Latest News and Top Stories

History: Reversing the Vietnam Verdict By Jack A. Smith, October 31, 2014
Libya, A Nation in Despair By Timothy Alexander Guzman, October 31, 2014
Centers for Disease Control (CDC) Removed Information On Coughing and Sneezing From Ebola Q&A By Arthur Delaney, October 31, 2014
“Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder” (ADHD) is Actually Correlated with Creativity and Achievement By Washington's Blog, October 31, 2014
War Resumes in Ukraine. Kiev Violates OSCE Ceasefire Agreement, Re-Invades Donbass By Eric Zuesse, October 31, 2014
NATO and the Destruction of Yugoslavia: Where it All Went Wrong and Lessons Were Never Learnt By Jan Oberg, October 31, 2014
Scrapping Japan’s Pacifist Constitution? Prime Minister Shinzo Abe’s Ongoing Militarization Campaign By Saul Takahashi, October 31, 2014
The Dollar Decline Continues: China Starts Direct Convertibility With Asia’s #1 Financial Hub By Global Research News, October 31, 2014
Congress for Sale: The Buying of Democracy By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, October 31, 2014
EU’s Foreign Policy Chief Catherine Ashton: An Enforcer of Israel’s Occupation By David Cronin, October 31, 2014
Ballots or Bullets: Democracy and World Power By Prof. James Petras, October 31, 2014
The CIA Torture Cover-up Continues By Eric London, October 31, 2014
Pentagon Claims “Russian Aggression” Against NATO By Patrick Martin, October 31, 2014
Modern Day America: One Step Away from the Third Reich By John Stanton, October 31, 2014
9/11 Was NATO’s License to Expand Globally By Wayne Madsen, October 31, 2014
Social Media Surveillance Expands as IBM Taps Twitter By Joe Wright, October 31, 2014
The Story Changes: Ebola Is Now ‘Aerostable’ And Can Remain On Surfaces For 50 Days By Michael Snyder, October 31, 2014
Child Poverty Jumps by 2.6 Million in Developed World Since 2008, While Number of Global Billionaires Doubles By Michael Krieger, October 31, 2014
The Uncertain Future of Shale Gas: Report Casts Doubt on US Hydraulic Fracking Production Numbers By Steve Horn, October 31, 2014
Global Systemic Economic Crisis 2015: The World is Defecting to the East? By Global Europe Anticipation Bulletin (GEAB), October 31, 2014
The Spreading of Ebola: Cui prodest? What is the Hidden Motive? By Alexander Mezyaev, October 31, 2014
Canada: The Ottawa Shootings and the Derogation of Constitutional Rights. Did Zebaf-Bibeau Act Alone? By Mark Taliano, October 31, 2014
Ethiopia: Amnesty International’s Report: Sensationalism Gone Wild By Daniel Berhane, October 31, 2014
VIDEO: State of Insecurity – Political Repression in Canada By William Ray, October 30, 2014
The End Of The Anti-War Movement? By Joseph Thomas, October 30, 2014
The Naked Class Politics of Ebola By James Robb, October 30, 2014
Universities at the Service of Big Business and Military Interests. The Fate of Australia’s National University (ANU) By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, October 30, 2014
The World Must Judge America’s Human Rights Abuses By Margaret Kimberley, October 30, 2014
South Korea’s Armed Forces to Remain Fully under US Military Command By Stuart Smallwood, October 30, 2014
Google Survey: Majority of US Citizens Think US Gives Too Much to Israel By Robert Barsocchini, October 30, 2014
Former Pro-GMO Biotech Scientist Admits GMOs Aren’t Safe, Refutes Claims by Monsanto By Christina Sarich, October 30, 2014
Mother of Michael Zehaf Bibeau’s Letter: My Son “was not Part of a [Jihadist] Organization… He Acted in Despair” By Global Research News, October 30, 2014
Ebola: Government Agencies Scramble To Purchase Hazmat Suits By Paul Joseph Watson, October 30, 2014
The Trade Unions and the Detroit Bankruptcy By Jerry White, October 30, 2014
Europe Threatened with Deflationary Spiral Amidst Slowdown in Global Economy By Barry Grey, October 30, 2014
United Nation’s World Food Security Committee Puts Corporate Profit Before Human Right to Food By Global Research News, October 30, 2014
Humanity: The Able but Unwilling Species By John Kozy, October 30, 2014
Japan Reacts to Worsening Fukushima Disaster By … Reopening Nuclear Plant Next to Active Volcano By Washington's Blog, October 29, 2014
Martial Law? The Official Ebola Story Doesn’t Smell Right By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, October 29, 2014
How the Washington Press Turned Bad By Robert Parry, October 29, 2014
Racism and Segregation in Israel: Under Israeli Apartheid, Palestinians Cannot Ride Israeli Buses By Ben Norton, October 29, 2014
