Italian Missiles: “Nuclear Escalation against Russia”, “Italy also produces Nuclear Missiles for France”. Manlio Dinucci

The New York Times reports:

“President Biden is clearing the way for Ukraine to fire long-range Western weapons deep into Russian territory, provided it does not use weapons supplied by the United States”.

Britain and France have already sent Ukraine their own air-launched cruise missiles, known as Storm Shadow in Britain and SCALP in France.

The main proponent of the use of these missiles against Russia is the British Prime Minister, Labour’s Keir Starmer. After meeting US Secretary of State Blinken in Kiev and President Biden in Washington, he met Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni in Rome.

“We have to put Ukraine in the best possible position, i.e. to be able to carry out missile attacks deep into Russian territory”,  Starmer stressed at the joint press conference.

Giorgia Meloni stated that

as far as authorizing long-range missiles is concerned, in Italy it’s not on the table today“, but she added that “these are all decisions we share with our Allies“.

Giorgia Meloni is trying to hide the fact that the Storm Shadow/SCALP missiles, which Britain and France have already supplied to Kiev for “deep strikes against high-value targets such as reinforced bunkers“, are manufactured by MBDA, the European missile group, of which Italy is a member, along with France and Britain, through Leonardo, with a 25% participation.

Leonardo produces the electro-optical trackers, the “eyes” that guide the missiles to their targets. It is a world leader in this sector.

At the same time, Italy is participating, again through Leonardo, in the production of nuclear missiles supplied to France by the MBDA group. Italy has also undertaken, together with France, Germany and Poland, to manufacture ground-launched cruise missiles with a range of over 500 km.

These missiles, undoubtedly armed with nuclear warheads, are of the same category as the US nuclear missiles deployed at Comiso in the 1980s, eliminated by the INF Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty signed by the US and USSR in 1987, but abrogated by the US in 2018.

In this way, Italy, in flagrant violation of the Treaty on the Nuclear Weapons Non-Proliferation (ratified by the law of 24 April 1975), is contributing to the nuclear escalation against Russia.

In this context, it will be part of the NATO nuclear war exercise Steadfast Noon from 14 to 24 October.

Article in Italian :

Missili Anche Italiani contro la Russia

VIDEO (in Italian) :

Articles by: Manlio Dinucci

About the author:

Manlio Dinucci est géographe et journaliste. Il a une chronique hebdomadaire “L’art de la guerre” au quotidien italien il manifesto. Parmi ses derniers livres: Geocommunity (en trois tomes) Ed. Zanichelli 2013; Geolaboratorio, Ed. Zanichelli 2014;Se dici guerra…, Ed. Kappa Vu 2014.

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