Latest News and Top Stories

Trump and His Team Are Lying Their Way to War with Iran By Ryan Costello, January 07, 2020
The Jawaharlal Nehru University Attack Shows Just How Fascist The ‘Modi Mob’ Is By Andrew Korybko, January 07, 2020
Iranian Revenge Will Be A Dish Best Served Cold By Scott Ritter, January 07, 2020
Fragmentation in the “Axis of Resistance” Led to Soleimani’s Death By Elijah J. Magnier, January 07, 2020
Impeach Trump for Acts of War on Iraq, Iran and Elsewhere By Stephen Lendman, January 07, 2020
Canadian Peace Congress Condemns Imperial War Crimes By Laura Savinkoff and Christopher Black, January 07, 2020
52 Stealth Fighter Jets Elephant Walk In Show Of Force Amid Threats Of War By Zero Hedge, January 07, 2020
US Blocks Iran’s Foreign Minister From Addressing UN Security Council By Telesur, January 07, 2020
Financial N-Option Will Settle Trump’s Oil War By Pepe Escobar, January 07, 2020
America, Where Great Literature Kicked the Bucket By Andre Vltchek, January 07, 2020
Trump has Placed the United States on a Collision Course with Iran By Donald Monaco, January 07, 2020
Video: Qassem Soleimani: Martyr of Iranian Revolution By South Front, January 07, 2020
Putin Should Take Control of the Iranian Situation Out of Israel’s Hands By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, January 07, 2020
“Yankee Go Home” Is Chanted in Baghdad after Parliament Asks for US Troop Expulsion By Steven Sahiounie, January 07, 2020
America, An Empire on its Last Leg: To be Kicked Out from the Middle East? By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, January 07, 2020
Don’t Militarize the Heavens By Prof. Karl Grossman, January 07, 2020
Putin’s Hour Is at Hand By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, January 06, 2020
Global Research: Powered by Readers By The Global Research Team, January 06, 2020
The Gulf Monarchies Intervention in The Horn of Africa: Devastating Impact on Somalia By Dr. Bischara A. Egal, January 06, 2020
Lies, the Bethlehem Doctrine, and the Illegal Murder of Soleimani By Craig Murray, January 06, 2020
What Comes Next after the US Assassination of Qassem Soleimani? The Options By Elijah J. Magnier, January 06, 2020
Extrajudicial Assassinations are “Legal”: American Democracy and the “Disposition Matrix” By Joseph Kishore, January 06, 2020
Venezuela: Guaido Replaced as Parliament Head in Disputed Vote By Lucas Koerner and Ricardo Vaz, January 06, 2020
UK Nuclear Sub ‘In Position to Strike Iran’ Amid Tensions over Soleimani’s Killing By Mideast Discourse, January 06, 2020
Rescuing World War II History By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, January 06, 2020
The US Assassination of Major General Qassem Suleimani Underscores the Urgent Need to Reenter the Iran Deal By Physicians for Social Responsibility, January 06, 2020
Attorney Who Sued Bush over Iraq War Says US Assassination of Soleimani Was a ‘Violation of Human Rights Law’ By Jake Johnson, January 06, 2020
Trump’s Deja Vu Wartime Playbook By Dr. Jack Rasmus, January 06, 2020
Was Soleimani Framed by Trump? In Baghdad to Receive US Supported “De-escalation Proposal” from Saudi Arabia By South Front, January 06, 2020
The United States’ Assassination of Iranian Military Leader Violates International Law By Inder Comar, January 06, 2020
A State of War Exists Between the US and Humanity By Stephen Lendman, January 06, 2020
Whose Blood, Whose Hands? By S. Brian Willson, January 06, 2020
“To Initiate a War of Aggression Is Not Only an International Crime: It Is the Supreme International Crime” By David W. Mathisen, January 06, 2020
Assassination Is Not a Foreign Policy By Massoud Nayeri, January 06, 2020
Iraqi Parliament Moves to Oust All U.S Troops from Iraq By Joaquin Flores, January 06, 2020
The Terrifying Rise of the Zombie State Narrative By Craig Murray, January 06, 2020
Tens of Thousands Rally Against War with Iran in over 70 Cities Across US By Emma Fiala, January 06, 2020
On Canadian Diplomatic Complicity with the Assassination of Qasem Soleimani By Stefan Christoff, January 06, 2020
An Eyewitness to the Horrors of the US ‘Forever Wars’ Speaks Out By Kathy Kelly, January 06, 2020
Some Devastating Facts About the Australian Bushfires By True Publica, January 06, 2020
Disruptive Assassinations: Killing Qassem Soleimani. Trump Promises “Bombing 52 Iranian Sites” By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, January 06, 2020
