International Military Support for Libya results in TNC withdrawals

Even Al Jazeera could not deny it any longer. The NATO/TNC forces are on the retreat after the Libyan Military, Tribal and Volunteer Forces implemented strategic and tactical changes, and long awaited support from tribal militia and forces inside and outside Libya is beginning to manifest.

The total NATO air superiority however and NATO´s terror bombing of Libya´s civilian population continues and will until a long overdue international intervention manifests. implementation of strategic and tactical changes, which among other resulted in the Green Flag being hoisted over parts of Bengazi, Cyrenaica, and even Tripoli, and the recent substantial entering of a substantial amount of Tuarq Tribal Warriers continues to yield positive results. While Al Jazeera reports of tactical withdrawals of the NATO / TNC forces from Sirte, nsnbc received confirmed reports that the “rebels” had been forces back 30 kilometers while taking heavy casualties.

The heaviest fighting was along the northbound road out of Sirte and the airport, which is again under Libyan Forces control. The NATO / NTC forces campaign has grind to a hold and and retreats at bani Walid, Cyrenaica and basically all over southern, and northwestern Libya, wile cities like Bengazi and even Tripoli have areas that are under Libyan Forces control again.

The disorder and corruption of the “rack tag rebels” is surprising, taking into account that France, the USA, the UK, Qatar and other nations have large numbers of Special Operations Forces deployed among them. Today nsnbc received a confirmed report, that the “rebels” cut off the electricity to an area in Bengazi that is under Libyan Forces Control trying to initiate negotiations and demanding vast amounts of cash before the electricity would be turned on again.

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Articles by: Dr. Christof Lehmann

About the author:

Dr. Christof Lehmann is the founder and editor of nsnbc. He is a psychologist and independent political consultant on conflict and conflict resolution and a wide range of other political issues. His work with traumatized victims of conflict has led him to also pursue the work as political consultant. He is a lifelong activist for peace and justice, human rights, Palestinians rights to self-determination in Palestine, and he is working on the establishment of international institutions for the prosecution of all war crimes, also those committed by privileged nations. On 28 August 2011 he started his blog nsnbc, appalled by misrepresentations of the aggression against Libya and Syria. In March 2013 he turned nsnbc into a daily, independent, international on-line newspaper. He can be contacted at nsnbc international at [email protected]

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