Latest News and Top Stories

The Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP). Promoting Global Tyranny Run By Corporations. Here’s How to Stop Them By Washington's Blog, April 25, 2015
Israel’s War against The Lancet: When Medicine and Politics Mix By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, April 25, 2015
Can the Courts Liberate the Bank of Canada? “Creating Money in the Public Interest” By Murray Dobbin, April 25, 2015
Did a Chinese-Russian-Iranian Coalition opposing NATO Debut in Moscow? By Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya, April 25, 2015
Did a Chinese-Russian-Iranian Coalition opposing NATO Debut in Moscow? By Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya, April 25, 2015
Europe’s Feeble Efforts to ‘punish’ Israel By Jonathan Cook, April 25, 2015
Don’t Let Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) Gut State Laws By Global Research News, April 25, 2015
Gaza’s Bookstores Struggle By al monitor, April 25, 2015
We Lucky Molecules By Robert Parry, April 25, 2015
Double Dealing: Saudi Airstrikes in Yemen Continue After Calling Ceasefire By Shawn Helton, April 25, 2015
Understand the Israeli – Palestinian Apartheid In Eleven Images By Thrival Room, April 25, 2015
“Professors for Israel” try to Shut down Leading Medical Journal The Lancet By Jonathan Cook, April 25, 2015
Is the U.S. a Force for Good in the World? By Eric Zuesse, April 25, 2015
Honesty and “Impropriety” Within the US Military: The Honorable Life and Untimely Death of Colonel Ted Westhusing By Joachim Hagopian, April 25, 2015
Militarization of the Asia Pacific Region: America Revives And Expands Cold War Military Alliances Against China By Rick Rozoff, April 25, 2015
World War I: The 100th Anniversary of the Battle of Gallipoli (1915-1916) By Dr. Birsen Filip, April 25, 2015
Greek Bank Will Write Off Up To €20,000 In Debt For “Poverty-Stricken” Borrowers By Zero Hedge, April 25, 2015
Partners in Global Warfare: NATO Reinforces Pentagon’s Shift to the Asia-Pacific Region By Rick Rozoff, April 25, 2015
No Home Rebuilt in Gaza after 2014 Israel War: UNRWA By Press TV, April 25, 2015
Historic: California District Court Lawsuit against George W. Bush, et Al for “Crime of Aggression” By Inder Comar, April 25, 2015
A New Mobilization Book for the Fossil Fuel Divestment Movement By Elizabeth Woodworth, April 25, 2015
Eric Holder Exits Without Bringing Libor or Foreign Exchange Charges Against Citigroup or JPMorgan By Pam Martens and Russ Martens, April 24, 2015
Fight the Enemies of Truth: Support the Spread of Knowledge By Global Research and Global Research, April 24, 2015
Using the Dead: The New York Times Works with Israel to Justify Military Service By Tzvia Thier, April 24, 2015
Haiti: What Happened to the $10 Billion in U.S. Aid Pledged After the Earthquake? By Center for Economic and Policy Research, April 24, 2015
Obama Urges Saudi Dictator Abdulaziz to Keep Attacking Yemen By Robert Barsocchini, April 24, 2015
Organizations Accross Canada Oppose Harper Government’s Threat to Criminalize Criticism of Israel By Independent Jewish Voices, April 24, 2015
Lawsuit Accuses Monsanto of Lying About Safety of Roundup By Carey Wedler, April 24, 2015
FBI Tortured US Citizen in Foreign Prison for Months for Refusing to Become an Informant, Man Claims By J. D. Heyes, April 24, 2015
EU Steps Up Police and Military Operations against Refugees after Special Summit By Johannes Stern, April 24, 2015
Pakistan: Obama Admits US Drone Strike Killed Two Al Qaeda Hostages, a US Professor and an Italian Aid Worker By Patrick Martin, April 24, 2015
The Vatican Clergy and Ukrainian Nationalism By Andrew Korybko, April 24, 2015
Are Leading Economists Corrupt, or Just Mind-Blowingly Ignorant? By Eric Zuesse, April 24, 2015
Who Granted The “GMO Evangelists” The Monopoly On Compassion? By Colin Todhunter, April 24, 2015
The Refugee Crisis: How NATO Kills Africans in the Club Med By Pepe Escobar, April 24, 2015
Yemen’s Shiite Rebels Are Not Iran Proxies: US Intelligence Officials By Joseph Fitsanakis, April 24, 2015
Land and Resource Grabs: The World Bank’s Long War on Peasants By Tanya Kerssen and Eric Holt-Giménez, April 24, 2015
Swedish Paper Manufacturing Giant Blacklisted for Child Labor Practices By Fatima Hansia, April 24, 2015
Negative Interest Rates. Debt is Better than Cash? …Who’s Running the Monetary Asylum Anyway? By Bill Holter, April 23, 2015
Iraqi Volunteers Find Israeli Weapons in ISIL Position. ISIL Supported by Saudi Arabia and Israel By Fars News Agency, April 23, 2015
