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VIDEO: Euro Currency Crisis: Trapped Inside an Economic Prison By Nigel Farage, February 23, 2012
Russia: Attack On Iran Would Be Catastrophic By Global Research, February 23, 2012
Russia, China Warn Against Foreign Intervention In Syria By Global Research, February 23, 2012
VIDEO: Don’t Get Fooled Again on Iran By Global Research, February 23, 2012
Week in Review: Anti-Iran Fear-Mongering, Wall Street Attack in Europe and Social Media Censorship By Global Research, February 23, 2012
Is the ‘Green Economy’ A New Washington Consensus? By Working Group on Green Economy, February 23, 2012
Veteran US Diplomat Questions Syria Storyline – Focus on Syria Derived From Iran Fixation By Sharmine Narwani, February 23, 2012
Americans Abandon International Law: 70 % Approve Guantanamo By Nat Parry, February 23, 2012
Syria: Seeking a Convenient Casus Belli By Tony Cartalucci, February 23, 2012
Irresponsible Anti-Iranian Fear-Mongering By Stephen Lendman, February 23, 2012
Top Social Media Websites Caught Censoring Controversial Content By Washington's Blog, February 23, 2012
BREAKING NEWS: Israel backing down from Iran threats By Michael Carmichael, February 22, 2012
Look at the Facts: Who Is The REAL Nuclear Threat in the Middle East? By Larry Everest, February 22, 2012
The Wage-Cutter in Chief: Obama Hails Record GM Profits By Patrick Martin, February 22, 2012
VIDEO – Middle-East Tensions: 300 Nukes in Israel yet “Iran is the threat” By Patrick J. Buchanan, February 22, 2012
Made in Jordan: Thousands of Gunmen Preparing to Enter Syria? By Global Research, February 22, 2012
VIDEO: C-SPAN Audience Rejects Fake Terror Claims By Global Research, February 22, 2012
Turkish Secret Agents Trained by the Mossad Captured in Syria By Global Research News, February 22, 2012
CIA and Mossad Rebuilding Spy Ring in Tunisia By Global Research News, February 22, 2012
VIDEO: Stand By Me: In Solidarity with Palestinian Prisoners By Global Research, February 22, 2012
Towards the Creation of the US-Canada Police State. “Counterterrorism” and War on Drugs used to Justify Sweeping Reforms By Dana Gabriel, February 22, 2012
U.S. Trojan Horses In Venezuela By Nil Nikandrov, February 22, 2012
Demise of the European Economy Triggered by a small group of big Wall Street Hitters By Bob Chapman, February 22, 2012
VIDEO: Real Wealth vs. The Debt Bubble By Catherine Austin Fitts and James Corbett, February 21, 2012
SYRIA: “Human Rights” Warriors for Empire By Glen Ford, February 21, 2012
Lebanon, Russia Boycott ‘Friends of Syria’ Meet By Global Research, February 21, 2012
Face-Scanning for Targeted Advertising Rolled Out In London By Paul Joseph Watson, February 21, 2012
U.S. Rejects Karzai’s Demand to End Raids By Gareth Porter and Shah Nouri, February 21, 2012
Iraq Violence Drops as al-Qaeda Heads to Syria By Jason Ditz, February 21, 2012
Drones Come to the US By Bill Van Auken, February 21, 2012
Manipulating Reality: Shaping Threats, Destroying Democracy By Prof. Lawrence Davidson, February 21, 2012
The 10 Most Excellent Reasons to Attack Iran By David Swanson, February 21, 2012
How Greece Could Take Down Wall Street By Ellen Brown, February 21, 2012
US Military and CIA Interventions since World War II. By William Blum, February 20, 2012
Silencing The Critics By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, February 20, 2012
Unjust Incarceration of Ethiopians: Protest at the Saudi Arabia Embassy in Washington Feb. 21, at 10 Am By Ethiopian Review, February 20, 2012
Current negotiations are excluding Afghans: Is it time for an Afghan national referendum? By The Afghan Youth Peace Volunteers, February 20, 2012
‘SWIFT Boating’ Iran: Economic War a Prelude to Military Attack By Tom Burghardt, February 20, 2012
VIDEO: “Food Rules” for Healthy People and Planet By Michael Pollan, February 20, 2012
