Landmark Russian TV Debate on 9/11

Gen. Leonid Ivashov, Thierry Meysan, Giuletto Chiesa join Russian Experts


Washington DC , Sept. 9, 2008 – Thierry Meyssan reports from Moscow that he and other leading international 9/11 truth experts have completed taping a television debate which will be telecast on the first national program of Russian state television this coming Friday, September 12. This no-holds barred, free-wheeling debate, featuring strongly divergent opinions about what really happened on and about September 11, 2001 , will be shown in conjunction with the documentary film Zero, produced and directed by Chiesa and Franco Fracassi of Telemaco Productions in Rome . Russians are thus about to receive an unprecedented evening of 9/11 truth.


The telecast will go out in the middle of prime time. Among the participants, General Leonid Ivashov was the commander of the Russian armed forces on September 11, 2001 , and has been a leading critic of the US official version. A leading strategic thinker for his country, Ivashov is currently a fellow of the Strategic Culture Foundation ( in Moscow . Giulietto Chiesa is a member of the European Parliament in Brussels , representing the region around Asti in northwest Italy . Chiesa has been the leading spokesman for 9/11 truth issues in the European Parliament, and has been the prime mover behind the documentary film Zero, as well as the collection of essays by the same name which has also attracted much attention in Italy since being published in the late summer of 2007. Thierry Meyssan, the founder and leader of the Voltaire Network in Paris , was one of the first critics of the US official story about 9/11. He is the author of several books, including 9/11: The Big Lie, and Pentagate. He also organized the Axis for Peace conference in Brussels in November 2005.


Among almost a dozen Russian participants in the debate that will be televised Friday evening in Moscow, one of the most compelling speakers was a Russian cosmonaut who observed the 9/11 events from his post on the International Space Station in earth orbit. This cosmonaut recounts in the telecast that, as he watched the immense plume of smoke spread from New York out over the Atlantic , he took a large number of photos and films which were sent automatically to both Houston and Moscow . “We have been studying these images very, very, carefully,” commented the cosmonaut pointedly, “and we have seen some highly interesting things.”


The host for the debate stressed that this landmark telecast did not imply that the Kremlin administration of President Medvedev and Prime Minister Putin was officially espousing any particular point of view concerning 9/11, but rather reflected a commitment to free and open debate. Nevertheless, observers in the Russian capital sense a far-reaching change of mood by the Russian government in the wake of the August 7-8 genocidal attack on South Ossetia by the Georgian dictator and US satellite Saakashvili. The Russians, according to this view, are through with doing favors for the US , especially in regard to Washington ’s official myths about 9/11 and the war on terror, and this telecast will deliver that message in a clear and unmistakable way.


Webster G. Tarpley is the author of 9/11 Synthetic Terror: Made in USA . His current book is Obama – The Postmodern Coup: The Making of a Manchurian Candidate. These are available on His next book, entitled Barack H. Obama: The Unauthorized Biography, will be available on starting September 10.


By Webster G. Tarpley


Washington DC , Sept. 9, 2008 – Thierry Meyssan reports from Moscow that he and other leading international 9/11 truth experts have completed taping a television debate which will be telecast on the first national program of Russian state television this coming Friday, September 12. This no-holds barred, free-wheeling debate, featuring strongly divergent opinions about what really happened on and about September 11, 2001 , will be shown in conjunction with the documentary film Zero, produced and directed by Chiesa and Franco Fracassi of Telemaco Productions in Rome . Russians are thus about to receive an unprecedented evening of 9/11 truth.


The telecast will go out in the middle of prime time. Among the participants, General Leonid Ivashov was the commander of the Russian armed forces on September 11, 2001 , and has been a leading critic of the US official version. A leading strategic thinker for his country, Ivashov is currently a fellow of the Strategic Culture Foundation ( in Moscow . Giulietto Chiesa is a member of the European Parliament in Brussels , representing the region around Asti in northwest Italy . Chiesa has been the leading spokesman for 9/11 truth issues in the European Parliament, and has been the prime mover behind the documentary film Zero, as well as the collection of essays by the same name which has also attracted much attention in Italy since being published in the late summer of 2007. Thierry Meyssan, the founder and leader of the Voltaire Network in Paris , was one of the first critics of the US official story about 9/11. He is the author of several books, including 9/11: The Big Lie, and Pentagate. He also organized the Axis for Peace conference in Brussels in November 2005.


Among almost a dozen Russian participants in the debate that will be televised Friday evening in Moscow, one of the most compelling speakers was a Russian cosmonaut who observed the 9/11 events from his post on the International Space Station in earth orbit. This cosmonaut recounts in the telecast that, as he watched the immense plume of smoke spread from New York out over the Atlantic , he took a large number of photos and films which were sent automatically to both Houston and Moscow . “We have been studying these images very, very, carefully,” commented the cosmonaut pointedly, “and we have seen some highly interesting things.”


The host for the debate stressed that this landmark telecast did not imply that the Kremlin administration of President Medvedev and Prime Minister Putin was officially espousing any particular point of view concerning 9/11, but rather reflected a commitment to free and open debate. Nevertheless, observers in the Russian capital sense a far-reaching change of mood by the Russian government in the wake of the August 7-8 genocidal attack on South Ossetia by the Georgian dictator and US satellite Saakashvili. The Russians, according to this view, are through with doing favors for the US , especially in regard to Washington ’s official myths about 9/11 and the war on terror, and this telecast will deliver that message in a clear and unmistakable way.


Webster G. Tarpley is the author of 9/11 Synthetic Terror: Made in USA . His current book is Obama – The Postmodern Coup: The Making of a Manchurian Candidate. These are available on His next book, entitled Barack H. Obama: The Unauthorized Biography, will be available on starting September 10.

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Articles by: Webster G. Tarpley

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