Latest News and Top Stories

At SCO summit, Russia welcomes Ahmadinejad By Global Research, June 16, 2009
Indigenous ‘genocide’ in battle for oilfields By John Vidal, June 16, 2009
Australia: Climate laws add to police workload By Ben Packham, June 16, 2009
US cities may have to be bulldozed in order to survive By Tom Leonard, June 16, 2009
Iran: Election clashes mount as West escalates pressure By Bill Van Auken, June 16, 2009
Netanyahu’s Speech By Prof. Francis A. Boyle, June 16, 2009
Russia Calls On SCO To Replace Dollar In International Trade By Global Research, June 16, 2009
Goodbye to Cheap Oil By Michael T. Klare, June 15, 2009
America’s Human Rights Record By Stephen Lendman, June 15, 2009
Obama and the Military: Purely Tactical Disagreements By Alexander Frolov, June 15, 2009
Agent Orange Continues to Poison Vietnam By Prof. Marjorie Cohn, June 14, 2009
Who Will Pay for Health Care? By Shamus Cooke, June 13, 2009
Big Pharma Concocts First Swine Flu Vaccine By Global Research, June 13, 2009
Massive Budget Cuts: Judgment day: broke California faces shutdown at Arnie Schwarzenegger’s hands By Global Research, June 13, 2009
De-Dollarization: Dismantling America’s Financial-Military Empire By Prof Michael Hudson, June 13, 2009
Anti-Americanism in Israel By Justin Raimondo, June 13, 2009
How long can the Dollar Last as the World’s Reserve Currency? By Bob Chapman, June 13, 2009
Stock market and home values continue to decline. Americans see $1.3 trillion wealth vaporize in First Quarter 2009 By Global Research, June 13, 2009
From the Airbus to the Spaceplane: The Future of Commercial Aviation By William John Cox, June 12, 2009
The Obama Enigma: Imperial Interventionism and Militarism By Prof Rodrigue Tremblay, June 12, 2009
Obama’s War in the Middle East By Global Research, June 12, 2009
Obama’s Afghan War By Marc W. Herold, June 12, 2009
Israeli War Crimes Against Children During Operation Cast Lead By Stephen Lendman, June 12, 2009
Peru: Blood Flows in the Amazon By Prof. James Petras, June 12, 2009
Michael Mandel, Henry C.K. Liu, Greg Wilpert, Bob Chapman, Catherine Austin Fitts on The Global Research News Hour By Global Research, June 12, 2009
A Boy and an Artificial Leg: A Gaza Story By Ramzy Baroud, June 11, 2009
The US-Israeli supported March 14 Alliance Wins Lebanon’s Parliamentary Elections By Rannie Amiri, June 11, 2009
Global CEOs back greenhouse gas cuts, carbon caps By John Heilprin, June 11, 2009
Britain: Town halls hire citizen snoopers as young as SEVEN to spy on neighbours and report wrongs By Lucy Ballinger, June 11, 2009
Beyond Golden Rice: The Rockefeller Foundation’s long-term agenda behind Genetically Modified Food By Jurriaan Maessen, June 11, 2009
U.S. War Privatization Results in Billions Lost in Fraud, Waste and Abuse–Report By Jeremy Scahill, June 11, 2009
Fear Rules By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, June 11, 2009
Obama administration rejects limits on bankers’ pay By Patrick Martin, June 11, 2009
Why We NEED Torture “To Keep Us Safe” By Washington's Blog, June 11, 2009
Network-centric Warfare By Tom Burghardt, June 11, 2009
The Conquest of Eurasia: NATO’s War For The World’s Heartland By Rick Rozoff, June 11, 2009
Iran’s Presidential Elections By Global Research, June 10, 2009
Oil and Islam. Will America Shift Away from Its Past Unilateralist Policies? By Prof Peter Dale Scott, June 10, 2009
Surging Unemployment in the US By Global Research, June 10, 2009
