We are not dealing with a transitional government in which Neo-Nazi elements integrate the fringe of the coalition, formally led by the Fatherland party. This is the first Neo-Nazi government in Europe since the end of World War II.
Over elapsing time from the February 2014 US-instituted “pro-democracy revolution”, an ever expanding group of neo-Nazis has been elected to office in the Ukrainian parliament. Over the past five years of what the Washington Post calls "fledgling democracy"
According to a secret document dated September 15, 1945, “the Pentagon had envisaged blowing up the Soviet Union with a coordinated nuclear attack directed against 66 major urban areas.
The union of Crimea with Russia redefines the geopolitical chessboard. It constitutes a major setback for US-NATO, whose longstanding objective has been to integrate Ukraine into NATO, while extending Western military presence in the Black Sea.
Video: Latest Developments in Ukraine-Russia War: Philip Giraldi, Judge Napolitano By Philip Giraldi and Judge Andrew P. Napolitano, June 03, 2022
Poland Suddenly Realized That It Can’t Indefinitely Fund Ukraine & Its Refugees By Andrew Korybko, June 03, 2022
Biden Tweaks Ukraine Narrative By M. K. Bhadrakumar, June 02, 2022
Azovstal’s Neo-Nazi Fighters Will be Prosecuted as Criminals By Lucas Leiroz de Almeida, June 02, 2022
Moldova Goes Full Zelensky: President Sandu Invites Nation’s Destruction! By Brett Redmayne-Titley, June 01, 2022
Ukraine Fires Own Human Rights Chief for Perpetuating Russian Troop ‘Systematic Rape’ Stories By Zero Hedge, June 01, 2022
Ukraine Forces Continuous Shelling of Donbass Residential Areas. Results in 24 Casualties in a Single Day By Drago Bosnic, June 01, 2022
Ukraine Is a Millstone Around Europe’s Neck By M. K. Bhadrakumar, May 31, 2022
Ukraine and Poland Nearer Confederation By Uriel Araujo, May 31, 2022
Video: Russian Military Wins Battle for Liman. Ukrainian Armed Forces (AFU) Pockets in Donbass Diminishing By South Front, May 30, 2022
World Economic Forum (WEF): Volodymyr Zelenskyy’s Opening Speech, Money Weapons Advisors, — Standing Ovation By Peter Koenig, May 28, 2022
Was Ukraine Building A Dirty Bomb? By South Front, May 27, 2022
Davos 2022: The Octogenarian Oligarch Cage Match. Kissinger vs. Soros By Tom Luongo, May 26, 2022
Ukraine After 90 Days of War By M. K. Bhadrakumar, May 26, 2022
The 16 Biggest Lies the U.S. Government Tells America About the Ukraine War By Richard Ochs, May 25, 2022
‘Fact Checkers’ Furious After Henry Kissinger Says Ukraine Should Cede Territory for Peace with Russia By Zero Hedge, May 25, 2022
US Four-Star General Tweets Video Game as Real Ukraine War Battle By Free West Media, May 25, 2022
Ukraine Should Cede Territory and Become Neutral State, Kissinger Says By Lucas Leiroz de Almeida, May 25, 2022
French Lieutenant Colonel Jacques Guillemain: “Ukrainian soldiers are entrenched in the cities” By Jacques Guillemain and Continental Observer, May 24, 2022
What’s Biden’s End Game in Ukraine? By Rep. Ron Paul, May 24, 2022
History of Ukraine’s Nazi Connection By Brett Redmayne-Titley, May 23, 2022
“Is the US Preparing a Plan to destroy Russia’s Black Sea Fleet”? US Mulls Sending Anti-ship Missiles to Zelensky By Kelley Beaucar Vlahos, May 23, 2022
Stop the Denial: Ukraine Is a Proxy War that Will Lead to Wider World War By Brandon Smith, May 23, 2022
Biden Reverses Course on Plans to Ship Long-Range Rockets to Ukraine By Kyle Anzalone and Will Porter, May 23, 2022
The Russo-Ukrainian War: A New Opportunity for Demagogues to Destroy Freedoms at Home By Jose Nino, May 23, 2022
War in Eastern Ukraine Looks a Lot Different in Person Than It Does on CNN By John Parker, May 22, 2022
Putin’s Bombers Could Devastate Ukraine But He’s Holding Back. Here’s Why By William M Arkin, May 22, 2022
What’s the Deal with Germany? By Mike Whitney, May 22, 2022
Bush Admits US Broke Promise on NATO Expansion; Says Ukraine Should ‘Destroy as Many Russian Troops’ as Possible By Joe Lauria, May 22, 2022
US Weapons to Ukraine: Entering the Black Market? By Lucas Leiroz de Almeida, May 21, 2022
The Spread of the Culture of War By Prof Michel Chossudovsky and Manlio Dinucci, May 21, 2022
Ukraine: A Crusade for NATO and the Western Powers By Michael Jansen, May 20, 2022
$65 Billion in Western ‘Aid for Ukraine’ Is Neither Aid Nor Is It for Ukraine By Drago Bosnic, May 20, 2022
U.S. Ukraine Policy Most Reckless Since 1962 Missile Crisis. Promote Negotiations to End the War By Walt Zlotow, May 18, 2022
Scott Ritter: Live-Action Role Play. America’s Legionnaires in Defense of Ukraine By Scott Ritter, May 18, 2022
Video: Ukraine War: The Azovstal Fortress in Mariupol Is Falling By South Front, May 18, 2022
