Latest News and Top Stories

Germany in call for ban on oil speculation By Ambrose Evans-Pritchard, May 27, 2008
Haiti and the Politics of Containment By Roger Annis, May 26, 2008
Project Censored Awards to Four Global Research Authors By Global Research, May 26, 2008
Interdependence and the Luxury of War By Brent Jessop, May 26, 2008
VIDEO: Hillary “You actually used the word ‘assassination’ with a loud undertone of racial hatred” By Global Research, May 25, 2008
Hillary Invokes Assassination By Prof. Marjorie Cohn, May 25, 2008
Linda McQuaig and Chalmers Johnson on the Global Research News Hour By Global Research, May 24, 2008
Bolivia: Recall referendums open new struggle By Federico Fuentes, May 23, 2008
Mexico: Oil privatisation halted due to mass protests By John Ross, May 23, 2008
George W Bush Authorized 911 Attacks Says Government Insider By Alex Jones, May 23, 2008
Global Research Newsletter: Lead Articles (May 16-22) By Global Research, May 22, 2008
Bush Power Grab Since 911 By Jeff Demers and Sherwood Ross, May 22, 2008
“Immoral Hazard” : Financial Instability, “Free Markets” and the Fed By Stephen Lendman, May 22, 2008
Iraq: Mass detentions in Mosul as troops move into Sadr City By James Cogan, May 21, 2008
Heavy gunfire breaks out along border between Georgia, Abkhazia By Global Research, May 21, 2008
Report: U.S. Will Attack Iran By Newsmax Staff, May 21, 2008
Build Railways for Peace in Africa By Muriel Mirak-Weissbach, May 21, 2008
“Red Team” Penetrates Nuke Lab’s Security, Reaches “Superblock” By Tom Burghardt, May 21, 2008
More on the real reason behind high oil prices By F. William Engdahl, May 21, 2008
VIDEO: Beyond Treason – Chemical and Biological Warfare By Global Research, May 20, 2008
The Bushes and Hitler’s Appeasement By Robert Parry, May 20, 2008
The Cyclone Disaster in Myanmar…and the Human Tragedy of Global Capitalism By Li Onesto, May 20, 2008
Inverted Totalitarianism: A New Way of Understanding How the U.S. Is Controlled By Chalmers Johnson, May 19, 2008
On the Environment: Bush Administration Worst on Record By Sherwood Ross, May 19, 2008
World Water Crisis By Sarah Meyer, May 19, 2008
Tony Blair accused of War Crimes By Dr. David Halpin, May 19, 2008
Israel Must Be Held To Same Nuclear Scrutiny as Iran By Joe Parko, May 19, 2008
European Banks Financing Damaging Agrofuels in Latin America By Global Research, May 19, 2008
Chávez warns Colombia not to allow U.S. base By Global Research, May 19, 2008
Global Research News Hour on RBN. Frances Fox Piven and Mark Crispin Miller By Global Research, May 19, 2008
Spinning the News – The FARC-EP Files, Venezuela and Interpol By Stephen Lendman, May 19, 2008
When Free Speech Doesn’t Come Free By Remi Kanazi, May 19, 2008
The US have lost control: Latin America has ‘created its own neighbourhood’ By Federico Fuentes, May 18, 2008
Thousands Killed in 1950 by US’s Korean Ally By Global Research, May 18, 2008
Testimony of Iraq War Veteran to the US Congress By Former Army Sergeant Kristofer Shawn Goldsmith, May 17, 2008
Big Brother: Illegally Spy on Americans … Win Fabulous Prizes! By Tom Burghardt, May 17, 2008
Palestine: Remembering 1948 and looking to the future By Ali Abunimah, May 17, 2008
Middle East: George Bush’s Power to Inspire By Peter Chamberlin, May 17, 2008
Did Hezbollah Thwart a Bush/Olmert Attack on Beirut? By Franklin Lamb, May 16, 2008
Israel: 60 Years of Denial By Ramzy Baroud, May 16, 2008
Palestinian al-Nakbah at 60: the case of unrecognized villages By Dr. Sharat G. Lin, May 16, 2008
