We are not dealing with a transitional government in which Neo-Nazi elements integrate the fringe of the coalition, formally led by the Fatherland party. This is the first Neo-Nazi government in Europe since the end of World War II.
Over elapsing time from the February 2014 US-instituted “pro-democracy revolution”, an ever expanding group of neo-Nazis has been elected to office in the Ukrainian parliament. Over the past five years of what the Washington Post calls "fledgling democracy"
According to a secret document dated September 15, 1945, “the Pentagon had envisaged blowing up the Soviet Union with a coordinated nuclear attack directed against 66 major urban areas.
The union of Crimea with Russia redefines the geopolitical chessboard. It constitutes a major setback for US-NATO, whose longstanding objective has been to integrate Ukraine into NATO, while extending Western military presence in the Black Sea.
Break the Silence: a World War is Beckoning By John Pilger, May 14, 2014
Independent Report on The Massacre and Fire in Odessa, May 2, 2014 By Global Research News, May 14, 2014
The Political Destabilization and Fracturing of Ukraine By Nile Bowie, May 14, 2014
Is Independence for Eastern Ukraine a ‘Done Deal’? By Andrew McKillop, May 14, 2014
Ukraine May 25 Elections Will Make the Situation Worse – Political Analyst By The Voice of Russia, May 14, 2014
The Strange Logic of the US, EU: East Ukraine’s Referendums Aren’t Democratic But the Coup-Imposed Kiev Regime Is? By Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya, May 13, 2014
The Political Fracture of Ukraine: Donetsk Republic asks Russia for Admission By Global Research News, May 13, 2014
Luhansk Republic declares independence from Ukraine By Global Research News, May 13, 2014
Eastern Ukraine Donbas Referendum: Statement of former President Viktor Yanukovych By Global Research News, May 13, 2014
Atrocities Committed in Odessa and Eastern Ukraine bear the Fingerprints of US-NATO Sponsored Mercenaries and Special Forces By Ria Novosti, May 13, 2014
Flashpoint in Ukraine: Today’s Most Important Geopolitical Issue By Stephen Lendman, May 12, 2014
Ukraine’s Dueling Elections – Referenda Show Strong Support for Secession from the Coup Regime in Kiev By Robert Parry, May 12, 2014
Eastern Ukrainians Vote By Stephen Lendman, May 12, 2014
CIA, FBI and Now Academi Mercenaries on the Ground in Ukraine By Kurt Nimmo, May 12, 2014
U.S. Overthrow of Ukraine Government Risks Nuclear War By Sherwood Ross, May 12, 2014
Ukraine Regime Pays Tribute to Adolph Hitler. Kherson Governor calls Hitler ‘Liberator’ By RT, May 11, 2014
Ukraine Regime Police Shooting His Subordinates For Refusing to Kill Civilians By Global Research News, May 11, 2014
Burning Ukraine’s Protesters Alive. Neo-Nazi “Shock Troops” Supported by US By Robert Parry, May 11, 2014
America Has Switched Sides: Now Backs Al Qaeda and Nazis By Washington's Blog, May 11, 2014
Washington Behind the Massacre in Eastern Ukraine. Putin Takes the Blame By Eric Zuesse, May 11, 2014
In Ukraine, Adolph Hitler is Praised as a Liberator By Global Research News, May 11, 2014
US-NATO Proxy Regime in Kiev Uses Chemical Weapons against East Ukraine Activists By Stephen Lendman, May 11, 2014
Mariupol Killings: US Backs Ukrainian Regime’s Reign of Terror By Mike Head, May 11, 2014
Putin displays Ukraine Chess Mastery By Pepe Escobar, May 10, 2014
The New Cold War: “The Russians are Coming … Again … and They’re Still Ten Feet Tall” By William Blum, May 10, 2014
A New Economic System is Emerging: The NYT “Reports and Distorts”, Head of the OSCE Meets with President Putin By Peter Koenig, May 10, 2014
Nuland Testifies to House Foreign Affairs Committee: “No Neo-Nazis in Ukraine” By Global Research News, May 10, 2014
Neo-Nazi Crackdown: Regime Soldiers and Paramilitary Killing Civilians in Eastern Ukraine By Global Research News, May 10, 2014
Civil War Has Begun in Ukraine: US-NATO Backs Neo-Nazi Paramilitary By Eric Zuesse, May 10, 2014
Ukraine: US Ambassador to Moscow’s 2008 Cable – “Nyet, Means Nyet: Russia’s NATO Engagement’s Red Line.” By Felicity Arbuthnot, May 09, 2014
Bashing Putin’s Diplomatic Proposal By Stephen Lendman, May 09, 2014
US, Kiev Puppet Regime Escalate Ukraine Conflict After Russian Concessions By Alex Lantier, May 09, 2014
Ukraine Cuts off Water Supply to Crimea By Global Research News, May 08, 2014
Kiev Plans False Flag Against Russia By Stephen Lendman, May 08, 2014
Ukraine gets its Mafia-type Loan By Pepe Escobar, May 08, 2014
