Joe Biden Recruiting Allies


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Joe Biden had announced it in his electoral program: “While President Trump has abandoned allies and partners, and abdicated American leadership, as president I will immediately take steps to renew the alliances of the United States, and ensure that America, one more time, lead the world “( il manifesto, 10 November 2020). He kept his promise. The aircraft carrier Dwight D. Eisenhower and his battle group, made up of 5 missile launchers, “attacked Islamic State positions in Syria and Iraq from the Eastern Mediterranean” since this “claimed responsibility for an attack on Palma in Mozambique”. The US Navy officially announced this on March 31, without explaining how ISIS, defeated in Syria and elsewhere especially following the Russian intervention, now reappears threateningly with suspicious punctuality.

After launching the attack from the Eastern Mediterranean – an area of the United States European Command naval forces, with its headquarters in Naples-Capodichino – the aircraft carrier Eisenhower crossed the newly reopened Suez Canal on April 2, entering the US Central Command area that includes the Persian Gulf. Here she joined tthe French aircraft carrier Charles de Gaulle that, at Washington’s request, assumed the command of the US Task Force 50 on March 31. It is not deployed against Isis but in reality, against Iran.

The fact that Washington asked Paris to lead a US naval force with its flagship falls within the policy of the Biden Presidency, which still maintains control of the command chain, as Task Force 50 depends on the US Central Command.

This is confirmed by the Warfighter exercise which, planned by the US Army, is being carried out from April 6 to April 15 2021 by US, French, and British divisions at Fort Hood and Fort Bliss in Texas, at Fort Bragg in North Carolina, and at Grafen-woehr in Germany. In this exercise, French and British brigades will operate within a US division, while US brigades will operate within French and British divisions, but always according to the US plan. The Warfighter integrates the large ongoing exercise Defender-Europe 21, which the US Army in Europe and Africa carries out until June together with European and African allies and partners, to demonstrate “the ability of the United States to be strategic partners in the Balkans and in the Black Sea, in the Caucasus, in Ukraine and Africa ».

The US Army V Corps, just reactivated at Fort Knox (Kentucky) participates in Defender-Europe 21, has established its command headquarters in Poznan (Poland), from where it commands operations against Russia. On March 31, at the request of the United States, Polish general Adam Joks was appointed US Army V Corps Deputy Commander. “It is the first time – reports the US Embassy in Warsaw – that a Polish general has entered the Military Command structure of the United States”. In other words, General Adam Joks continues to be part of the Polish army but, as deputy commander of the US V Corps, is now directly dependent on the command chain headed by the President of the United States.

The new security forces assistance brigades, special US Army units, that “organize, train, equip and advise foreign security forces” fall within the same policy. They are engaged “in support of a legitimate government authority” in the Middle East, Asia, Africa, Latin America, and Europe, currently in the Defender-Europe framework. They are an effective tool for launching de facto military operations under US command with the “assistance” cover. This explains why, after a relative respite, the Ukrainian chief of staff, Ruslan Khomchak, declared on April 1 that the Kiev army “is preparing for the offensive in Eastern Ukraine”, that is, against Donbas Russian population, also using «territorial defense forces» (such as the neo-Nazi Regiment Azov), and in this operation «the participation of NATO allies is envisaged».


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This article was originally published in Italian on Il Manifesto.

Manlio Dinucci is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization.

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Articles by: Manlio Dinucci

About the author:

Manlio Dinucci est géographe et journaliste. Il a une chronique hebdomadaire “L’art de la guerre” au quotidien italien il manifesto. Parmi ses derniers livres: Geocommunity (en trois tomes) Ed. Zanichelli 2013; Geolaboratorio, Ed. Zanichelli 2014;Se dici guerra…, Ed. Kappa Vu 2014.

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