Latest News and Top Stories

Death of South Africa’s Lonmin Mining House. “Murder by Money” By Prof. Patrick Bond, May 30, 2019
Ukraine’s New President Volodymyr Zelensky: Wing-Clipped in Rare, Public “Diplomatic” Document By Joris De Draeck, May 30, 2019
France and Ireland Tap up EU for €667 Million to Build Massive Energy Power Link By Sam Morgan, May 30, 2019
Srebrenica and Jasenovac: The Genuine Difference Between a Phony and a Real Genocide By Stephen Karganovic, May 30, 2019
The Sensation of “Financialization”: How It Undermines Real Economic Development By Jomo Kwame Sundaram and Dr. Michael Lim Mah Hui, May 30, 2019
The American People Are the True Victims of the US Sponsored “Coup” against Venezuela By Eleanor Goldfield, May 30, 2019
Unequal Justice: Julian Assange Is an Enemy in Trump’s War on the First Amendment By Bill Blum, May 30, 2019
Hard Right Turn Ontario: Authoritarian Neoliberalism By Prof. Greg Albo, May 30, 2019
Hassan Diab and His Supporters Demand Public Release of Segal Report and Renew Call for Public Inquiry and Reform of Canada’s Extradition Act By Hassan Diab Support Committee, May 30, 2019
How Yesterday Resembles Today: Iran Confronted the US in the Straits of Hormuz in the 1980s By Elijah J. Magnier, May 30, 2019
Trump’s Decision to Arm the Saudis Against Iran Will End in Disaster By Daniel R. DePetris, May 30, 2019
Agricultural Memory and Sustainability By Dr. Kelly Reed, May 30, 2019
Daesh Terror Group Burns 5,000 Acres of Crops Across Iraq: Official By Daily Sabah, May 30, 2019
Lies in Politics: Boris Johnson, the Law and the European Union By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, May 30, 2019
Video: Kosovo Police Raids in Serb-majority Areas Spark New Round of Tensions in the Balkans By South Front, May 30, 2019
U.S. Government Seeks NGO Help for Removing Iran from Syria By Dr. Michael Brenner, May 30, 2019
South Africa Elections: African National Congress (ANC) Maintains Majority By Abayomi Azikiwe, May 30, 2019
“Technotyranny”: The Iron-Fisted Authoritarianism of the Surveillance State By John W. Whitehead, May 30, 2019
The Bilderbergers in Switzerland By Peter Koenig, May 30, 2019
Former Israeli Defense Minister Confirms Israeli Collaboration with ISIS in Syria By Richard Silverstein, May 30, 2019
Serbia President Vucic’ Failed Efforts to “Recognize” Kosovo as an Independent Nation State By Andrew Korybko, May 29, 2019
Detroit’s Water Austerity: Lack of Household Water, Contamination, Potential Public Health Crisis By Julia Kassem, May 29, 2019
Sabotage to Ten Cargo Ships Preventing Them from Arriving in Venezuela By Maritime Herald, May 29, 2019
Will America Go to War? Trump’s Middle East Troop Dispatch Is Nothing More than Chest-thumping By Andrew Korybko, May 29, 2019
Can Boris Johnson Save Brexit? By Andrew Korybko, May 29, 2019
Speeding into the Void of Cyberspace as Designed By Edward Curtin, May 29, 2019
Endless Procedural Abuses Show Julian Assange Case Was Never About Law By Jonathan Cook, May 29, 2019
Growth in Renewable Energy Has Stalled. Investment Is Falling. But Why? By John Treat and Sean Sweeney, May 29, 2019
The Decline of Jamaica’s Trade Union Movement in the Era of Capitalist Globalization By Tina Renier, May 29, 2019
The Ever Dependable Bully on Embassy Row; Venezuela and Iraq Are No Longer Worlds Apart By Barbara Nimri Aziz, May 29, 2019
China Has Three Trump Cards to Win the US-China Trade War By Jin Canrong, May 29, 2019
US Senator Calls for Grenada-like Invasion of Venezuela By Telesur, May 29, 2019
Congress Fiddles While Trump Lurches Toward War on Iran By Rep. Ron Paul, May 29, 2019
Video: Syria Ambassador Jaafari at UN Security Council: “Words may Lie, but Actions will always Tell the Truth” By Dr. Bachar al-Jaafari, May 29, 2019
Warzone: 42 People Shot in Chicago over Memorial Day Weekend By Zero Hedge, May 29, 2019
If Trump Really Only Wants ‘No Iranian Nukes,’ then He Should Just Rejoin the Nuclear Deal By Prof. Juan Cole, May 29, 2019
Military Madness: German Hi Tech Weapons for Israel By Hans Stehling, May 29, 2019
Robert Stuart vs the BBC: “Saving Syria’s Children”. Was the Video Footage “Real” or “Staged”? By Susan Dirgham and Rick Sterling, May 29, 2019
New York City, Rockefeller Center, Christmas, Angels, Trumpets | CGP Grey (CC BY 2.0)
Selected Articles: The Rockefeller Way: The Family’s Covert ‘Climate Change’ Plan By Global Research News, May 28, 2019