Dutch Lawsuit Charges Crimes Against Humanity During Egyptian Massacres By Prof. Marjorie Cohn, April 23, 2015
The US Hand in Libya’s Tragedy By Robert Parry, April 23, 2015
Obama, Republicans Push Anti-China Trade Pact By Patrick Martin, April 23, 2015
Protests Mount in Baltimore Over Police Killing of Freddie Gray By Evan Blake and Andre Damon, April 23, 2015
Haiti: Washington’s Front-Man, Michel Martelly and Its Police Force, MINUSTAH, Have to Go By Kim Ives, April 23, 2015
Palestinians Denied Medicines in Prisons Equipped by Anglo-Danish Firm G4S, Report By Charlotte Silver, April 23, 2015
Ukraine as I Knew It Is Over Forever By Graham Phillips, April 23, 2015
Ernst & Young Pays $10 Million to Settle Lehman Brothers Audit Failure Lawsuit By Pratap Chatterjee, April 23, 2015
In Defense of Dzhokhar Tsarnaev: The Real Smoking Gun in Boston By Kurt Haskell and Patrick Henningsen, April 23, 2015
War and Religion: Don’t Tell Me ‘The Bible Made Me Do It’ By Philip Giraldi, April 23, 2015
“Independent” Study Finding that “MMR Vaccine Not Linked to Autism”, Published by Organization Working with Major Pharmaceutical Companies By Brandon Turbeville and Heather Callaghan, April 23, 2015
FDA Database: 93% of Food Additives Aren’t Properly Studied By Barbara Minton, April 23, 2015
US Senator Elizabeth Warren to Those Promising TPP Is So Great: ‘Prove It. Let Us See the Deal.’ By Jon Queally, April 23, 2015
Security Cocktails in Australia: Mixing Anzac and Terror By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, April 23, 2015
Security Cocktails in Australia: Mixing Anzac and Terror By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, April 23, 2015
Gas for Greece, Mayhem for Macedonia. From Color Revolution to Unconventional Warfare By Andrew Korybko, April 23, 2015
Former Yugoslavia: “No War Crimes Here” By Gregory Elich, April 23, 2015
Video: US-Saudi Terror in Yemen: Codenamed “Restoring Hope”. US War Ships in Yemen Waters. Oil Prices Plummet By Global Research News, April 23, 2015
Militarization. The Wired Seas of Asia: China, Japan, the US and Australia By Hamish Macdonald, April 23, 2015
The Myth of ‘Value-Free’ Social Science Or The Value of Political Commitments to Social Science By Prof. James Petras, April 22, 2015
Mouthpiece of the Elite: The Washington Post’s Longstanding Contempt for People Who Work for a Living By Dean Baker, April 22, 2015
Ousted Egyptian President Mursi Sentenced to 20 Years By Bill Van Auken, April 22, 2015
Sex, Drugs, and Dead Soldiers: What US Africa Command Doesn’t Want You to Know By Nick Turse, April 22, 2015
The Link Between Political Prisoners and the War on Terror: Why Mumia Abu-Jamal Must Live and US Imperialism Must Die By Danny Haiphong, April 22, 2015
Sealing Borders: Fortress Europe’s War on Refugees By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, April 22, 2015
Australia: The Secret Country Again Wages War on its Own People By John Pilger, April 22, 2015
World Health Organization (WHO) Calls for Publication of All Clinical Trial Results – Not Just Favorable Ones By Barbara Minton, April 22, 2015
Hillary Clinton Calls For ‘Toppling’ the 1%…While Being Bankrolled by the 1% By Nick Bernabe, April 22, 2015
California’s Mandatory Vaccinations Bill SB 277: Lobbyists Calling the Shots, Community Outpour Ignored By Jefferey Jaxen, April 22, 2015
For the First Time In Years: More Americans Support “Gun Ownership”‘ rather than “Gun Control” By Washington's Blog, April 22, 2015
Truth Is Washington’s Enemy By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, April 22, 2015
America’s Libertarians’ Civil War Over Ukraine By Eric Zuesse, April 22, 2015
Militarization of Strategic Waterways: China’s Artificial Islands and Military Airstrips in the South China Sea By Sputnik, April 22, 2015
Syria President Al-Assad Interview: “France Was a Spearhead in Supporting Terrorism…” By Bashar al Assad, April 22, 2015
America’s Sorrowful World: Dumb at Home and Dumber Abroad By John Stanton, April 22, 2015
Iran, United Nations Calls for Ceasefire in Yemen By Abayomi Azikiwe, April 22, 2015
The Founding Fathers Fought Against Inequality By Washington's Blog, April 22, 2015
Fortress Europe and A Mediterranean Cemetery for Migrants By Prof. Cinzia Arruzza, April 22, 2015
Stagecraft: ISIS Video ‘Execution’ of Ethiopians in Libya Appears Fake By Shawn Helton, April 22, 2015
War is God’s Way of Teaching Geography By Dana Visalli, April 22, 2015