Israel Ranked World’s 10th Largest Weapons Exporter, Thanks to $Billions from American Taxpayers

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Arms and munitions exports from Israel are reported to have hit a record high with $13 billion sales. Annual figures have broken all sales records for the third consecutive year, in 2023, according to Israeli Defence Ministry figures released this week. Israel’s SIBAT has reported arms exports have doubled in the last five years to $13billion in 2023.  This is an increase from $12.5billion in 2022 and from about $8 billion from period 2018-2020.

The Defence Ministry proudly proclaimed that

“the defence exports of the State of Israel succeed in continuing to break records. This fact is a certificate of honour, first and foremost, for our defence industries and the creative and talented minds that work in them and drive them to the heights of breakthrough innovation. This year’s figures show that even though our defence industries are committed… to the war effort, they continue to sign more and more significant export deals, thus enabling the realisation of the effort led by the Defence Ministry to increase defence exports while opening them to new markets.”

Asia-Pacific was the largest region to purchase Israeli ‘defence’ exports with 48 per cent followed by 35 per cent from the Europe. The UAE, Bahrain and Morocco were also customers.

NOTE: ‘Defence industries’ is a tongue-in-cheek pseudonym as with the misnamed IDF in Gaza that has now taken 37,000 lives, mainly women and children in its genocidal revenge drive against the Hamas insurgents, and Palestinian civilians, in Gaza and the West Bank.  

Currently, the United Kingdom is host to a plethora of such Israeli ‘defence industry’ manufacturers.   


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Hans Stehling is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Featured image: Elbit Systems, Israeli surveillance software, 6 December 2017 [Tangopaso/Wikipedia]

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Articles by: Hans Stehling

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