Latest News and Top Stories

Texas Prison Death Highlights Police Violence in America By Andre Damon, July 18, 2015
Japan Protest Movement against Growing Militarism: Are These the Last Days of Japan’s Prime Minister Abe? By Jake Adelstein, July 18, 2015
Netanyahu Has A Twitter Meltdown Over Iran Nuclear Deal By Kit O'Connell, July 18, 2015
Warring Against Windmills: Australia’s Renewable Energy Policy By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, July 17, 2015
Oncologist Sentenced to 45 Years in Prison for Administering Unnecessary Chemo to Patients for Financial Kickbacks By Christina Sarich, July 17, 2015
Hillary Clinton: War Goddess, Corporate Shill, Anti-Populist By Stephen Lendman, July 17, 2015
African Leaders Must Help Continent, Not Sell It Off By Global Research News, July 17, 2015
Is the Iran Nukes Deal Aimed at Crushing Putin? By Mike Whitney, July 17, 2015
Japanese Government Pushes Militarist Legislation Amid Mass Protests By Oscar Grenfell, July 17, 2015
Campaign Fundraising in 2016 US Election Cycle Soars to New Records By Andre Damon, July 17, 2015
The Constitution of the EU’s Dictatorship By Eric Zuesse, July 17, 2015
The Real Plan B: The New Greek Marathon By Prof. Sam Gindin and Leo Panitch, July 17, 2015
FBI Tracked Chattanooga Shooter’s Family for Years By Tony Cartalucci, July 17, 2015
German Finance Minister Schäuble’s Plan for Europe – Do Europeans Approve? By Yanis Varoufakis, July 17, 2015
Israel’s Secret Centrifuges Continue Spinning as a Discredited and Isolated Netanyahu Rejects International Nuclear Deal with Iran By Anthony Bellchambers, July 17, 2015
Saudi Foreign Minister Threatens Iran with Confrontation after Nuclear Talks Breakthrough By Press TV, July 17, 2015
The Wedge of Policy: The Iran Nuclear Deal and its Consequences By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, July 17, 2015
Schooled In Britain, Deported to Danger: UK Sends 600 Former Child Asylum Seekers Back to Afghanistan By Maeve McClenaghan, July 17, 2015
The Global Land Grab: International Aid – A Smokescreen for Multinationals Looting Nations’ Wealth By Antony Loewenstein, July 17, 2015
Will Syriza’s Capitulation Provide Support to the Greek Neo-Nazi Movement Golden Dawn? By Global Research News, July 17, 2015
Gaza Lost in the Fog of War: Hillary Clinton and the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict By Timothy Alexander Guzman, July 17, 2015
Remembering Gaza’s Victims By Anne Paq, July 17, 2015
How Can We Learn from History to Build a Peaceful Future? By Global Research News, July 17, 2015
China and Greece Wobble, Canada Dips Into Recession, Federal Reserve Chair Janet Yellen Unfazed By Pam Martens and Russ Martens, July 17, 2015
The Minimum Wage–and Other Left Ideas Washington Post Might Find “Lame” By Dean Baker, July 17, 2015
Chicago’s Rebel Rabbi Standing with Palestinians: “We Must Stand with the Oppressed and Call Out the Oppressor” By Eli Ungar-Sargon, July 17, 2015
Donbass Militia Did Not Down MH17 – Russian Radars Data By Sputnik, July 16, 2015
Israeli Special Forces Assassinated Senior Syrian Official By Matthew Cole, July 16, 2015
Banker Occupied Greece: Requiem for a Failed State By Stephen Lendman, July 16, 2015
The Fight for a Socialist South Africa: Racial Disparities in Wealth Increased Since the End of Formal Apartheid By Glen Ford, July 16, 2015
Thousands of Smart Meter Fires: New Whistleblower and Court Evidence By Brian Thiesen, July 16, 2015
Greek Parliament Endorses EU-dictated Austerity Programme By Chris Marsden, July 16, 2015
US Military Launches Jade Helm Domestic Training Operations By Thomas Gaist, July 16, 2015
Monsanto Hires Industry Consultancy Firm to Review WHO Verdict on Glyphosate By GMWatch, July 16, 2015
India’s Foreign Policy: Interdependence of Delhi – Beijing –Washington Relations By Prof. Andrei Volodin, July 16, 2015
21 Members of the Media in Turkish Prisons, Many More Journalists and Social Media Users Facing Trial By Global Research News, July 16, 2015
AIPAC: Anti-Iranian Propaganda at Congress By David Swanson, July 16, 2015
Iran’s First Post-Shah President Says Iran’s Theocracy Is ‘Despotic’ By Eric Zuesse, July 16, 2015
The Nanjing Massacre, Japanese Killings of Civilians during World War II: New Figures Reveal Chinese Casualties By Global Research News, July 16, 2015
