Japan: Shinzo Abe’s Assassination – A Hidden Agenda? Enforce a One World Order (OWO)


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The assassination of Shinzo Abe may have been not just the act of a crazy man with a self-made gun. See the analysis of Emanuel Pastreich

There may have been a more profound agenda behind it – an agenda that permeates just about everything that we are seeing and experiencing in our convoluted, chaotic and un-transparent world.

An agenda with three major objectives:

  • Globalization, i.e. total control through a One World Order (OWO) by a small but extremely wealthy financial elite;
  • Digitization of everything – to facilitate total control; and
  • Massive Depopulation, elimination of the “useless eaters” (Yuval Noah Hariri, Klaus Schwab’s close personal adviser), so that Mother Earth’s generous but limited resources will be available for the few self-designated rulers.

Former Prime Minister, Shinzo Abe, leader of Japan’s Conservative Liberal Democrats Party, was a nationalist – a non-globalist. He campaigned for his party to win a two thirds majority in the upcoming Parliamentary elections.

Non-globalists, those who stand and fight for their countries and peoples’ sovereignty are not well seen by the globalists, to put it benignly.

There are other renown personalities who enter this category. For example, former President Trump, Presidents Putin and Xi Jinping, as well as former Pakistani Prime Minister, Imran Khan, who was thrown out of office on 10 April this year by a US instigated and bought Parliamentary “Vote of Confidence”. And, not to forget Muammar Gaddafi, who was captured and atrociously killed on 20 October 2011.

Gaddafi’s assassination was instigated and organized by the US and France, because Gaddafi wanted to free Africa from the monetary and economic dependency, or better called “enslavement”, on Europe particularly France (West and Central Africa) and the US, by introducing a gold and petrol based African Dinar.

An earlier champion of independence and sovereign nations, was the late President John F. Kennedy.


Back to Japan. A two thirds majority is needed to amend the Constitution to render Japan the military autonomy and political sovereignty that she was promised at the signing of the San Francisco Peace Agreement after WWII in 1951.

The enactment of the San Francisco Peace Agreement on April 28, 1952, returned a certain sovereignty to Japan. The Treaty was signed by 48 nations. However, the Treaty limited Japan’s sovereignty, in as much as it stipulated that Japan may not have a full military. Article 9 of the Japanese Constitution prohibits Japan from establishing a military force or solving international conflicts through violence.  

There is some similarity with Germany which, as of this day, has only an Armistice Agreement with the WWII victors, but no Peace Agreement. Under this arrangement Germany may not have an offensive army and no nuclear weapons on her territory.

Never mind that the US Air Base at Ramstein near Frankfurt – one of the largest outside the US – stores countless nuclear warheads. Here is one of those flagrant contradictions of the mighty in today’s power games.

Article 9 is interpreted as meaning that armed forces are legitimate for passive self-defense only.This is a severe limitation to Japan’s defense strategy. Seen from a Japanese media-influenced perspective, this is especially true in the light of China’s ever greater and more visible military ascent.

The rules under Article 9 implied that the United States would guarantee Japan’s security by stationing US military personnel in Japan. In fact, there are at least 7 US military bases with more than 80,000 military personnel, making Japan worldwide the country with most US military presence. Altogether, close to half of all US military stationed abroad are based in Japan.

This is seen by many if not most Japanese as a severe limitation of their country’s sovereignty.

In May 2017, then Japanese Prime Minister Abe set a 2020 deadline for revising Article 9, which would legitimize the Japanese Self Defense Forces (JSDF) as a true military defense system, with preventive capabilities, in Japan’s Constitution. PM Abe retired in 2020, officially due to health problems, without revising Article 9. 

When he was shot on July 8, 2022, former PM Abe campaigned for his Conservative Liberal Democrats to win a two-thirds majority, so that the Constitution could be amended, by either removing or modifying Article 9. It would also have given Parliament power to decide over foreign military presence in Japan.

All of this is clearly a move away from globalism. Certainly, a disturbing factor for those who still defend the One World Order (OWO) dogma, especially the World Economic Forum (WEF) and its financial masters, the amalgamation of the world’s financial giants BlackRock, Vanguard and State Street. In the case of the US, PM Abe’s attempt at full sovereignty was a ”threat” to the US strategic military position at China’s doorsteps.

Japan is also the world’s third-largest economy with assets valued at US$ 12 trillion equivalent, close to 9% of the world’s GDP, with more than 50 of the Fortune Global 500 companies based in Japan. And most, if not all of them are controlled by the financial oligarchy, led by – you guessed it – BlackRock-Vanguard-State Street.

Would it therefore be surprising, that a decisive majority of Shinzo Abe’s Conservative Liberal Democrats, would not be desirable by the world’s political, as well as financial empires?

Nevertheless, de-globalization is in full swing, worldwide, as most countries – and especially the people of both the Global South as well as the Global North – have suffered under globalization and desperately want to get their countries’ sovereignty back.

For now, it looks like a losing battle for the OWO gnomes, but the war is not over by any means.

People around the world have to remain vigilant and actively defend their sovereign rights, human rights as well as societal rights. The trend looks positive so far, as the OWO structure seems to be falling apart and giving way to a multipolar world, possibly led by China and Russia – both politically and economically, with commodity-backed currencies – and – foremost – preserving each nation’s autonomy and own sovereign monetary system.

Shinzo Abe’s assassination may have been more than a threat for Japan’s Parliament, but an outright warning to the anti-globalist movement around the globe.

No fear.

People’s Power will Prevail.


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Peter Koenig is a geopolitical analyst and a former Senior Economist at the World Bank and the World Health Organization (WHO), where he worked for over 30 years around the world. He lectures at universities in the US, Europe and South America. He writes regularly for online journals and is the author of Implosion – An Economic Thriller about War, Environmental Destruction and Corporate Greed; and co-author of Cynthia McKinney’s book “When China Sneezes: From the Coronavirus Lockdown to the Global Politico-Economic Crisis” (Clarity Press – November 1, 2020).

Peter is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG). He is also is a non-resident Senior Fellow of the Chongyang Institute of Renmin University, Beijing.

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Articles by: Peter Koenig

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