the victim a martyr for the cause and further delegitimizing the establishment. Blumenthal can rely upon his vast network of contacts in the Alt-Media Community to spread the truth about happened to him, which makes an even more powerful impact on their audience because of the fact that none of the Mainstream Media are allowed to publicly acknowledge what he recently went through. This dystopian backdrop can’t help but fill his followers with dread, though at the same time it also inspires them to continue sharing his work because they all realize just how scared the “deep state” is of it, which proves that Blumenthal is a real hero of our time who rightly earned his respect and is on the path to fulfilling his life’s mission to make a positive difference in this world.


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This article was originally published on OneWorld.

Andrew Korybko is an American Moscow-based political analyst specializing in the relationship between the US strategy in Afro-Eurasia, China’s One Belt One Road global vision of New Silk Road connectivity, and Hybrid Warfare. He is a frequent contributor to Global Research.

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Articles by: Andrew Korybko

About the author:

Andrew Korybko is an American Moscow-based political analyst specializing in the relationship between the US strategy in Afro-Eurasia, China’s One Belt One Road global vision of New Silk Road connectivity, and Hybrid Warfare. He is a frequent contributor to Global Research.

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