Latest News and Top Stories

New European Commission Stacked With Corporate Lobbyists By Colin Todhunter, October 06, 2014
Turkish President Proclaims “I Am Increasingly Against the Internet Every Day” By Michael Krieger, October 06, 2014
Israel Summons Swedish Envoy Over Palestine Recognition By Middle East Monitor, October 06, 2014
Instead of Bombing the Islamic State By Jan Oberg, October 06, 2014
Unfolding Truth: Dismantling the World Bank’s Myths on Agriculture and Development By Global Research News, October 06, 2014
Massive Land Grabs and Dispossession: Demanding an End to the World Bank’s Morally Bankrupt Development By Global Research News, October 06, 2014
America’s “Terrorist Academy” in Iraq Produced ISIS Leaders By Mike Whitney, October 06, 2014
US Military Marches East to Consolidate Front Against Russia By Ria Novosti, October 06, 2014
Biden’s Admission: US Allies Armed ISIS By Patrick Martin, October 06, 2014
Did The UN Just Pass The Global Patriot Act? By Abby Martin, October 06, 2014
Wealth of Richest 400 Americans Surges to $2.29 Trillion By Andre Damon, October 06, 2014
No to Canadian Soldiers in Iraq and The Illegal Bombing of Syria for ‘Regime Change’! By Tony Seed, October 06, 2014
​”NATO Can Deploy Wherever it Wants”, New Chief Claims By RT, October 06, 2014
Hong Kong: Beware of Staged Violence By Tony Cartalucci, October 06, 2014
Hong Kong’s Politics: If not Beijing’s Business, Surely not Washington’s By Tony Cartalucci, October 06, 2014
Washington’s Ukrainian Puppet Regime Seeks NATO and EU Membership By Steven MacMillan, October 06, 2014
Scottish independence
British Politicians To Face Criminal Investigation Over Scottish Referendum By Ria Novosti, October 06, 2014
War and Economic Terrorism: Diverging Voices. David Cameron vs. Cristina Fernandez By Colin Todhunter, October 05, 2014
The Anglo-American Empire’s War of Conquest. The War on the Islamic State (ISIL) is a Lie By Larry Chin, October 05, 2014
Who was Behind the 1994 Rwanda Genocide? By Antony C. Black, October 05, 2014
Hong Kong “Occupy Central” Protest Scripted in Washington. Leaders Mislead Grassroots By Tony Cartalucci, October 05, 2014
War, Neoliberal Fundamentalism and the Plundering of National Economies By Colin Todhunter, October 05, 2014
GMO Crops Accelerate Herbicide and Insecticide Use While Mainstream Media Gets It Wrong By David Bronner, October 05, 2014
Australia, US Back Sham Election Staged by Fiji Military Regime By Frank Gaglioti, October 05, 2014
Looting Operation: Corporate Elite Divvies up Detroit as Bankruptcy Plan Confirmation Looms By Thomas Gaist, October 05, 2014
A Journalist’s Duty is to Inform. Have Western Press Forgotten This in Ukraine? By Bryan Macdonald, October 05, 2014
NATO’s Dream Coming True – Turkey Pushes For Syria No-Fly Zone; US Approves By Brandon Turbeville, October 05, 2014
Israeli Government Promotes Rape Advocate and Nakba Denialist as Experts on Palestinians By Rania Khalek, October 05, 2014
It’s All in the Telling: The Media has Become the Playbook of the Establishment By Denis A. Conroy, October 05, 2014
The New York Times’s Belated Admission on the Contra-Cocaine Scandal By Robert Parry, October 05, 2014
The US Grand Strategy for Eurasia: Hong Kong’s ‘Umbrella Revolution’ and Secessionist Politics in China By Andrew Korybko, October 05, 2014
From Ukraine to Syria: UN’s Selective Defense of Human Rights By Ulson Gunnar, October 05, 2014
Spreading the Conflict: Turkey and Australia Join In “Attacking ISIS” By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, October 05, 2014
US Vice-President Joe Biden Blames Washington’s Middle East Allies for Financing ISIS By Patrick Henningsen, October 05, 2014
Hong Kong Strikes Back – West Attempts to Spin Growing Anti-Occupy Movement By Tony Cartalucci, October 05, 2014
When Fighting Terrorism is a Crime: The Story of the Cuban Five By Michael Welch, October 04, 2014
Beyond 935 Lies: The Decline and Fall of the Corporate Media By David Swanson, October 04, 2014
More Bad News From The Jobs Front: US Labor Force Continues Transition from First to Third World By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, October 04, 2014
Another Questionable ISIS Beheading Video Released By Kurt Nimmo, October 04, 2014
49 Hostages Swapped for 180 ISIL Terrorists By Global Research News, October 04, 2014
US Public Broadcasting Service (PBS): Just Another Outlet for Elite, Establishment-Oriented Views, not a Forum for the Underrepresented By Peter Hart, October 04, 2014