Monsanto Agritech Lobbying for the TTIP: Britain Spearheads Campaign to Make European GMO Regulation Meaningless By Colin Todhunter, October 29, 2014
Risky Business: “Easy Money”. Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA) Loosens Lending on Mortgages By Mike Whitney, October 29, 2014
wall street
The American Deep State: Wall Street, Big Oil and the Attack on U.S. Democracy By Prof Peter Dale Scott and Lars Schall, October 29, 2014
Growing Uprising Across Haiti to Demand Resignation of President Michel Martelly By Isabelle Papillon and Kim Ives, October 29, 2014
Japan: Doctors Threatened to Lose Right to Practice for Linking Illnesses to Fukushima By Arnie Gundersen, October 29, 2014
New Book Sheds Further Light on US Government Protection of Ex-Nazis By Thomas Gaist, October 29, 2014
After the US Election, an Escalation of the Mideast War By Bill Van Auken, October 29, 2014
Housing Recovery? Homeownership Rate Has Fallen to the Lowest Level in 19 Years By Michael Snyder, October 29, 2014
Media Language that “Disappears the Palestinians” By Jonathan Cook, October 29, 2014
Flashpoint in Ukraine. How the US Drive for Hegemony Risks World War III By Dr. Ludwig Watzal, October 29, 2014
Crony Capitalism, Empire and America’s Military Industrial Complex By Dr. Gary G. Kohls, October 29, 2014
north korea flag
Rethinking the North Korean “Collapse Narrative”. The Most Demonized Country Worldwide By Michael Welch, Henri Feron, and Dr. Kiyul Chung, October 29, 2014
US Patriot Act: Government Spying Powers Used for Terrorism Only 0.5% of the Time By Mark Jaycox, October 29, 2014
Civil Forfeiture Out of Control: US Government Robs Restaurant Owner for $33,000 By Joshua Krause, October 29, 2014
Canada’s Heart of Darkness. Democracy and Civility Foregone? By Jim Miles, October 29, 2014
The Long Withdrawal: The Defeated Leave Afghanistan By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, October 29, 2014
GM Crops and the Rat Digestive Tract: Is GM Food Safe for Animals and Humans? By Global Research News, October 29, 2014
The US' clumsy balancing act between backing Hong Kong protesters rhetorically and hiding its support financially, comes to a head. By Tony Cartalucci, October 28, 2014
US War, Inc. America Stuck in the Vicious Circle of the War Economy By Perry Miller, October 28, 2014
The Power of Fantasy: Bioterrorism, ISIS and Ebola Mania By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, October 28, 2014
“Fake Science”: Biotech’s Studies on GMOs are Flawed, Inaccurate By Christina Sarich, October 28, 2014
Nobel Peace Prize Laureates Call on Obama to Release CIA Torture Report By RT News, October 28, 2014
Police Brutality can only be Ended when Officers Face Justice By Richard Sudan, October 28, 2014
How a US and International Atomic Energy Agency Deception Haunts the Nuclear Talks By Gareth Porter, October 28, 2014
Blackwater Guards Found Guilty in 2007 Baghdad Killings – US Government Rewarding War Crimes with Millions in Contracts By Pratap Chatterjee, October 28, 2014
Τhe Transnational Elite and the New World Order (NWO) By Takis Fotopoulos, October 28, 2014
“Humanitarian Warfare” against the DPRK or “Conflict Resolution”? The UN Human Rights Inquiry on North Korea By Ronda Hauben, October 28, 2014
Ebola Nurse Treated “Like a Criminal” in New Jersey Quarantine By Patrick Martin, October 28, 2014
ISIS: America’s Terrorist Mercenaries By Tony Cartalucci, October 28, 2014
United States, European Union Hail Election Staged by Ultra-right Regime in Ukraine By Niles Williamson, October 28, 2014
Police State USA: 15 Signs that We Live During a Time of Rampant Government Paranoia By Michael Snyder, October 28, 2014
Police State Targets Dissidents: Government To “Impose Extreme Disruption Orders On Individuals” By Mac Slavo, October 28, 2014
Ebola Can Survive For Months On Surfaces By Kurt Nimmo, October 28, 2014
Victoire Ingabire. Challenging the Official Rwanda Genocide Story By Ann Garrison, October 28, 2014
Contaminating Confucius: Christianity in China By Sandhya Jain, October 28, 2014
Canada: Decoding Harper’s Terror Game. Beneath the Masks and Diversions By Prof. John McMurtry, October 28, 2014
Open Letter to the BBC on Rwanda: The Untold Story By Charles Kambanda, October 28, 2014
How Israel is Turning Gaza into a Super-Max Prison By Jonathan Cook, October 28, 2014
Scientific Data Points to Government-Made Anthrax By Barbara Hatch_Rosenberg and Martin Hugh-Jones, October 28, 2014