US Defense Secretary James “Mad Dog” Mattis confirmed in May Washington’s resolve to annihilate the ISIS-Daesh terrorists. That was the “political narrative” of the Pentagon. The unspoken truth is that Uncle Sam had come to the rescue of the Islamic State.
War Criminals
Iraqi media said the Pentagon has 14 military bases in the country – along with a reported 18 in Syria. The US is highly unlikely to abandon them, especially ones considered most strategically important.
The US will not let go of such a strategic country with access to Four Seas, as promoted by President Bashar al-Assad, linking the Mediterranean, the Caspian Sea, the Black Sea and the Persian Gulf into an energy network.
On the 2nd October 2018, a young woman’s life was brought to a brutal end by a bullet from an ISIS executioner’s hand-gun. Mrs Thoraya Um Ammar was executed on video by the terrorist group more than two months after she and twenty five other women and children were kidnapped from the Sweida countryside, south of Damascus in July
US Determined to Strengthen the Hand of Syrian Rebel Forces By Brian Becker, October 30, 2013
Deadlock in America’s War on Syria. Moscow Confronts Washington, Significance of UNSC Resolution 2118 By Thierry Meyssan, October 29, 2013
Damascus Violence Part of US “Negotiations” Strategy By Brian Becker, October 28, 2013
Geopolitics and the Wahhabist Regime in Saudi Arabia: House of Saud Announces its Own Funeral By Bryce White, October 28, 2013
The War on Syria: The September 2013 Military Stand-off between Five US Destroyers and the Russian Flotilla in the Eastern Mediterranean By Israel Shamir, October 26, 2013
What “Sanctions” Will Happen If Syrian “Rebels” Are Shown To Have Used Poison Gas? By Bruce A. Dixon, October 25, 2013
Saudi Officials Vent Anger Over US Failure to Attack Syria By Peter Symonds, October 25, 2013
Chemical Weapons Attack: Treating Anti-Syria Charges as Flat Fact By Robert Parry, October 24, 2013
“Global War on Terrorism”: Who are the Terrorists? John McCain Openly Supports Al Qaeda in Syria By Patrick Henningsen, October 24, 2013
Damascus Demands War Reparations: “Countries Which Ruined Syria Must Compensate”: Syrian Deputy PM By Press TV, October 22, 2013
Syrian Peace Talks By Stephen Lendman, October 22, 2013
Saudi Arabia Turns Down UN Security Council Seat By Peter Symonds, October 22, 2013
America’s War on Syria, With or Without the Authorization of the U.N. Security Council? By Carla Stea, October 20, 2013
Another Nobel Peace Prize – Another Farce? By Felicity Arbuthnot, October 20, 2013
Manufacturing Dissent: The Covert War on Syria By Lizzie Phelan and Mostafa Afzalzadeh, October 17, 2013
Manufacturing Dissent: The Truth About Syria By Lizzie Phelan and Mostafa Afzalzadeh, October 15, 2013
War or No War on Syria: Conflict of Interest of “Experts” who Commented in Favor of Military Intervention By Global Research News, October 15, 2013
“The Israeli Factor” in the Syrian War Unveiled: “The US-Israel Plan A” By Nicola Nasser, October 14, 2013
Foreigners Train Syrian Rebels in Afghanistan to Use Chemical Weapons – Russian Foreign Minister By RT, October 12, 2013
Report finds US-backed Syrian opposition responsible for sectarian atrocity By Alex Lantier, October 12, 2013
Syria: Pro-attack Media Commentators had Undeclared Defence Industry Links By RT, October 11, 2013
Syria: Who Wants War, Who Wants Peace? By Jean Bricmont, October 10, 2013
Syria’s Chemical Weapons: Western Military Alliance and Israel continue to Support Al Qaeda Affiliated Rebels By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, October 10, 2013
Israel-Saudi Arabia: An Unholy Alliance By Stephen Lendman, October 10, 2013
Structural Inclinations – The Leaning Tower of Propaganda: Chemical Weapons Attacks In Ghouta, Syria By David Edwards, October 09, 2013
Lavrov on US Op in Libya: Countries Fighting Terrorism Should Stay Within International Law By RT, October 09, 2013
The War on Terrorism … or Whatever: Syria and “America’s Jihad” By William Blum, October 08, 2013
Fake BBC Video: Irrefutable Evidence of a Stunning bit of Fakery by the BBC By Craig Murray, October 07, 2013
CIA Activities in Syria: US Never Stops to Step on Same Rake By Andrei Akulov, October 07, 2013
President al-Assad Interview: “No Dialogue with Gunmen, All Decisions taken by the West for the Past Ten Years have been in Support of al-Qaeda” By Bashar al Assad, October 07, 2013
NATO-Russian Co-operation on Syria Chemical Weapons? By Global Research News, October 06, 2013
BBC Media Fabrications on Alleged Incendiary Bomb Attack in Aleppo, Syria By Global Research News, October 05, 2013
Saudi Arabian Backed Insurgents Responsible for Ghouta Chemical Weapons Attack? By Stephen Lendman, October 05, 2013
Saudi Arabia Group behind Chemical Weapons Provocation in Syria: Source By Global Research News, October 04, 2013
Syria is NOT a Civil War, It Is a Foreign Intervention By James Corbett, October 04, 2013
Saudi Black Op Team Behind Damascus Chemical Weapons Attack – Diplomatic Sources By RT, October 04, 2013
