Israelis Urged to Carry Guns to Murder Palestinians
Israel may always be seen as a ruthless pariah state after over 15 years of Sharon, Olmert, Netanyahu rule, each responsible for mass-murdering Palestinians unaccountably.
Their resistance against injustice is heroic – challenging nearly 7 decades of vicious persecution, victimized by endless Nakba, Israeli state terror against their right to exist.
Netanyahu ordered the entire West Bank and East Jerusalem militarized, Abbas-deployed Palestinian security forces complicit with his ongoing reign of terror.
His pathetic Wednesday night address the latest example of his longstanding duplicity – saying one thing, doing something entirely different, showing again he’s a stooge for Israeli ruthlessness, a shameless illegitimate leader with no credibility whatever.
Most Palestinians despise him for good reason – a deplorable Judas, serving solely as Israel’s enforcer against his own people, complicit with their ruthless persecution, including ongoing Netanyahu-ordered state terror.
Fascist Israeli officials want Jews arming themselves with guns. Defense Minister Moshe Ya’alon lied saying “(w)e are in the midst of a wave of terrorism in which civilians have become the front, and there is supreme importance for the public to be ready and aware.”
When an incident takes place, the terrorists are shot dead, and our people aren’t. That’s what’s important.
Deputy Defense Minister Eli Ben-Dahan said “(c)ivilians who shoot terrorists are heroes.” Education Minister Naftali Bennett calls courageous Palestinian resistance “cowardly Arab terrorism.” He urged Jews with guns to “eliminate the enemy.”
Zionist Union MK/former foreign minister Tzipi Livni called radicalized settlers brutalizing Palestinians unaccountably and security forces murdering them “the real heroes of the last few days…”
MK Yinon Magal twittered “it is important to make an effort so that terrorists who carry out attacks are not left alive…Whoever is trying to kill us should be taken out.”
Zionist Union leader Isaac Herzog sounds like Netanyahu on steroids, calling him a “weak leader,” urging escalated state terror, wanting the entire West Bank placed on lockdown, saying “(w)e are facing a surge of dangerous terrorism, and we…know how to overcome it” – code language for encouraging mass murder and extreme brutality, targeting an entire population.
Netanyahu, Herzog and most Knesset members advocate no-holds-barred ruthlessness against defenseless Palestinians, blaming them for Israeli high crimes – the last refuge for fascist thugs running Israel.
Palestinians are being murdered in cold blood, extrajudicially executed. An eyewitness saw nonthreatening Ahmad Abu-Shaaban lethally shot 10 times by Israeli police after radicalized settlers called him “a terrorist,” shouting “shoot him.”
He was falsely accused of a stabbing attempt. He did absolutely nothing, murdered by Israeli racism, numerous other Palestinians victimized the same way, most accused of crimes they didn’t commit.
Eyewitness testimonies and video evidence reveal Israeli criminality – out-of-control viciousness. Riyyad Dar Youssef suffered a fatal heart attack after soldiers brutally assaulted him. He threatened no one.
Since October 1, Israel murdered 33 Palestinians, including 8 children and a pregnant woman. On October 14, the Palestinian Center for Human Rights (PCHR) headlined “Videos and Photos Showing Israeli Violations Against Palestinian Civilians,” saying:
Social media publishes videos and photos about the atrocities and crimes committed by Israeli forces, police officers and settlers against the Palestinian civilians. These incidents have increased lately following the ongoing escalation in the occupied Palestinian territory (oPt) along with shooting incidents and employment of excessive lethal force in confronting protests.
In some cases, Israeli forces claim that shootings or other practices were carried out in response to the Palestinians’ attempts to stab Israelis. However, the videos and photos showing the employment of excessive force reflect shooting-to-kill policy in violation of the international standards.
Adding insult to ongoing state terror, Israel’s security cabinet approved a measure to withhold bodies of assassinated Palestinians.
They won’t be returned to family members, instead buried in undisclosed locations. Numbers of extrajudicially executed Palestinians increase daily. Ongoing Nakba continues.
Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago. He can be reached at[email protected].
His new book as editor and contributor is titled “Flashpoint in Ukraine: US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III.”
Visit his blog site at
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