The Folly of Playing High-Stakes Poker with Vladimir Putin: More to Lose than Gain over Ukraine By Johanna C. Granville, May 08, 2014
Neo-Nazis in Ukraine Foster “Real Democracy”: Mass Murder Caught on Camera By Global Research News, May 08, 2014
CIA Front, USAID, “Spreading Democracy”, Gearing Up in Ukraine – Suharto II? By Scott Creighton, May 08, 2014
Vladimir Putin: “Authorities in Kiev should cease immediately military and punitive operations in southeast Ukraine” By Pres. Vladimir Putin, May 08, 2014
Europe’s 9/11: NATO Chief Compares Unification of Crimea and Russia with the “War on Terror” By Peter Schwarz, May 07, 2014
Obama’s Bloodbath in Odessa: As Guilty as Anyone in Kiev By Mike Whitney, May 07, 2014
SIGN Petition: U.S. Hands Off Russia and the Ukraine By International Action Center, May 07, 2014
The Kiev Putsch: Rebel Workers Take Power in the East By Prof. James Petras, May 07, 2014
Odessa Tragedy Planned by Authorities’ Representatives – Kiev Official By Ria Novosti, May 07, 2014
US Defends Role of Kiev Regime and Fascists in Odessa Massacre By Barry Grey, May 07, 2014
Ukraine: America In Search of a Good War By David Swanson, May 06, 2014
Huge Population of CIA Agents in Ukraine Says German Expert By The Voice of Russia, May 06, 2014
$10,000 a Head: Radicals Put a Bounty on UK Journalist in Ukraine By RT, May 06, 2014
Fascist Aggression in Ukraine: Saudi Arabia Sending Takfiri Fighters to Kiev? By Stephen Lendman, May 06, 2014
The German Media and the Massacre in Odessa By Peter Schwarz, May 06, 2014
Odessa: This Time, the Fascists Will be Wearing Uniforms By Lionel Reynolds, May 06, 2014
Ukraine: Massacre in Odessa – So-Called Pro-Russian Masked Gunmen Coordinated by Local Police By Oriental Review, May 06, 2014
Spinning the Odessa Massacre By Tony Cartalucci, May 06, 2014
The Odessa Massacre: How the Corporate Media Whitewashes Ukraine By Eric Draitser, May 06, 2014
White Book on Violations of Human Rights and the Rule of Law in Ukraine By Oriental Review, May 05, 2014
Putin Signs Law on National Card Payment System as Visa and MasterCard Deny Service to Russian Banks By Ria Novosti, May 05, 2014
​Radicals Shooting at People in Odessa’s Burning Building Caught on Tape By RT, May 05, 2014
War Propaganda: Another New York Times ‘Sort of’ Retraction on Ukraine By Robert Parry, May 05, 2014
Washington is Pulling the Strings. America’s War Against the People of Ukraine By Daniel Patrick Welch, May 05, 2014
The US Failed Plan for Ukraine is to Incite Russia to Intervene. The Kiev Coup Government is Already a Dying Entity By Global Research News, May 05, 2014
Ukraine: Obama Backs Bloody Neo-Nazi Crackdown on “Pro-Russian” Protesters By Bill Van Auken, May 04, 2014
Washington Responsible for Fascist Massacre in Odessa By Mike Head, May 04, 2014
The Day U.S.-Supported Fascists began Murdering Civilians A Day that will Live in Infamy By Eric Sommer, May 04, 2014
Troops on the Ground: U.S. and NATO Plan PSYOPS Teams in Ukraine By Kurt Nimmo, May 04, 2014
Odessa Massacre Pushes Ukraine to the Edge. Towards a Larger Destructive Conflict? By Tony Cartalucci, May 03, 2014
Geopolitical Interplay: The Ukraine Debacle Could Have Been Avoided? By Lionel Reynolds, May 03, 2014
stack of money
The IMF’s “Rescue Package”. Coercing Ukraine into a Civil War By Peter Koenig, May 03, 2014
Brzezinski Calls for Sending Weapons to Regime in Ukraine By Kurt Nimmo, May 03, 2014
Twisting Putin’s Words on Ukraine By Robert Parry, May 03, 2014
Ukraine Reinstates Military Draft as NATO Threatens Russia By Alex Lantier, May 02, 2014
Military Buildup. NATO Now Considers Russia as “An Enemy”. Militarization of “Russia’s Neighbors” By RT, May 02, 2014
Ukrainian Crisis Was Always About Containing Russia By Tony Cartalucci, May 01, 2014
Who’s the Propagandist: US or RT? By Robert Parry, May 01, 2014
Elite German Special Forces Unit Ready to Storm Slavyansk to Release OSCE Observers By Global Research News, April 30, 2014
Ukraine’s Borders within NATO’s Sphere of Influence. Concentration Camps for “Pro-Russian Rebels” By Oriental Review, April 30, 2014
After New Sanctions on Russia, Ukraine Moves Closer to Civil War By Barry Grey, April 30, 2014
Ukraine, Russia and China. Why is Putin in Washington’s Crosshairs? By Mike Whitney, April 29, 2014
Peace is the Enemy of the US Military Industrial Complex By Vashek Cervinka, April 29, 2014
Top U.S. Diplomat: Russia Has Betrayed the “New World Order” By Paul Joseph Watson, April 28, 2014
Hillary Clinton: Make the Russian People Pay for Resistance to Ukraine Junta By Kurt Nimmo, April 28, 2014