Israel Inflicts Acute Malnutrition in 8,000 Children Under Five: WHO

Up to 3,000 children are at risk of “dying before their families’ eyes” as they are deprived of access to food and treatment in southern Gaza alone

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The World Health Organization (WHO) reported on 13 June that Israel’s genocidal war on Palestinians in the Gaza Strip has resulted in over 8,000 children under the age of five suffering from severe malnutrition.

Among the 8,000 children under the age of five identified and provided treatment for acute malnutrition, 1,600 were afflicted with severe acute malnutrition, commonly referred to as severe wasting, which is the most fatal form.

At a press briefing held in Geneva on 12 June, WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said that a significant segment of Gaza’s population faces near-famine conditions due to the devastation caused by the Israeli war. Ghebreyesus also went on to specify that

“there have already been 32 deaths attributed to malnutrition, including 28 among children under five years old.”

UNICEF announced on 11 June that up to 3,000 children are at risk of “dying before their families’ eyes” as they continue to be deprived of access to food and treatment in southern Gaza.

The conditions in Rafah, where over a million were displaced and had sought shelter since the start of the war, have significantly worsened since Israel’s operations on the southernmost city over the past month, forcing the displaced to flee yet again and complicating efforts for aid and humanitarian services.

Earlier this month, the UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestinian Refugees (UNRWA) revealed that it had ceased operations at all its shelters and most services for Palestinians in Rafah due to the escalating Israeli assault.


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Articles by: The Cradle

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