Confirmed: Secretive Bilderberg Meeting to be Held in Switzerland from May 30th By The Local, May 28, 2019
European Elections – Read What You Want from These Statistics. Britain Cannot Decide on Brexit By True Publica, May 28, 2019
Trump’s ‘Big, Beautiful’ Wall Crumbles in Court By Dror Ladin, May 28, 2019
DHS Is Locking Immigrants in Solitary Confinement By Naureen Shah, May 28, 2019
Russia’s Military Deal with the Congo Republic Completes Its African “Corridor of Influence” By Andrew Korybko, May 28, 2019
Turkish Dreams of a “Radical Islamic Annex” in Northern Syria Fade Away By Steven Sahiounie, May 28, 2019
Authoritarian Spirits: Congress, the Espionage Act and Punishing WikiLeaks By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, May 28, 2019
Brutal Patterns in “United States Governance” By Robert Fantina, May 28, 2019
Turkey Shoots Itself in the Foot by Providing Syrian “Opposition” with Advanced Weapons By Ahmad Al Khaled, May 28, 2019
War is a Racket. Major General Smedley Butler By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, May 28, 2019
US Policy Toward Iran Is All About Regime Change By Stephen Lendman, May 27, 2019
Palestinian Economic Development Under Zionist Settler Colonialism By Dr. Zuhair Sabbagh, May 27, 2019
How Psychological Vulnerabilities Are Exploited to Control Us By Dr. Lissa Johnson and Eresh Omar Jamal, May 27, 2019
Predatory Corporations in South Africa: The Lonmin Mining House and the 2012 Marikana Massacre By Prof. Patrick Bond, May 27, 2019
The US Army Asked Twitter How Service Has Impacted People. The Answers Were Gut-Wrenching. By Caitlin Johnstone, May 27, 2019
Video: Syrian Army Delivers Blow to Al Qaeda Militants, Takes Back Kafr Nabudah By South Front, May 27, 2019
Sophisticated Media Distortion of Palestinian Protest and Israeli Power By Ahmed Abu Artema, May 27, 2019
US-Backed Terrorists “Struggle” after Returning from Syria. The ISIS and America’s Terrorist Foreign Legions By Ulson Gunnar, May 27, 2019
The World: What Is Really Happening By Craig Murray, May 27, 2019
Extreme Poverty, Systemic Immiseration of Great Britain: Ten Damning Conclusions from the New UN Poverty Report By Sean Bell, May 27, 2019
Bread and Circuses, Clowns and Imposters. “Syria Face to Face” By Janice Kortkamp and Mark Taliano, May 27, 2019
Antibiotics Found in Some of the World’s Rivers Exceed ‘Safe’ Levels, Global Study Finds By University of York, May 27, 2019
An “Emergency” to Send Billions in Weapons to the Saudis By Gary Leupp, May 27, 2019
The War Racket Continues… 84 Years Later! By Philip A Farruggio, May 27, 2019
An Attack on Iran Would Violate US and International Law By Prof. Marjorie Cohn, May 27, 2019
Oppose Doug Ford’s Ontario Schools Budget By Dudley Paul, May 27, 2019
Maduro: “Only Dialogue Can Resolve the Crisis” By Prof Susan Babbitt, May 27, 2019
Amnesty International Hangs Julian Assange Out to Dry — or Possibly Just Hang By Alexander Rubinstein, May 27, 2019
Trump Regime Demand for Palestinian Surrender. Washington’s “Peace Process” is a Colossal Hoax By Stephen Lendman, May 27, 2019
U.S. War Criminals, Conspiracy Theorists and the Mainstream Media vs. Julian Assange By Timothy Alexander Guzman, May 27, 2019
Where the Forest Has No Name By Paul Koberstein and Jessica Applegate, May 27, 2019
It Is Indifference of the Israelis that Is Killing People By Andre Vltchek, May 27, 2019
The Western Media is Key to Syria Deceptions, Al Qaeda Propaganda By Jonathan Cook, May 27, 2019
Africa Liberation Day 2019: Continental Path at the Crossroads By Abayomi Azikiwe, May 27, 2019
Neo-liberalism: What Is It? What Is Wrong with It? What Next? By Prof. Joseph H. Chung, May 27, 2019
US-China Trade War: Are Rare Earths China’s “Ultimate Weapon”? By F. William Engdahl, May 27, 2019
The End of Theresa May By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, May 27, 2019
Selected Articles: “How to Destroy Russia” By Global Research News, May 26, 2019
Bipartisan Thirst for More War: 75% of US Congress Calls on Trump to Boost Intervention in Syria, to ‘Pressure’ Iran and Russia By Ben Norton, May 26, 2019
New Syria Chemical Attack Blamed on Government. Reports Fostered Divisions Among U.S. Allies By Firas Samuri, May 26, 2019
Western Media Parrot Flawed Narrative on UAE Fujairah “Sabotage”. Iran Taking the Blame By Alireza Hashemi, May 26, 2019