We are not dealing with a transitional government in which Neo-Nazi elements integrate the fringe of the coalition, formally led by the Fatherland party. This is the first Neo-Nazi government in Europe since the end of World War II.
Over elapsing time from the February 2014 US-instituted “pro-democracy revolution”, an ever expanding group of neo-Nazis has been elected to office in the Ukrainian parliament. Over the past five years of what the Washington Post calls "fledgling democracy"
According to a secret document dated September 15, 1945, “the Pentagon had envisaged blowing up the Soviet Union with a coordinated nuclear attack directed against 66 major urban areas.
The union of Crimea with Russia redefines the geopolitical chessboard. It constitutes a major setback for US-NATO, whose longstanding objective has been to integrate Ukraine into NATO, while extending Western military presence in the Black Sea.
CIA Spills the Beans About Deep Involvement in Ukraine: Part of Ploy to Undercut Republican Congressional Opposition to War By John Kiriakou, March 07, 2024
Why Is Pentagon Considering ‘Mussolini-style Rescue’ for Zelensky? By Drago Bosnic, March 07, 2024
Was Nuland Fired for Her Role in the Ukraine Debacle? By Mike Whitney, March 07, 2024
Ukraine Does Not Want Foreign Troops and Intends to Fight Alone, Claims White House By Ahmed Adel, March 07, 2024
Singapore Inadvertently Reveals More About Direct US Involvement in Ukraine By Drago Bosnic, March 07, 2024
Nuland Accidentally Reveals the True Aim of the West in Ukraine. Money for the Military Industrial Complex… By Rachel Marsden, March 06, 2024
Sending NATO Soldiers to Ukraine Is “Apocalypse Warning,” Says Slovak Prime Minister By Ahmed Adel, March 06, 2024
Ukraine War: US Pilot Warns Kiev Regime About US Fighter Jet F-16’s Deficiencies, Calls It ‘Prima Donna’ By Drago Bosnic, March 05, 2024
Is the World Falling Apart? Are Europeans Throwing Each Other Under the Bus to Avoid Russian Retaliation? By Drago Bosnic, March 04, 2024
Putin’s Warning to Western Leadership: ‘War Is Not a Cartoon’ By Timothy Alexander Guzman, March 04, 2024
Secret Document: Is Germany’s Bundeswehr Preparing to Wage War on Russia? By Prof Michel Chossudovsky and, March 04, 2024
New York Times’ Exposé Details Expansion of CIA Secret War in Ukraine Over a Decade Ago By Uriel Araujo, March 03, 2024
The Rome-Kiev Pact of Steel Under CIA Shadow By Manlio Dinucci, March 03, 2024
Russia About to Overrun Ukraine? By Karsten Riise, March 03, 2024
Ukraine War: Russia is Pressing Westward. Is a Bigger Russian Offensive Coming Soon? By Dr. Jack Rasmus, March 03, 2024
Military Escalation: UK Brags About Direct Involvement in Attacking Russian Navy Ships By Drago Bosnic, March 02, 2024
“Dragging Germany Deeper Into The Conflict”: Is The Bundeswehr Acting Behind Chancellor Scholz’s Back: Sending Taurus Missiles to Ukraine? By Andrew Korybko, March 01, 2024
The Ever Widening War. Putin’s Inaction Continues to Widen the Conflict By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, March 01, 2024
Scholz’s Slip of the Tongue Spilled the Beans on Ukraine’s Worst-Kept Secret By Andrew Korybko, March 01, 2024
Does Russia Have “The Upper Edge” in Military Technology? “Most Advanced NATO Weapons Destroyed” By Drago Bosnic, February 29, 2024
History: The Polish-West Ukrainian Conflict Over East Galicia in 1918−1919 By Dr. Vladislav B. Sotirović, February 29, 2024
White House Admits Ukraine Will Lose More Territory Within Next Two Months By Ahmed Adel, February 29, 2024