Western Military Strategy for Ukraine: Towards A “Conciliatory Tone”. Cease Fire Narrative? By Uriel Araujo, May 18, 2022
New York Times Shifts Pro-War Narrative, Documents Failure of US in Ukraine By John V. Walsh, May 18, 2022
Finland and Sweden’s ‘Suicide Pact’ for US-NATO Agenda to Counter Russia By Timothy Alexander Guzman, May 18, 2022
Are the US and Ukraine Winning? By Julian Macfarlane, May 17, 2022
Video: Russian Siege of Kharkiv Gone Down in History By South Front, May 17, 2022
Why Did Rand Paul Delay Washington’s $40 Billion Ukraine Giveaway? By Rep. Ron Paul, May 17, 2022
The News Media’s Ukraine Whitewash Grows Worse By Ted Galen Carpenter, May 17, 2022
Death by a Thousand Cuts: Where Is the West’s Ukraine Strategy? “Clueless Pentagon and CIA ‘Experts’” By Pepe Escobar, May 17, 2022
Sweden and Finland Set to Join NATO By, May 17, 2022
Did CIA Train Ukrainian Torturers? By Lucas Leiroz de Almeida, May 16, 2022
The NATO-Russia Conflict in Ukraine Prevents Progress at the China-EU Summit By Jan Oberg, May 16, 2022
Why Ukraine War Has No Winners By M. K. Bhadrakumar, May 16, 2022
Germany Weighs Possible Consequences of Heavy Weaponry Supplies to Ukraine By Paul Antonopoulos, May 16, 2022
$40 Billion More for the Ukraine War: A Wakeup Call for Those Who Still Believe in “Lesser-Evilism” By Ryan Costello, May 16, 2022
America has Been on a “Hot War Footing”against Russia since 2014 By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, May 15, 2022
Weapons and Billions for War By Manlio Dinucci, May 15, 2022
When Truth is Mixed with Falsehoods: The Subtleties of Anti-Russia Leftist Rhetoric By Edward Curtin, May 15, 2022
Why Funding Ukraine Is Just Dead Wrong By Revolver, May 15, 2022
‘Face the Nation’ Interview with Arms Industry CEO Was Pure Infomercial By Dan Froomkin, May 15, 2022
Eight Years Ago: US-NATO Installed a Neo-Nazi Government in Ukraine By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, May 14, 2022
‘Not in our Name’: Opposition to U​.​S. War Escalation with Russia. Open Letter to President Joe Biden By Not in Our Name, May 13, 2022
Russia – Ukraine War: A U.S. Proxy War Against Russia. U.N. Security Council Has Called for Peace Negotiations By Peter Koenig and GEOFOR, May 13, 2022
$40 Billion War Fever Grips Congress as US Escalates Ukraine War By Cole Harrison, May 13, 2022
Joe Biden Intends to Escalate the War in Ukraine By Lucas Leiroz de Almeida, May 13, 2022
Senator Rand Paul Blocks Fast-Track Senate Vote for $40 Billion Additional Ukraine Funding By Sundance, May 13, 2022
Video: Kiev Forces Approach Russian Border, Russian Units Advance in Donbass By South Front, May 12, 2022
Ukraine’s Partial Gas Cut to Europe Could Force Activation of Nord Stream 2 By Paul Antonopoulos, May 12, 2022
The War Budget: Biden Wanted $33 Billion More for Ukraine. Congress Quickly Raised It to $40 Billion. Who Benefits? By Glenn Greenwald, May 12, 2022
NATO Without Ukraine – The Only Way for Peace in Eastern Europe By Lucas Leiroz de Almeida, May 12, 2022
‘Russia Started the War’ and Other Fallacies By Mike Whitney, May 12, 2022
Sen. Lindsey Graham Pushes to Designate Moscow as A State Sponsor of Terror, Escalate Support for Kiev By Kyle Anzalone, May 11, 2022
Open Letter to Germany’s Chancellor Scholz on the Risks of a Third World War, The Need for A Curfew By Andreas Dresen, Lars Eidinger, Alexander Kluge, and et al., May 11, 2022
Ukraine-Russia and the World Economic Forum (WEF). A Planned Milestone Towards “The Great Reset”? By Peter Koenig, May 11, 2022
The Lies …and the Eyes …of Ukraine. Reporting from Lviv By Brett Redmayne-Titley, May 11, 2022
“The once bright city became gloomy and sad:” Survivor of 2014 Odessa Massacre Reflects Back on Tragedy By Jeremy Kuzmarov, May 11, 2022
UK and US Governments Are Primary Obstacles to Peace Negotiations: Ukrainian News Outlet By Abdul Rahman, May 11, 2022
Biden Is Sending Ukraine Billions of Dollars of Weaponry It Can’t Use Properly By Scott Ritter, May 09, 2022
Video: Russia and Ukraine Both Claim New Victories in Donbass By South Front, May 09, 2022
Pentagon Denies U.S. Is Providing Ukraine Intel to Kill Russian Generals By Zachary Basu, May 09, 2022
Adam Kinzinger Executes Neocon Vision for Ukraine By Patrick MacFarlane, May 08, 2022
“World War III is Closer than Ever”: US War Machine to Increase Lethal Military Aid by Sending “Suicide Drones” to Ukraine By Timothy Alexander Guzman, May 07, 2022
Does US-NATO Want Nuclear War? By Uriel Araujo, May 06, 2022
Congress Must Reject the Application to Russia of the Crazy AUMF (Post 9/11 Authorization for Use of Military Force) By Daniel Larison, May 05, 2022
A Statement on Ukraine from the Black Liberation Movement By Black Liberation Movement Organizations, May 05, 2022