What Austerity? Northrop Grumman Wins $350 Million Contract for More Spy Drones By Activist Post, October 04, 2014
The Ebola Fear: “Transmission of the Virus” By Jon Rappoport, October 04, 2014
U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Continues Secret Process of Appointing Corporate Factory Farm Executives to Organic Standards Board By Julie Wilson, October 04, 2014
First GMO Mosquitoes: Now Oxitec Wants to Release GMO Moths in New York By Christina Sarich, October 04, 2014
Why is the Truth About Rwanda so Elusive? By Jonathan Cook, October 04, 2014
Iraq’s Economy Collapsing Under Pressure of Security Crisis By Global Research News, October 04, 2014
Canada to Escalate its Role in Mideast War “Against ISIS”, Joining Coalition of Former Colonial Overlords and Absolutist Sheikdoms By Keith Jones, October 04, 2014
US Embargo Against Cuba Hinders Information Technology Development By Prensa Latina, October 04, 2014
US Exploiting West Africa Ebola Outbreak to Establish Military Foothold By Niles Williamson, October 04, 2014
Florida Hit with Highest Level of Radioactive Material from Fukushima Outside Japan By Global Research News, October 03, 2014
Obama’s “War on Ebola” or War for Oil? Sending 3000 Troops to African “Ebola” Areas that Happen to Export Oil to China By F. William Engdahl, October 03, 2014
Obama’s Plan For a ‘No-Fly Zone’ Over Northeastern Syria – ISIS Was a Window-Dressing for the Real War Against the Syrian Government By 21st Century Wire, October 03, 2014
The US Government is Targeting Nonviolent Activists: Judge Refuses to Dismiss “Baseless” Charges Against Palestinian-American By Ali Abunimah, October 03, 2014
United States of America: Revising its History and Exceptionalism By, October 03, 2014
The Dallas Ebola Case: An Immigration-Related Process Conspiracy? By Prof Jason Kissner, October 03, 2014
Why Obama Lost His War in Ukraine By Eric Zuesse, October 03, 2014
Ten Myths About Obama’s Latest War in Iraq and Syria By Reese Erlich, October 03, 2014
China Rejects U.S. Hay Exports Due to Genetically Modified Alfalfa Contamination By Christina Sarich, October 03, 2014
The U.N. General Assembly Speech They Don’t Want You To See. Argentina President Cristina Fernandez By United Nations, October 03, 2014
Obama Deported a Record 438,421 People Last Year By Andre Damon, October 03, 2014
Terrorism and Turmoil: US Containment of China By Tony Cartalucci, October 03, 2014
New Steps to a Wider War in the Middle East By Patrick Martin, October 03, 2014
Over 12,000 Victims of War Crimes in Ukraine: Russia Launches Criminal Case against Kiev Regime By Ria Novosti, October 03, 2014
Obama Is Defeated in Ukraine. Status-Quo Truce-Lines Agreed. By Eric Zuesse, October 03, 2014
Palestinian-U.S. Relations Head for Stormy Times By Nicola Nasser, October 03, 2014
How to Resist Vulture Funds and Financial Imperialism? By Eric Toussaint, October 03, 2014
Ukraine: Strong Evidence Right Sector, National Guard Linked to Killings and Mass Graves Near Donetsk By RT, October 03, 2014
Economic Recovery in America? US Poverty Report Contradicts GDP Claims By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, October 03, 2014
World Health Organization (WHO) Blocked Shipments of Highly Effective Ebola Treatment to Africa By Ethan A. Huff, October 03, 2014
“US Foreign Policy Triggers the Disintegration of Civil Society, Relying on War Increases Terrorism” By Veterans for Peace, October 03, 2014
During An Ebola Pandemic in America All Of Your Rights Would Essentially Be Meaningless By Michael Snyder, October 03, 2014
The Islamic State Opens Its First Consulate in Turkey`s Capital. Issuing Visas to Foreign Fighters By Press TV, October 02, 2014
The Democracy Question: Hong Kong’s Relationship with an Idea By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, October 02, 2014
War on ISIS and Media Lies: The Comic Book Simplicity Of Propaganda By Media Lens, October 02, 2014
wall street
The Federal Reserve Bails Out Wall Street. Since 2008, the Fed has Granted Unlimited Credit to Banks at an Official Rate of 0.25% By Eric Toussaint, October 02, 2014
Student Leaders Threaten to Escalate Hong Kong Protests By Peter Symonds, October 02, 2014
ebola virus microscope
Top Doctors: Ebola May Become Airborne … And May Already Be Transmissible Via Aerosols By Washington's Blog, October 02, 2014
US War against the People of Syria and Iraq By Patrick Martin, October 02, 2014
War Crimes: Israel Targets Dairy Factory in Occupied West Bank. Palestinian Orphans Protest Demolition By International Solidarity Movement, October 02, 2014