Trump Tries Real Hard to Start a War for Israel. “He Should be Impeached Because He is a War Criminal” By Kurt Nimmo, January 06, 2020
Targeted Assassination, Will Iran Seek “Strategic Revenge”? By Stephen Lendman, January 06, 2020
Trump’s Mass Deception on Iran By Stephen Lendman, January 06, 2020
Upholding the History and Identity of Macedonia: Macedonian Politicians Don’t Even Know “How to Play the Game” By Bill Nicholov, January 05, 2020
Russia’s Unspoken Relationship With Israel and the Assassination of Maj. Gen. Soleimani By Andrew Korybko, January 05, 2020
Why Are Vaccine Adverse Events Not Acknowledged or Reported by Medical Professionals? By Bea, January 05, 2020
New York Times Reveals America’s Weapons-Makers’ Trump-Impeachment Drive By Eric Zuesse, January 05, 2020
How Brexit Produced the Largest Conservative Majority Since Thatcher By Francisco Dominguez, January 05, 2020
War Again on the Front Burner By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, January 05, 2020
American Terrorism By Donald Monaco, January 05, 2020
The Coming Attack on Iran? By Prince Kapone, January 05, 2020
The West Willfully Supports ISIS and Always Has By Mark Taliano, January 05, 2020
Black Alliance for Peace Declares: If You Believe in Peace, Commit to Defeating the Warmongers. No War on Iran! By Black Alliance for Peace, January 05, 2020
Implications of the Trump Regime’s Assassination of Iran’s General Soleimani By Prof. Tim Anderson, January 05, 2020
Foul Murder of Another Nation’s Hero: An American Disgrace By Diana Johnstone, January 05, 2020
The Murder of General Suleimani. Trump Expected Public Applause. It Didn’t Happen… By Peter Koenig, January 05, 2020
America Is Ruled by a Murderer By Peter Koenig, January 05, 2020
MH17 Malaysian Airlines Documentary by Ukraine SBU Whistleblower: Review By Andrew Korybko, January 05, 2020
Soleimani’s Assassination: An Act of Psychological Warfare By Douglas Valentine and Mostafa Afzalzadeh, January 05, 2020
UN Secretary General Guterres Fails to Condemn US Assassinations in Iraq By Stephen Lendman, January 05, 2020
Counterproductive US Imperial Policies. The Risks of Global Warfare? By Stephen Lendman, January 05, 2020
Trump vs. Iran: Has the US Crossed the Escalation to War Rubicon? By Dr. Jack Rasmus, January 05, 2020
The Foremost State Sponsor of Terror, the United States of America: Assassination of Soleimani – What Next? By Soraya Sepahpour-Ulrich, January 05, 2020
Censorship in Canada? Vanessa Beeley’s Talks on Syria By Prof. John Ryan, January 05, 2020
‘The Searching Life and Enigmatic Death of Albert Camus’ By Edward Curtin, January 05, 2020
Venezuela: Disturbing Echoes of History – A Presentation by Maria Páez Victor By Michael Welch and Dr. Maria Páez Victor, January 05, 2020
US Immigration (ICE) Accelerates Violent Arrests of (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals) DACA Holders By Danica Jorden, January 04, 2020
Gene-Editing. New Genetic Engineering Techniques, Yes or No? “Who’s Thinking Outside the Box?” By Angela Lieber and GMWatch, January 04, 2020
Neoliberalism and the Killing for Profit in Iraq By Bulent Gokay and Lily Hamourtziadou, January 04, 2020
“Invisible Balance of Power”. The Phenomenon of Terrorism, The “War on Terrorism” By Ian Greenhalgh, January 04, 2020
A Major Conventional War Against Iran Is an Impossibility. Crisis within the US Command Structure By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, January 04, 2020
The War Hoax Redux. How to Start Another War By Edward Curtin, January 03, 2020
2020 Might be Challenging for Ethiopia, But It Can Count on China’s Help By Andrew Korybko, January 03, 2020
Israel’s Plan to Overthrow the King of Jordan, Annexing the West Bank and the Jordan Valley By Adnan Abu Amer, January 03, 2020
This American Died for Our Lies in Afghanistan By Peter Van Buren, January 03, 2020
Turkey Transfers Ottoman Archives to the Palestinian Authority to Counter Israel’s Land Claims By QudsN, January 03, 2020
Trump Ordered the Assassination of Soleimani, and the Middle East Prepares for Possible War By Steven Sahiounie, January 03, 2020
Iraq: The October Revolution of 2019 and the Iran-US Conflict By Dirk Adriaensens, January 03, 2020
Neo-Liberal Colombia – Where Life Has to Defeat Death By Andre Vltchek, January 03, 2020