Three Recent Surveys Re-emphasize the Need for Negotiations to End the Ukraine War By Bharat Dogra, February 28, 2024
Sending NATO Troops to Ukraine is “Not Ruled Out” By Drago Bosnic, February 28, 2024
Zelensky Complains Ukraine Received Only 30% of Artillery Shells Promised by EU By Ahmed Adel, February 28, 2024
After Two Years, Neocons Desperate for More War in Ukraine By Rep. Ron Paul, February 27, 2024
US Senator Chuck Schumer: “Zelensky told me Ukraine will lose the war.” By Ahmed Adel, February 27, 2024
Two Years Into Russia’s SMO: US-NATO Pushing for Global Destabilization. Unending Support for Kiev Neo-Nazi Regime. Drago Bosnic By Drago Bosnic, February 27, 2024
Ukraine’s Intel Chief: “Navalny Died of Blood Clot” By John Leake, February 27, 2024
Sacrificing Denmark for the USA. EU’s Number Three Spender for War in Ukraine By Karsten Riise, February 26, 2024
Zelensky Selects General Syrsky: The Untold Half of the Zaluzhny Story By Ted Snider, February 23, 2024
Biden Moving to Send Long-Range Ballistic Missiles to Ukraine By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, February 23, 2024
Biden Nearing Decision to Send Long-Range Missiles to Ukraine. Attacks on Russia Contemplated? By Kyle Anzalone, February 22, 2024
Der gebildete Erzfeind By Peter Koenig, February 22, 2024
Macron Prioritizes Military Aid to Ukraine Despite France’s Deep-seated Economic Crisis By Ahmed Adel, February 22, 2024
Dangerous Crossroads, Escalation? Will Kiev Regime Receive Enhanced US ATACMS Missiles to Strike Targets ‘Beyond Crimea’? By Drago Bosnic, February 22, 2024
After Two Years of War in Ukraine, It’s Time for Peace. The U.S. Sabotage of Peace Talks By Medea Benjamin and Nicolas J. S. Davies, February 22, 2024
Neo-Nazi Kiev Regime, Deep-rooted Historical Connection to Nazi Germany By Drago Bosnic, February 21, 2024
Ukraine War: Failed Attack on Belgorod. General Syrsky Targets Civilians By Lucas Leiroz de Almeida, February 20, 2024
Kiev Regime: Unspoken Political and Military Chaos: Did General Zaluzhny Bail in “The Nick of Time”? Ukrainian Forces Abandoning the Battlefield By Drago Bosnic, February 20, 2024
Ukraine Crushingly Defeated at the International Court of Justice (ICJ) By Kit Klarenberg, February 19, 2024
Pentagon Admits Ukraine Faces Many More Defeats After Avdeyevka By Ahmed Adel, February 19, 2024
American Strategists Fearing War with Russia. Rand Corporation Report By Lucas Leiroz de Almeida, February 18, 2024
The British Economy Struggles while Billions of Pounds of Military Aid Are Funnelled to Ukraine By Ahmed Adel, February 16, 2024
American Foreign Policy Seems to Have Nowhere to Go. “The bombing of Gaza into the stone age” By Philip Giraldi, February 16, 2024
Seizing Russian Assets: A Feel Good Bill That Will Absolutely Boomerang By Sen. Rand Paul, February 16, 2024
DNC-GOP Confrontation: US Senate Wants to Codify ‘Ukraine Aid’ by Making It An Impeachable Offense By Drago Bosnic, February 15, 2024
Kiev Regime Sharply Divided: Just Killed French Mercenaries. False Flag Operation Intent on Framing Russia? President Macron Cancels His Trip to Ukraine By Drago Bosnic, February 14, 2024
A View from the Frontline. Russia’s Special Military Operation (SMO). The Colonel Khodokovsky Interview. Scott Ritter By Scott Ritter, February 14, 2024
Why Did Ukraine Open Its Doors to North Atlantic Treaty Organization? By Kester Kenn Klomegah, February 13, 2024
Commander in Chief Zaluzhny Out of Office, Could be a Threat to Zelensky By Lucas Leiroz de Almeida, February 13, 2024
Media Propaganda Machine’s Laughable Meltdown Over Putin Interview. “Tucker is Getting A Lot of Flak” By Drago Bosnic, February 12, 2024
