Is Forever Mass-Vaxxing the “New Abnormal”?
Dr. Mike Ryan of the WHO said it’s likely that covid will become an “endemic virus”. WHO chief scientist Dr Soumya Swaminathan said social distancing may not “be able to be stopped in the future”
You’ve been diabolically lied to and deceived by a tyranny-supporting troika of Western regimes, Big Pharma, and their media press agents.
Covid is seasonal flu/influenza by another name, worlds apart from how it’s portrayed. [That assessment is broadly confirmed by the CDC and the WHO].
It shows up annually during cold weather months — unaccompanied by fear-mongering mass hysteria, a daily media promoted blitzkrieg of mass deception.
Endless promoting of what’s harmful to human health will surely continue in the new year — selling snake oil vaccines that contain an alphabet soup menu of dangerous toxins, some revealed, others hidden.
Annual flu shots do more harm than good and should be avoided to protect health and well-being.
Vaccines are far worse because of a menu of highly toxic ingredients.
Experimental covid ones may be the most dangerous of all.
All vaccines are hazardous to human health. Instead of shielding from diseases as falsely claimed, they risk outbreaks of what they’re supposed protect against.
They also create customers for more drugs, the greater the number taken, the higher the risk of other illnesses, the more sickness industry profits.
Misnaming it Western healthcare is part of diabolical mass deception.
Wellness isn’t profitable. Big Pharma and large hospital chains need widespread illnesses to prosper.
Vaccines for covid enable Pharma to cash in big on a bonanza of profits — at the expense of human health and well-being.
I’ve covered all of the above before and will again because it’s important to combat mass deception by ruling regimes that are supposed to be serving and protecting public health, wellness, and safety but go the other way for their own self-interest.
They’re public enemies, not allies. Knowledge is self-protection, what’s essential to have and act accordingly to keep from being irreparably harmed by mass-vaxxing that doesn’t protect.
Outbreaks of seasonal flu/influenza — disguised as covid this year — showed up in mutated strains as it does every year.
It’s why annual flu shots in the US are for one or more strains that are different from previous years.
What’s true for flu shots (vaccines by another name) applies to mass-vaxxing for covid.
Emergency authorization use granted Pfizer, Moderna, and AstraZeneca entries in the covid vaccine sweepstakes will likely be granted for vaccines in development for new seasonal flu/covid strains called covid in the weeks and months ahead.
It’s another version of annually promoted flu shots except that they’re a one-time single shot routine each year for believers.
Multiple strains of seasonal flu showed up this year, more emerging, what happens most all years.
Mass-vaxxing for covid requires multiple shots — two initially, then more with newly developed vaccines for new strains as they emerge that may be bioengineered bioweapons that will harm, not protect human health.
The process is designed to be endless — forever mass-vaxxing for unwitting guinea pigs.
The more shots given, the more profitable to Pharma’s bottom line — the more harm to people taken in by the scam it’s vital to avoid to stay well instead of risking potentially serious illnesses from vaccine toxins.
New covid strains in Britain, South Africa, India, and more surely on the way are part of the diabolical scheme — promoting endless mass-vaxxing henceforth with hazardous to human health toxins.
In late December, Pandemic reported that Pharma is developing new vaccines for newly “concoct(ed)” covid strains to be mass-marketed by stepped up fear-mongering.
The scheme may continue ad infinitum unless through knowledge from reliable sources most people reject it.
The WHO is part of the scam. Days earlier, it warned that covid is “not necessarily the big one,” adding:
We must learn to live with covid — without explaining it’s seasonal flu that shows up annually like clockwork, unaccompanied by fear-mongering mass-hysteria.
According to epidemiologist/chair of the WHO’s strategic and technical advisory group for infectious hazards Dr. David Heymann:
“It appears that (covid) is to become endemic (and) will continue to mutate as it reproduces in human cells.”
“Fortunately, we have tools (that) permit us to learn to live with Covid-19.”
WHO emergencies program director Dr. Mike Ryan said it’s likely that covid will become an “endemic virus” that can be treated by mass-vaxxing each time new strains emerge.
WHO chief scientist Dr Soumya Swaminathan said social distancing may not “be able to be stopped in the future” because of continued emergence of new viral strains.
Lockdowns when ordered, quarantines, face masks and social distancing as a permanent way of like is what dystopian social control is all about — sacrificing freedom to a totalitarian higher power.
It appears that made-in-the USA covid, economic collapse, and medical tyranny are intended to be longterm, not 2020 events to end in the new year.
If things turn out this way that’s likely, it’s a new abnormal to be feared and rebelled against, not accepted.
Was 2020 a test run to learn whether most Americans, others in the West and elsewhere will accept dystopian harshness or resist?
The latter is sparse. Stepping it up is crucial.
The alternative is the worst of Orwell’s 1984 and Huxley’s brave new world — ruler/serf societies in the West and elsewhere controlled by police state harshness.
We have a choice. Resist or capitulate to tyranny that won’t end in our lifetime.
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Award-winning author Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago. He can be reached at [email protected]. He is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG)
His new book as editor and contributor is titled “Flashpoint in Ukraine: US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III.”
Visit his blog site at