Latest News and Top Stories

The Lebanon Massacre By Ghali Hassan, July 21, 2006
Lebanon’s Expendable People: The deliberate killing of innocent civilians to achieve political objectives By Mike Whitney, July 20, 2006
Innocent Children Killed: Photographic Evidence of Extensive Israeli War Crimes in Lebanon By Global Research, July 20, 2006
Vatican deplores Israel’s Bombing of Lebanon By Global Research, July 20, 2006
Complete Transcript: of Bush-Blair Exchange at G8 Summit By Global Research, July 20, 2006
‘Al-Qaeda is a U.S.-sponsored Intelligence Asset used to Justify War in the Middle East: Interview with Michel Chossudovsky By Global Research, July 20, 2006
Ken Lay’s Alive! By Greg Palast, July 20, 2006
Kidnapped by Israel By Jonathan Cook, July 20, 2006
US Hawks Smell Blood By Jim Lobe, July 20, 2006
Balkan realities: Who is responsible for War Crimes in the former Yugoslavia? By James Bissett, July 20, 2006
Lebanon and Gaza: The Politics of Proportionality By Remi Kanazi, July 19, 2006
Crisis of US Capitalism or the Crisis of the US Wage and Salaried Worker? By Prof. James Petras, July 19, 2006
Atrocities in the Promised Land By Kathleen Christison, July 19, 2006
Thinking the unthinkable about Canada’s future By Geoff Olson, July 19, 2006
United States to Israel: you have one more week to blast Hizbullah By Ewen MacAskill, Simon Tisdall and Patrick Wintour, July 19, 2006
Nuking Iran Is not off the Table. By Jorge Hirsch, July 19, 2006
Globalists created Wahhabi Terrorism to Destroy Islam and Justify a Global State By David Livingstone, July 19, 2006
Were plans for a Middle East war escalation exposed in Bush-Blair exchange? By Larry Chin, July 19, 2006
Death, destruction and unimaginable human suffering: “Stop that shit!” says George W. Bush By Uri Avnery, July 19, 2006
Shocking images of “Gifts from Israeli Children” By Global Research, July 19, 2006
Cheney Unleashes The Dogs of War By Dean Andromidas, July 19, 2006
On the road to Damascus: The Coverup of extensive crimes against humanity By Gabriele Zamparini, July 19, 2006
Two fronts in Israel’s brutal war By Kim Bullimore, July 19, 2006
Why is Israel Back in Gaza? By Ramzy Baroud, July 18, 2006
The Mumbai Bombing: Limit to tolerance, but options are limited too By Siddharth Varadarajan, July 18, 2006
US, Israel push world to brink of world war By Larry Chin, July 17, 2006
Wildly Disproportionate Attack on Lebanon Seems Like Pretext to Confront Iran By Linda McQuaig, July 17, 2006
Free Speech “Marked for Death”: Lebanon’s Al Manar TV Targeted By Trish Schuh, July 17, 2006
Conscious bid to provoke a general war in the Middle East: Israeli False Flag War Provocations in Lebanon By Webster Griffin Tarpley, July 17, 2006
The BBC: propaganda which upholds Israeli war crimes By Ghali Hassan, July 17, 2006
Israeli Bombings could lead to Escalation of Middle East War By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, July 15, 2006
Iran referred to UN security council as nuclear row flares By Global Research, July 15, 2006
G8 to feed Oil Addiction, fuelling Climate Change By Friends of the Earth International, July 15, 2006
Video News on Israel War Crimes in Lebanon and Gaza By Link TV, July 15, 2006
Israeli Colonial Conquest By The National Council of Arab Americans, July 15, 2006
When Civilians Become Targets: The Israeli Destruction of Lebanon and Gaza By Remi Kanazi, July 15, 2006
US intelligence ties to Mumbai 7/11 By Larry Chin, July 14, 2006
Lebanese Tremors Rock Syria By Dahr Jamail, July 14, 2006
FBI plans new Net-tapping push By Global Research, July 13, 2006