A Tale of Two Breadline Massacres. Civilians Waiting to Buy Bread, Killed in Front of A Local Bakery… By Stephen Karganovic, February 12, 2024
Tucker Carlson and Vladimir Putin Interview: What President Putin Really Said By Peter Koenig, February 12, 2024
The Putin Interview By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, February 12, 2024
The Mythical “Russian invasion of Europe”: UK Fantasizes About Defeating Russia While Its Military Falls Apart By Drago Bosnic, February 10, 2024
Zelensky Preparing to Flee the Country, Warns Ukrainian Opposition Leader By Ahmed Adel, February 10, 2024
Does Ukraine Have A Functional Air Defense System? Greece Denies Reports About Air Defense Systems Transfer to Kiev Regime By Drago Bosnic, February 07, 2024
Georgia Foils Kiev Regime’s Major Terrorist Attack Targeting Russian City of Voronezh By Drago Bosnic, February 07, 2024
Deep-seated Crisis within Ukraine Military: Draft Avoidance by “Internal Exile” By Rodney Atkinson, February 07, 2024
Ukraine Has No More Weapons: Running Out of Artillery Shells. Sporadic Military Support from EU By Ahmed Adel, February 05, 2024
The Difference Between Common Perception and Reality Regarding the Ukraine Conflict By Bharat Dogra, February 03, 2024
Ukrainian “Myrotvorets” Kill List Claims Another Assassination, the Torture and Murder of American Journalist Gonzalo Lira By Carla Stea, February 03, 2024
Seizing Russian Assets: Ruble Wise but Dollar Foolish By Doug Bandow, February 02, 2024
Unspoken Geopolitical Agenda? Kiev Regime Shoots Down Russia Il-76MD Transport Plane with Azov Battalion POWs on Board By Drago Bosnic, February 01, 2024
Zelensky’s Intent to Fire Kiev Regime’s Top General Zaluzhny. Mutiny in the Armed Forces if He is Removed? By Drago Bosnic, February 01, 2024
Dangerous Crossroads: Is U.K. at War with Russia? British Now Know the Danger. But Still No Peace Party. U.S. Stationing Nuclear Weapons in U.K.? By Rodney Atkinson, February 01, 2024
Biden’s New Strategy for Ukraine: “De-emphazises” The Retaking of “Lost Territories” By Ahmed Adel, January 30, 2024
Kiev’s Request to Receive U.K. Obsolete and Retired Naval Vessels: Atmosphere of Despair Within Ukraine Military By Lucas Leiroz de Almeida, January 30, 2024
French Mercenaries and Military Contractors Targeted by Russia in Kharkov, Bad Omen for NATO Personnel in Ukraine By Drago Bosnic, January 27, 2024
U.K. Agrees to Come to Ukraine’s Future Defence. Bonanza for British Weapons Industry. IMF Shock Treatment for Ukraine By Mark Curtis, January 23, 2024
The Military Situation In The Ukraine. Jacques Baud By Jacques Baud, January 23, 2024
The Fix Is In – Trump Goes to Prison By Martin Armstrong, January 22, 2024
To End the War in Ukraine, Expose Its Core Lie By Ted Snider and Prof. Nicolai N. Petro, January 22, 2024
The Two Wars of the West: America Targets Europe as Well as the Middle East. Manlio Dinucci By Manlio Dinucci, January 21, 2024
Former NATO Commander Calls to Bomb Crimea By Lucas Leiroz de Almeida, January 21, 2024
Is Zelensky Really Out of Control? With the Endorsement of Washington. What is The End Game? The Privatization of Ukraine? By Drago Bosnic and Prof Michel Chossudovsky, January 19, 2024
Zelensky Wants A “Peace Summit” to Which Russia Would Not be Invited By Drago Bosnic, January 18, 2024
“We Meant It”, No More Weapons: US Stresses There Is No Other Military Package for Ukraine By Ahmed Adel, January 18, 2024
Ukraine’s Air Defense Has Almost Collapsed By Lucas Leiroz de Almeida, January 18, 2024