Myanmar Cyclone. U.S. hostility hampers relief By Sara Flounders, May 16, 2008
Rumsfeld: “Why Not another 911” By Larry Chin, May 16, 2008
Global Research E-Newsletter: US war plans in relation to Iran By Global Research, May 16, 2008
Conservatives in Denial about North American Union and Canadian Sovereignty By Kevin Parkinson, May 16, 2008
Grow Them Young, Pay Them Well – Anti-Chavistas, That Is By Stephen Lendman, May 16, 2008
Israel at 60: No Remorse after all these Years By Jonathan Cook, May 16, 2008
The Food Crisis and Latin America By Eduardo Dimas, May 15, 2008
US and Iraq Regime Holding 51,000 Iraqi Behind Closed Bars, Most Illegally By Sherwood Ross, May 15, 2008
$163 billion more of our tax dollars for the occupation of Iraq By, May 15, 2008
VIDEO: George W Bush takes an important moral stand on the Iraq War By Global Research, May 15, 2008
“Challenging Authority” : The Role of Social Movements By Stephen Lendman, May 15, 2008
Cargill: Key Player in Global Food Crisis By Global Research, May 14, 2008
Obama vs. The Lobby By Justin Raimondo, May 14, 2008
Senate Moves Forward on Orwellian “Violent Radicalization and Homegrown Terrorism Prevention Act” By Tom Burghardt, May 14, 2008
Has the Battle for America Begun? By Richard C. Cook, May 14, 2008
President Bush should be impeached for war crimes By Prof. Bill Wickersham, May 14, 2008
Salvador Allende and Hugo Chavez: Similarities and Differences on the ‘National Road to Socialism’ By Prof. James Petras, May 14, 2008
Why We Seek War: America as a Reluctant Warrior By Prof. Michael Sherry, May 14, 2008
In a Casino Mentality, The Economy Goes From Bubble to Bubble By Prof Rodrigue Tremblay, May 14, 2008
Supranational Unions As A Stepping Stone By Brent Jessop, May 14, 2008
Planned US Israeli Attack on Iran: Will there be a War against Iran? By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, May 14, 2008
Illegal, unilateral, preemptive military action against Iran: Chairman of House Judicial Committee Speaks Out By John Conyers, May 13, 2008
Quiet US Confession: Weapons Were Not Made In Iran After All By Global Research, May 12, 2008
Hamas Condemns the Holocaust By Bassem Naeem, May 12, 2008
Disturbing Stirrings – Ratcheting Up For War on Iran By Stephen Lendman, May 12, 2008
David Ray Griffin and Greg Elich on the Global Research News Hour By Global Research, May 12, 2008
VIDEO: 9/11 Contradictions By David Ray Griffin, May 12, 2008
Are the Clashes in Beirut a Signal of the inception of a new War for the “New Middle East” ? By Rev. Richard Skaff, May 11, 2008
Capitalism, Agribusiness and the Food Sovereignty Alternative By Ian Angus, May 11, 2008
Global Research E-Newsletter, Lead Articles, May 6-11, 2008 By Global Research, May 11, 2008
Tensions rise in Democratic contest as Obama nears nomination By Patrick Martin, May 11, 2008
Why the propaganda campaign for international intervention in Burma? By Peter Symonds, May 11, 2008
Veterans Administration Tried to Conceal Extent of Attempted Veteran Suicides, Email Shows By Jason Leopold, May 11, 2008
VIDEO: If they watch us, can’t we watch them By Global Research, May 11, 2008
Iraq, Depleted Uranium and a Song for Sanity. By Felicity Arbuthnot, May 11, 2008
War With Iran Might Be Closer Than You Think By Philip Giraldi, May 11, 2008
Bolivia: Fraud, violence and mass resistance marks right-wing push By Federico Fuentes, May 11, 2008
Bush administration moves to exploit Burma cyclone disaster By Joe Kay, May 09, 2008
9/11 Contradictions: Mohamed Atta’s Mitsubishi and His Luggage By David Ray Griffin, May 09, 2008