VIDEO: US-NATO Support Al Qaeda-Affiliated Rebels in Syria By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, February 20, 2012
Israel ‘Will Make Own Decision’ on Attacking Iran By Jason Ditz, February 20, 2012
U.S. Violates Syrian Air Space: Drones Over Syria as Fighting Spreads By Alex Lantier, February 20, 2012
Witnessing Human Rights Violations in Bahrain By Brian Terrell, February 20, 2012
Political Prisoners in America’s Gulag By Stephen Lendman, February 20, 2012
More than 14 million Syrians participate in constitutional referendum By Global Research, February 20, 2012
The “Global Crises of Capitalism”; Whose Crises, Who Profits? By Prof. James Petras, February 20, 2012
The Prison: “Humane Alternative” or A Tool of Social Control? By Devon Douglas-Bowers, February 19, 2012
New War on the Horizon: “We Are Drowning” On A Road To Nowhere… By Danny Schechter, February 19, 2012
Bolivia: ‘Governing by Obeying the People’ By Federico Fuentes, February 19, 2012
Using the UN General Assembly to Justify War and “Regime Change” in Syria By Ronda Hauben, February 19, 2012
Empire’s Double Edged Sword: Global Military + NGOs By Tony Cartalucci, February 19, 2012
Why I’m Suing the FBI, the DoD and the CIA By Jason Leopold, February 19, 2012
Why Everyone Should Occupy US 1% Corporate Media: They Lie By Carl Herman, February 19, 2012
UN Vote Seen as Stepping Stone Toward Military Intervention in Syria By Chris Marsden, February 19, 2012
VIDEO: FBI Latest Government Agency to Target Social Media By James Corbett, February 18, 2012
Instability in the Oil and Currency Markets: Petro-Dollars and the Oil Bourse By Bob Chapman, February 18, 2012
Wrongheaded UN Vote on Syria: US-NATO “Arm Twisting” at the General Assembly By Stephen Lendman, February 18, 2012
Global Systemic Crisis: Towards a Renaissance in European political and economic integration By GEAB, February 18, 2012
Lieberman Edges US to War with Iran By Robert Parry, February 18, 2012
VIDEO: DHS Testimony on Social Networking and Media Monitoring By Public Intelligence, February 18, 2012
85 Things That Might Get You on a DHS Terrorist Watch List By Robert Wenzel, February 18, 2012
Would You Vote For This Man? By Mike Whitney, February 18, 2012
VIDEOS: War Propaganda Corporate Media Steers World Toward Disaster By Kurt Nimmo, February 18, 2012
The .0000063% Election By Ari Berman, February 18, 2012
Syria and the media: “Activists say…” By William Bowles, February 18, 2012
SYRIA: Ban Ki-moon and Churchill’s Shadow: UN Secretary General endorses US-NATO War Propaganda By Dmitriy Sedov, February 18, 2012
Millions of Evangelical Christians Want to Start World War III … to Speed Up the Second Coming By Washington's Blog, February 18, 2012
It Is Time We Recognised the Blair Government’s Criminality By John Pilger, February 17, 2012
The Assassination of Iranian Scientists: In What Way is Iran a Threat to Israel? By Prof. Ismael Hossein-Zadeh, February 17, 2012
US, Israel Invoke Terror To Ratchet Up War Threats Against Iran By Bill Van Auken, February 17, 2012
Banker Occupied Europe and America By Stephen Lendman, February 17, 2012
Amnesty International Details Torture and Murder in Libya By Patrick Martin, February 17, 2012
HAITI: The Macoutification of Martelly’s Power By Kim Ives, February 17, 2012
Syria: Feeding Off the Carcase By William Bowles, February 17, 2012
UWMD: DRONES. UNMANNED DESTRUCTION: UK-France Military Cooperation Agreement on Drones By Global Research, February 17, 2012
Obama’s Game By Srdja Trifkovic, February 17, 2012
US BACKED BAHRAIN REGIME: Canadian Man Freed From Jail Nightmare, while Hundreds of others Continue to Languish in Prison By Finian Cunningham, February 17, 2012
Netizen Journalism, Libya and the UN By Ronda Hauben, February 17, 2012
CONFERENCE: Moratorium to Stop Foreclosures By Global Research, February 17, 2012
How Will Increased Iranian Sanctions Affect South Africa By John C.K. Daly, February 16, 2012