Planned Parenthood Under Fire For Allegedly Trafficking Baby Organs By Adelaide Mena and Matt Hadro, July 16, 2015
ISIS Operations in Anbar and Ramadi. Iraq Government Forces Response By South Front, July 16, 2015
The Crash of Malaysian Airlines MH17 : Unanswered Questions, One Year Later By Dr. Chandra Muzaffar, July 16, 2015
On The Trail of the Troika: A Must-See to Understand the Crisis in Greece By wocomoDOCS, July 16, 2015
Israel Wants US Compensation for Iranian Deal By Sergio Yahni, July 16, 2015
CRUSH THE GREEKS! The Greek Bailout Revisited in the Light of the Geithner Revelations By Yanis Varoufakis, July 16, 2015
Greece: PM Tsipras Banishing Ministers Opposing Sellout to Creditors, Syriza Sharply Divided By Stephen Lendman, July 16, 2015
NED logo
US State Department’s National Endowment for Democracy (NED) Ignores Saudi Barbarism, Actively, Intentionally Enabled by West By Tony Cartalucci, July 16, 2015
Monsanto’s Roundup (Glyphosate) Damages DNA, Says World Health Organisation Expert By GMWatch, July 16, 2015
Boston Bombing: Tsarnaev Faces More Charges – In Case He Gets Off? By James Henry, July 16, 2015
Mandatory Vaccines for Adults? Leave It to California By Joshua Krause, July 16, 2015
Nο to Ultimatums, Nο to the Memoranda of Servitude: Speech By the President of the Greek Parliament By Zoe Konstantopoulou, July 16, 2015
Greece: Sound and Fury Signifying Much By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, July 15, 2015
The Euro-Summit ‘Agreement’ on Greece – Annotated by Yanis Varoufakis By Yanis Varoufakis, July 15, 2015
Bombers, Blood, and Teddy Bears: Posters from the 2014 War on Gaza By Catherine Baker, July 15, 2015
Iran Nuclear Deal: The Real Battle Begins By Stephen Lendman, July 15, 2015
Six World Powers Ignore Netanyahu’s Harangues against Iran By Robert Parry, July 15, 2015
IMF: Greek Debt Untenable By Stephen Lendman, July 15, 2015
Grexit or Jubilee? How Greek Debt Can Be Annulled By Ellen Brown, July 15, 2015
Iran’s Nuclear Program – Then and Now: Documents from 1970s Presage Issues Surrounding Deal with P5+1 By Malcolm Byrne and William Burr, July 15, 2015
Under Pressure from Europe, Tsipras Tries to Sell ‘Unviable’ Austerity Deal to Syriza By Deirdre Fulton, July 15, 2015
How a Weaker Iran Got the Hegemon to Lift Sanctions By Gareth Porter, July 15, 2015
Australian Greens Senator Talks of War with China By James Cogan, July 15, 2015
Family of Eric Garner Demands Criminal Prosecution after New York City Announces $5.9 Million Settlement By Fred Mazelis, July 15, 2015
GMO Labeling Group Head Hosts Fundraiser for Pro-Monsanto Hillary Clinton? By Christina Sarich, July 15, 2015
The SCO Expands: India and Pakistan to Become Full Members By Global Research and Global Research, July 15, 2015
French Far-Right Leader Slams BDS Movement to Woo Israel Lobby By Ali Abunimah, July 15, 2015
Ethics Director Among Top Psychologists Who Aided CIA Torture and Cover-Up By Claire Bernish, July 15, 2015
Greece Might Have To Sell Ancient Ruins, Islands Under Bailout Deal By Royce Christyn, July 15, 2015
Eleftherios Venizelos” Athens International airport
German Company is Top Tax Evader in Greece By Sotiria Nikolouli, July 15, 2015
Iran Dismisses IAEA’s Access to Military Sites: Nuclear Scientists By Fars News Agency, July 15, 2015
Senate to Vote on Requiring Social Media to Report Suspicious Activity to Feds By Kristen Anderson, July 15, 2015
My Congressman Is Wrong on Iran, Yours Might Be Too By David Swanson, July 15, 2015
US National Public Radio (NPR): Commentary Dominated by White Men, Rarely Touches Directly on Political Issues By Michael Tkaczevski, July 15, 2015
China Is Where the US Was Prior to the 2008 Crash: In Denial By Pam Martens, July 14, 2015
Operation Protective Edge: One Year After Israel’s Gaza Strip Assault — No Accountability By Josh Ruebner, July 14, 2015
Iran Nuclear Talks: Agreement in Vienna By Stephen Lendman, July 14, 2015
A Post-Dollar World? By Global Research and Global Research, July 14, 2015
HAARP To Be “Transferred To Civilian Control”; Will Still Receive Pentagon Funding By Steve Watson, July 14, 2015
UN Reports at Least 15,000 Civilians Killed in Iraq War Since 2014 By SM Gibson, July 14, 2015
GMO Corn Increased Pesticide Use by 300%; US Government Agency Claims Exact Opposite to Protect Biotech Industry By Jonathan Benson, July 14, 2015