Kushner-Trump Family Plan for an Enlarged Israel, Ridiculed as the ‘Confidence Trick of the Century’

700,000 illegal settlers, economic migrants from Israel who have built temporary homes on Palestinian land, are proposed to be legitimised under a Kushner family plan dubbed the ‘confidence trick of the century’.

The son-in-law of Donald Trump, Jared Kushner is a real estate developer who has convinced his wife’s father that his idea of a Greater Israel now, would be advantageous in currying favour with AIPAC the powerful Israel Lobby in Washington, (and London), that will determine whether Trump will win a second term as President.

Kushner’s plan is to permanently weaken the Palestinian goal for an independent state by annexing huge swathes of occupied land in the West Bank and East Jerusalem in direct violation of UN Security Council Resolution 2334. In other words, he proposes a criminal act by the Israeli state.

In return, the Kushner-Trump family would persuade adjoining states with Palestinian refugees, which includes Lebanon and Jordan, to offer permanent residency, citizenship and civil rights to those affected.

Also proposed is some type of land swap plus a permanent Israeli military police presence throughout all Palestinian lands in order to permanently weaken any possibility of an independent Palestinian state. The entire proposal is a calculated nonsense by a property developer who thinks he’s an internationally recognised statesman because he married a daughter of another property man in the same town who, with significant help from a casino mogul, beat the odds and became the 45th US President, in an aberration of the democratic process that would be unlawful in Britain and most European democracies.

Let us hope that the average American citizen will see sense and elect a 46th President of the great United States who is a world-class statesman, who will work for global peace not global war. An acknowledged leader who respects life and people; has integrity as well as the ability to bring men and countries together to work, trade and live in a spirit of mutual support.


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Hans Stehling (pen name) is an analyst based in the UK.

Featured image is from The Unz Review

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Articles by: Hans Stehling

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