Out of the Ashes of General Motors By Ellen Brown, June 10, 2009
The Financial Meltdown: “We will never know the true inside story of what really went on” By Bob Chapman, June 10, 2009
Countries destroying cluster bomb stockpiles – report By Jonathan Lynn, June 10, 2009
Government Demands Inventory of All VFW Weapons By Kurt Nimmo, June 10, 2009
Put Wars and Banksters on PAYGO By David Swanson, June 10, 2009
Absurdity Is the Norm in the Gaza Strip By Stephanie Westbrook, June 10, 2009
A Tale of Two Diverging Economic Worlds By F. William Engdahl, June 10, 2009
Readying Americans for Dangerous, Mandatory Vaccinations By Stephen Lendman, June 10, 2009
The UN Security Council Resolution on Kosovo By Dr. Pyotr Iskenderov, June 09, 2009
Federal Reserve to be Subpoenaed by Congress Over Merrill Deal By Global Research, June 09, 2009
The Money System Triggered the Bankruptcy of General Motors By Arian Nevin, June 09, 2009
War Fraud With a Mirror By David Swanson, June 09, 2009
Survivors and Saviors: Darfur, Politics, and the “War on Terror” By Christopher Banks, June 09, 2009
June 8, 1967: USS Liberty attacked by Israel in international waters By Global Research, June 09, 2009
White House had long planned GM and Chrysler bankruptcies By Jerry White, June 09, 2009
12 Israeli Arabs indicted over Jewish gunman’s death By Jonathan Cook, June 09, 2009
Obama’s Speech to The Islamic World By Dr. Elias Akleh, June 09, 2009
DNA databases prelude to return of eugenics? By Bob Unruh, June 08, 2009
The Human Tracking Microchip By Kristen Allen, June 08, 2009
Jewish town in Galilee demands ‘loyalty oath’ By Jonathan Cook, June 08, 2009
Wall Street on the Offensive By Barry Grey, June 08, 2009
Obama and the Muslims: Which Truths Must Be Spoken? By Muriel Mirak-Weissbach, June 08, 2009
“School of the Americas” Generals Face Criminal Charges In Colombia By Sherwood Ross, June 08, 2009
Mexico: A Country in Crisis By Michael Werbowski, June 08, 2009
Eradicate Capitalism and All Forms of Oppression By Eric Toussaint and Damien Millet, June 08, 2009
Obama’s Outreach to Muslims: Empty Rhetoric, Same Old Policies By Stephen Lendman, June 08, 2009
Wall Street Ends Hope for Homeowners Via Congress By Shamus Cooke, June 07, 2009
Cuba and Change We Can Believe In By Philip Fornaci, June 07, 2009
The genius of George Orwell By Jeremy Paxman, June 07, 2009
Towards a Great German Oil Empire By Prof. Alison Frank, June 07, 2009
Obama Electrifies the World: Can We Believe the Hype By Danny Schechter, June 07, 2009
Police State Measures in the UK: Police ‘arrest innocent youths for their DNA’, officer claims By Murray Wardrop, June 07, 2009
Medical bills underlie 60 percent of U.S. bankrupts: study By Global Research, June 06, 2009
Capitalism Produces Rich Bankers, but Socialism Produces Happiness. By Phillip Bannowsky, June 06, 2009
Afghanistan’s parliament call for the prosecution of “Criminal Foreign Troops” By Global Research, June 06, 2009
Has the Chinese Economy Really Recovered? The Signs are Mixed. By Washington's Blog, June 06, 2009
US Fed Chairman demands plan to cut social programs By Barry Grey, June 06, 2009
More Financial Turmoil Ahead: A Stock Market Bear Rally Built on Sand By Bob Chapman, June 06, 2009
Towards a “Democratic Dictatorship” in The Philippines? By BAYAN, June 05, 2009
Our Economy Is Going to Keep Tanking Until We Stop Shoveling Billions to Rich People By Pam Martens, June 05, 2009
Media Disinformation and the “Iranian Threat” By William Blum, June 05, 2009