Syrian “Rebel” Factions Battle Each Other on Turkish Border By Bill Van Auken, October 04, 2013
US Imperialism and the Proxy War in Syria By David North, October 03, 2013
US “Exceptionalism” is Nothing but Shameless Imperialism By Eric Draitser, October 02, 2013
Syria Chemical Weapons: Mother Agnes Mariam Attacked… By Human Rights Watch! HRW Lies for the US Government By Daniel McAdams, October 02, 2013
The United States Feared No More By Thierry Meyssan, October 01, 2013
Lithuanian Mercenaries Dispatched to Syria by Private Security Companies on Contract to NATO By Nikolai Malishevski, October 01, 2013
“West Blocks Naming Syria Chemical Attackers”: US Backed Terrorists Committing Atrocities By Global Research News, October 01, 2013
Sweden’s Peace Campaign: Preventing the Next World War By Global Research News, October 01, 2013
A Young Girl’s Account of Sex Abuse by Syrian Rebels: Victims of US-Sponsored Insurrection By GRTV, October 01, 2013
Chemical Weapons Expert Opinion on the UN Report on Syria By Global Research News, October 01, 2013
426 Dead Syrian Children? US 1% Heartlessly Poverty-Kill 1 Million Children/Month in Gruesome Slow Agony By Washington's Blog, October 01, 2013
Syria’s Chemical Weapons and UN Security Council Resolution 2118: Reality, Resolutions, Representations By Maximilian Forte, September 30, 2013
American ‘Exceptionalism’ an Outdated Concept By Eric Draitser, September 30, 2013
Syria, Sarin, and Casus Belli By Michael Parenti, September 30, 2013
Mind the Credibility Gap: Syria and the History of US War Disinformation By Global Research News, September 30, 2013
Interview with British, Canadian and Swedish Terrorists in Syria By Global Research News, September 30, 2013
Syria President al-Assad Interview: “We Focus Today on Getting Rid of Terrorists and their Ideology” By Bashar al Assad, September 29, 2013
Justifying War: From Yugoslavia to Syria Global Research News Hour Episode 38 By Lloyd Axworthy, Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya, Richard Sanders, and Michael Welch, September 29, 2013
Seven Israelis in Syria OPCW Chemical Weapons Team? By Global Research News, September 29, 2013
Deal Reached on Syrian Chemical Weapons By Stephen Lendman, September 28, 2013
Confrontation at the Security Council? New UN Commission of Inquiry (COI) Report on Syria is “Biased and Selective” By Global Research News, September 28, 2013
The Patriarch of the Greek Orthodox Church of Antioch speaks out against Violence in Syria By Vatican Radio, September 28, 2013
The Main Opponents of Extremists inside Syria have been Russia and Iran By Dmitry Babich, September 28, 2013
Tunisia Reveals How the US-Supported Insurgents in Syria are Sexually Exploiting Girls By Mariem Karoui, September 28, 2013
Obama: Pushing for a Pretext to Invade Syria By Brian Becker, September 28, 2013
‘Staged and Scripted’: Mother Agnes Finalizes Chronology of Damascus Chemical Attack By Mother Agnes Mariam, September 28, 2013
YouGov Poll: Americans Say Putin Most Effective Leader on Syria, Obama Least By Ria Novosti, September 26, 2013
Decriminalizing Bashar al Assad: Towards a More Effective Anti-War Movement By Carlos Martinez, September 26, 2013
President Al-Assad Interview with teleSUR TV: “US Policy Has Been Based on Lies Since the Beginning” By Global Research News, September 26, 2013
US Wants to Bully UN into Overthrowing Assad By Brian Becker, September 26, 2013
Israel Prepares to Drill for Oil in Occupied Golan – New Jersey-Based Genie Energy Granted Drilling Rights By Yahya Dbouk, September 26, 2013
US-Backed Syrian Opposition Forces Reject Political Leaders, Align with Al Qaeda By Alex Lantier, September 26, 2013
Controversy Surrounding MintPress Chemical Weapons Ghouta Report Continues By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, September 26, 2013
Dangerous Addiction to Secrecy By Robert Parry, September 25, 2013
VIDEO: Rockets Used in Damascus Chemical Weapons Attack Fired from Makeshift Flatbeds, Not Military Vehicles By Tony Cartalucci, September 25, 2013
Israel’s Chemical Arsenal Under New Scrutiny By Jonathan Cook, September 25, 2013
Obama at the UN: A Defense of Unilateral Aggression By Bill Van Auken, September 25, 2013
Mainstream Propaganda and Disinformation: Staying Skeptical on Syria By James F. Tracy, September 25, 2013
Questions Plague UN Syria Report. Who was behind the East Ghouta Chemical Weapons Attack? By Sharmine Narwani, September 24, 2013
One Nun Puts the US Intel Community to Shame Over “Stage-Managed” Syria Footage By Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya, September 24, 2013
The Syria Chemical Weapons Attack: Human Rights Watch is Manipulating the Facts By Richard Lightbown, September 24, 2013
No More War for Israel? The People Against the 800 Pound Gorilla By Jean Bricmont and Diana Johnstone, September 23, 2013
Journalist who exposed how Rebels were behind August 21st Syria Chemical Weapons Attack faces Intimidation By Paul Joseph Watson, September 23, 2013
Syria: Maneuvers at the UN Security Council: Obama Seeks to Lay Basis for UN Sanctioned Military Intervention By Brian Becker, September 22, 2013