John Kerry Supports Al Qaeda in Syria, in Violation of US Anti-terrorism Laws
Interview with Michel Chossudovsky
“The United States and its allies are not seeking a peaceful solution to the Syrian crisis.
If they were seeking a solution they would disengage in terms of their support to al-Nusra, which is a terrorist organization. Their actions are not only a violation of international law, they are also a violation of United States law, which classifies al-Nusra as a terrorist organization.”
Press TV has conducted an interview with Michel Chossudovsky, director of the Centre for Research on Globalization, Montreal, about Western-supported terrorist death squads against Syria, Also addressed in this interview is Russia’s delivery of the S-300 missile defense system to Syria to help deter foreign military intervention.
Press TV: Why does Germany and the US criticize Russia for sending arms to Syria while they themselves are providing weapons to Israel?
Chossudovsky: Well, it’s a nonsensical discourse of countries, which are in fact behind the terrorist organizations in Syria.
They cannot on the one hand be peacemakers in terms of the proposed Geneva peace conference and at the same time support an insurrection channeling weapons to al-Qaeda affiliated forces.
But there is another dimension.
They accuse Russia of providing weapons to Syria for defensive purposes under a bilateral agreement between two countries.
On the other hand we notice that the United States is channeling billions and billions of dollars to Israel.
Germany is on record of providing German-made submarines, which are tooled with Israeli nuclear warheads. In other words, in providing military technology in support of nuclear weapons, this is in violation not only of the Nuclear Non Proliferation Treaty, but also in violation of German and European laws.
Press TV: Why is it that only Israel’s security is so important and not the security of others in the region?
Chossudovsky: Well, this of course is an expression of double standards.
Syria is not a threat to countries in the Middle East. But if we look at Israel and we look at its history, it has waged wars against several neighboring countries, including Lebanon, Syria and Egypt, in the course of recent history.
And many of these operations have been in effect also been supported by US military aid.
Israel receives billions and billions and billions of dollars of US military aid.
And I should also mention that other countries in the region such as Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Turkey are also recipients of US military aid and much of this military aid is also being used to threaten Syria and to fund the insurrection, which is composed as we know of terrorist death squads.
Press TV: Despite the fact that the European Union has lifted an arms embargo on Syrian insurgents, how optimistic are you that the Geneva 2 talks will be able to resolve the Syrian crisis politically and not militarily?
Chossudovsky: The United States and its allies are not seeking a peaceful solution to the Syrian crisis.
If they were seeking a solution they would disengage in terms of their support to al-Nusra, which is a terrorist organization and its not only a violation of international law, but it’s also a violation of United States law, which classifies al-Nusra as a terrorist organization.
And it is somewhat ironic that US Secretary of State John Kerry is implementing a policy, which is in direct contradiction with the US anti-terrorist legislation – in fact he is in violation of those criteria because he is brokering a relationship with a terrorist organization and channeling US military aid to al-Qaeda.