Israeli Threats to Wage War on Iran and the U.S. Elections

Selected Articles

For more than ten years, Western public opinion has been led to believe, without any hard evidence, that Iran constitutes a threat to global security.

In the context of the U.S.-led “Global  War on Terror”, this propaganda has been intensified, with various attempts to link Iran to 9/11, as well as to other terrorist attacks targeting Israelis in various countries and for which “Iran-backed Hezbollah” was held responsible, again without hard evidence.

In addition, the idea hammered by the Western mainstream media that Iran is developing nuclear weapons, is also based on assumptions rather than hard facts.  In turn, Israel’s nuclear arsenal is never mentioned.

As Ismail Salami notes:

According to a report by Reuters, the US, European allies and even Israel generally agree on three things about Iran’s nuclear program: 1. Tehran does not have a bomb; 2. It has not decided to build one, and 3. It is probably years away from having a deliverable nuclear warhead. (Dr. Ismail Salami, Washington Eyes Iran: “Proxy War” through Israel)

The “Iranian threat” played a major role in the 2008 elections: we may recall John McCain’s infamous travesty of a Beach Boys classic “Bomb Bomb Iran”? The 2012 U.S. elections will again set the stage for anti-Iran propaganda with Israel’s threats of a “preemptive attack” on the Islamic Republic.

But who is using who? Is Israel using the U.S. to drag its military into another war or is Netanyahu a “U.S. Political proxy?”

Michel Chossudovsky explains:

The issue is not whether Washington will grant a green light to Israel before the US elections as conveyed by the the Israeli media.

The fundamental question is twofold.

1. Who at the political level decides on launching this war? Washington or Tel Aviv?

2.Who are the economic powers elites which overshadow the political process in both the US and Israel?

Israel is a de facto US military outpost in the Middle East. US and Israeli command structures are integrated, with close consultations between the Pentagon and Israel’s Ministry of Defense. Reported last January, a large number of US troops are to be stationed in Israel. Joint war games between the US and Israel are also envisaged. (Michel Chossudovsky, Israel’s War Plans to Attack Iran “Before the US Elections”)

According to a recent poll, a majority of Jewish Israelis “believe that it would be a mistake for Israel to attack Iran without US support. 61% oppose a unilateral attack, while only 27% support it.” (Michael Carmichael, Poll: Majority of Jewish Israelis oppose attack on Iran)

For Kourosh Ziabari, the war on Iran is already underway:

Economic sanctions, psychological warfare, media propaganda, threats and assassinations; what other sort of evidence one may need to believe that the United States, Israel and their European allies have already started their much liked war against Iran and that this unjustifiable war is taking its toll on the innocent, ordinary Iranian citizens? (Kourosh Ziabari, The War on Iran is Already Underway?)

Here is a list of selected articles on this hot topic.

Israel’s War Plans to Attack Iran “Before the US Elections”

– by Michel Chossudovsky – 2012-08-21

Washington Eyes Iran: “Proxy War” through Israel

– by Dr. Ismail Salami – 2012-08-19

The Coming Israeli Dictatorship

– by Devon DB – 2012-08-19

An Israeli October Surprise for Obama?
An attack on Iran before a U.S. election with the goal of dooming the incumbent president?
– by Robert Parry – 2012-08-18

Netanyahu’s Secret War Plan: Leaked Document Outlines Israel’s “Shock and Awe” Plan to Attack Iran

– by Richard Silverstein – 2012-08-16

Israel’s ‘Bomb Iran’ Timetable

– by Ray McGovern – 2012-08-13

The War on Iran is Already Underway?

– by Kourosh Ziabari – 2012-08-11

Poll: Majority of Jewish Israelis oppose attack on Iran

– by Michael Carmichael – 2012-08-16

Peaceful Action Urged on Iran Crisis: Appeal to Non-Aligned Leaders Meeting in Tehran

– by Veterans for Peace – 2012-08-21

US Steps Up Sanctions, Says Iran Violates International Obligations
What Are International Obligations?
– by Danny Schechter – 2012-08-06

Iran and Everything Else

– by Michael Parenti – 2012-08-06

Israel, US Warmongers Bent on Brewing Iran Crisis

– by Dr. Ismail Salami – 2012-07-29

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Articles by: Julie Lévesque

About the author:

Julie Lévesque is a journalist and researcher with the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG), Montreal. She was among the first independent journalists to visit Haiti in the wake of the January 2010 earthquake. In 2011, she was on board "The Spirit of Rachel Corrie", the only humanitarian vessel which penetrated Gaza territorial waters before being shot at by the Israeli Navy.

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