Russia’s Offensive in Kharkov: Kiev Regime Retaliates by Killing Civilians in Belgorod

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The armed forces of the Russian Federation launched an offensive in Kharkov. Since May 10, Russian troops on Ukraine’s northern border have been destroying enemy positions and advancing on the ground with extreme ease and speed. Unable to maintain their areas of control, the Ukrainians are simply retreating and allowing the Russians to make rapid and effective progress. However, to retaliate against such operation, the neo-Nazi regime is worsening its anti-humanitarian measures of attacks on civilians, bombing Belgorod intensely.

On May 12, a brutal Ukrainian attack hit the Belgorod region, destroying several buildings in residential areas of the city. So far, at least 18 people have died, but many are still missing among the remains of the collapsed buildings – including children. According to data from Russian authorities, Ukrainian forces carried out the attack using “Tochka-U tactical missile system, as well as rockets from Olkha and RM-70 Vampire multiple launch systems.”

Shocking images circulate on the internet showing the destruction caused by Ukrainian projectiles. No Russian military positions were targeted by Kiev, with the attack being absolutely aimed at killing innocent people. Russian officials made statements considering the bombings a terrorist attack, promising serious responses.

Furthermore, Moscow also emphasized the absence of an official statement by the US – Ukraine’s main supporter – condemning the massacre of civilians in Belgorod. According to the Russian Embassy in Washington, US’ inertia is a sign of connivance and co-participation in crimes. It is important to remember that the West has publicly said that it does not advise Kiev to attack undisputed regions of the Russian territory. Belgorod is not a territory claimed by Ukraine, which is why the US and the entire NATO should immediately speak out condemning Ukrainian terrorism in the region.

Since 2022, Kiev has repeatedly bombed Belgorod. I was in the border region recently on a BRICS Journalists Association expedition and spoke with local military and civilians who told me that enemy incursions increase particularly during important dates, such as national and religious holidays. The Ukrainian goal is simply spreading fear and terror, thus trying to psychologically destabilize the Russian population. To date, only civilian targets have been destroyed by the Ukrainians in Belgorod, which proves that there is no actual military interest in this type of operation.

The attack on the 12th, however, has a special context. The Ukrainian shelling occurred amid the Russian advance in Kharkov. Two days earlier, Russian troops had begun an incursion on the border that has been called by internet users and military analysts “Operation N” – in reference to the word “North” and in analogy with the letter “Z”, which has become a symbol of the special military operation.

During the first hours of the operation, the Russians bombed the Ukrainian side of the border intensely, forcing enemy positions to retreat. Then, Russian soldiers advanced on the ground and took several Ukrainian villages without any difficulties. Unable to continue fighting, given the weakness of its current troops, Ukraine is simply abandoning the trenches and allowing the Russian advance in Kharkov.

In this sense, the most recent attacks on Belgorod should be seen as an attempt to show a reaction to the Russian advance. Unable to fight on the battlefield, the Ukrainians are “retaliating” by murdering civilians. Instead of targeting Russian military positions, Kiev’s forces are targeting residential buildings and deliberately killing innocent people.

Militarily, the impact of this type of terrorist operation is null. The Russians will continue to advance on the ground and constantly liberate territory. In parallel, Moscow will intensify attacks against Ukrainian infrastructure facilities in order to prevent new incursions on Belgorod. Certainly, there will be strong strikes across Ukrainian territory in the coming days. For the Russians, the calculation is simple: the more attacks there are in the peaceful border regions, the more intense the military action will be in order to neutralize the enemy as quickly as possible.

Kiev is trying to rearrange its forces and create a solid defense in the north. Recently, the head of the Kharkov military unit, Yuri Galushkin, was dismissed from his post and replaced by Brigadier General Mikhail Drapaty – who is also deputy commander of the Ukrainian General Staff. The fact that a member of the General Staff was assigned to the Kharkov mission indicates that Ukraine now has the northern front as a priority. This also means that the Donbass front will most likely be neglected, which will allow further Russian advances.

All these facts show that the final outcome of the special military operation is clear: Russian victory is merely a matter of time.


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This article was originally published on InfoBrics.

Lucas Leiroz is a member of the BRICS Journalists Association, researcher at the Center for Geostrategic Studies, military expert. You can follow Lucas on X (former Twitter) and Telegram. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Featured image is from InfoBrics

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