US Presidential Elections: Let’s Not Get Neo-Conned by Clinton Again…
Liberal and progressive Democrats like Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren are doing their best to get us to hold our noses and vote for Hillary. I also said I’d never vote for a Republican again, after George Bush went in to destroy Iraq and Afghanistan. But life is not so simple. You can’t afford to give either side your unthinking support.
Hillary using a private email server was not the end of the world, but what about the contents of her emails? They showed her as the chief instigator of the Libya genocide that turned Africa’s most shining success story into a failed, jihadist warlord state.
And Hillary is utterly unrepentant. She wants still more! She wants to escalate the war of terror on Syria, seek confrontation with Russia and Iran, and run the risk of WW3 — to save terrorist groups like Al Nusra!
Short answer: If you don’t support terrorism, don’t support Hillary Clinton.
The crux of the problem is not that Hillary is an imperfect Democrat, it’s that she is a perfect NeoCon.
Mrs. Clinton is also a party hack who represents special interests. So even on domestic issues, we could well be better off with Trump. The Clintons made their millions from corrupt politics, while Trump is spending from his own self-made fortune to run for office. We can at least hope that he is doing this to serve his country.
In our book ISIS IS US: The Shocking Truth Behind the Army of Terror, we tell where Hillary’s Libyan terrorists went next: to Syria, to start the war there. Mercenaries, extremists and criminals from all over were paid to set up a barbaric “Islamic State” — to murder, rape, pillage — and make refugees out of millions of families.Mrs. Clinton was Secretary of State when the calamities began, from Jan. 2009 through Jan. 2013. It’s true that ISIS in Iraq was fostered by the Bush regime starting in 2004. The Clinton-Obama project to destroy Libya and Syria was a direct outgrowth of that, as shown by Michel Chossudovsky in The Globalization of War.
It’s the same neo-con framework. So a vote for Hillary is like a vote for Bush. Of course, we accept imperfections when a candidate has redeeming qualities. I don’t see any such redemption with Hillary.
She has put a nuclear first strike against Russia on the table. For what? Total hegemony by the New World Order?
No thank you. We have seen enough of you, Mrs. Clinton.
John-Paul Leonard has a BA in Political Science from UCLA (1971) and an MBA from UC Berkeley (1980.) He began doing business as in 2002, specializing in books on 9/11 and other false flag operations. He is co-author of ISIS IS US: The Shocking Truth Behind the Army of Terror with Washington’s Blog, Wayne Madsen and Syrian Girl Partisan.