Racism Plagues Western Media Coverage By Ramzy Baroud, July 13, 2006
Israel ‘is using chemical ammunition’ in Gaza By Duraid Al Baik, July 13, 2006
Congress must hold Israel Accountable for violating US law By Michael Carmichael, July 12, 2006
Torture in Guantanamo By Center for Constitutional Rights, July 12, 2006
Notes on the Progress of the Counterrevolution By Edward S. Herman, July 12, 2006
Palestinians have a legitimate right to defend themselves against this illegal occupation By Remi Kanazi, July 11, 2006
And Israel Shall be Safe Again By Ramzy Baroud, July 11, 2006
It’s Time to End the “Last Taboo” and Hold Israel Accountable for Its Actions By Stephen Lendman, July 11, 2006
Nationalize the US Defense Industrial Base: Public Good Should Trump Private Greed By John Stanton, July 11, 2006
Nuking Iran Is Not Off the Table By Jorge Hirsch, July 06, 2006
U.S. losing war on terror, experts say By Bob Deans, July 01, 2006
Re-Interpreting Iraq: Propaganda Campaign Underway By Ramzy Baroud, July 01, 2006
How Many More Innocents Must Die Before the World Realizes that Israel is Gathering Thorns and Thistles? By Jason Miller, July 01, 2006
The US Federal Reserve Bank: Dirty Secrets of the Temple By Stephen Lendman, July 01, 2006
Cuban exile militant Luis Posada Carriles’ CIA links 40 years ago in South Florida By Global Research, July 01, 2006
Arab Lawyers call for Closure of Guantanamo Detention By Global Research, June 27, 2006
End Canada’s Occupation of Afghanistan! By Global Research, June 27, 2006
Iraq between genocide and coincidences By Gabriele Zamparini, June 27, 2006
Missile Mania: US and Japan Threaten North Korea By Gregory Elich, June 27, 2006
World Tribunal on Iraq By Global Research, June 26, 2006
Global Strike: The Non-Proliferation Treaty and the U.S. Quest for Global Military Dominance By Western States Legal Foundation, June 26, 2006
US Collusion with Iraqi Death Squads By Max Fuller, June 26, 2006
Miami “terror” arrests—a government provocation By Bill Van Auken, June 25, 2006
How US hid the suicide secrets of Guantanamo By David Rose, June 25, 2006
Is the NSA spying on U.S. Internet traffic? By Kim Zetter, June 25, 2006
Israeli artillery strikes on the Gaza Strip: Missing the Point and the Target By Remi Kanazi, June 25, 2006
Terrorism Myth: The “War on Terrorism” is a flourishing business for the corporate world By Mahboob A. Khawaja, June 25, 2006
The assault on Adhamiya: “Shia against Sunni” US sponsored ethnic War By Inge Van de Merlen, June 25, 2006
The Wall Street Journal Calls Hugo Chavez a Threat to World Peace By Stephen Lendman, June 25, 2006
“Ethnic Cleansing” in New Orleans By Ghali Hassan, June 25, 2006
Al-Zarqawi Death: Myth vs. Reality By Ramzy Baroud, June 22, 2006
Exceptional Americans Manifest Their Destiny: And to Hell with the Consequences… By Jason Miller, June 20, 2006
Bush’s America opposes verifiable ban on nuclear fission By Michael Carmichael, June 20, 2006
North Korea: U.S. Keeps Mum on Warships in East Sea By Global Research, June 20, 2006
Malaysia Forum to discuss possibility of another World War By Global Research, June 19, 2006
Canada: A Galloping Police State? By Marjaleena Repo, June 19, 2006
Iraq: False Jubilations By Ghali Hassan, June 18, 2006
SOS Ramadi: New Wave of US Sponsored Atrocities in Iraq By Inge Van de Merlen, June 18, 2006
Wall Street Journal Gives Hugo Chavez A Mixed Review By Stephen Lendman, June 18, 2006
Bush sneaking North American super-state without oversight? By Jerome R. Corsi, June 17, 2006
“al-Qaeda in Iraq” Boogieman: Abu al-Masri By Kurt Nimmo, June 16, 2006