US Defense Secretary James “Mad Dog” Mattis confirmed in May Washington’s resolve to annihilate the ISIS-Daesh terrorists. That was the “political narrative” of the Pentagon. The unspoken truth is that Uncle Sam had come to the rescue of the Islamic State.
War Criminals
Iraqi media said the Pentagon has 14 military bases in the country – along with a reported 18 in Syria. The US is highly unlikely to abandon them, especially ones considered most strategically important.
The US will not let go of such a strategic country with access to Four Seas, as promoted by President Bashar al-Assad, linking the Mediterranean, the Caspian Sea, the Black Sea and the Persian Gulf into an energy network.
On the 2nd October 2018, a young woman’s life was brought to a brutal end by a bullet from an ISIS executioner’s hand-gun. Mrs Thoraya Um Ammar was executed on video by the terrorist group more than two months after she and twenty five other women and children were kidnapped from the Sweida countryside, south of Damascus in July
US to Rapidly Expand War in Iraq and Syria By Peter Symonds, September 12, 2014
“Perpetual War” Is Fine With the New York Times After All By Norman Solomon, September 11, 2014
Washington Menaces America With Its ISIS Creation By Tony Cartalucci, September 11, 2014
NBC Reporter: Boots Already on the Ground in Iraq – “They Are Embedded with Local Fighters” By Paul Joseph Watson, September 11, 2014
Obama Announces Open-Ended War in Iraq and Syria By Patrick Martin, September 11, 2014
The US and Israel are the Main Sponsors of The “Islamic State” (ISIS) By Fars News Agency, September 11, 2014
Obama’s War in Iraq and Syria By Barry Grey, September 10, 2014
Does Obama Plan To Announce the Bombing Of Syria On the Eve of the 9/11 Anniversary? By Brandon Turbeville, September 10, 2014
American Imperialism and the Rise of Islamic Extremism in Syria and Iraq By Niles Williamson, September 09, 2014
Obama’s ISIS War: Profit for Military Contractors By Kurt Nimmo, September 09, 2014
Obama Prepares to Escalate War in the Middle East By Patrick Martin, September 08, 2014
Obama Considers Going After ISIS as Public Opinion Tide Turns in Favor of Invasion By Kurt Nimmo, September 08, 2014
The Islamic State: Who Is ISIS? An Open Source Investigation By James Corbett, September 07, 2014
ISIS and War Propaganda: The Mainstream Media is Selling Fear to Control the Public By William C. Lewis, September 07, 2014
Aljazeera Questions Legitimacy Of Foley And Sotloff Beheading Videos By Kurt Nimmo, September 07, 2014
America’s Foreign Policy Script: False Flags, “Humanitarian Crises” and Russia’s “Phantom Tanks” By Caleb T. Maupin, September 06, 2014
Photo Tweet Claims To Show Steven Sotloff Fighting With Syrian Mercenaries By Kurt Nimmo, September 05, 2014
U.S. Using ‘Beheadings to Sway Public Opinion’ in Favor of Another War By Press TV, September 05, 2014
ISIS Atrocities and US Imperialism By Patrick Martin, September 04, 2014
ISIS to the Rescue: America’s Terrorists Threaten War with Russia Amid NATO’s Failures in Ukraine By Tony Cartalucci, September 04, 2014
U.S. General: “We Helped Build ISIS” – Islamic State Obtained Weapons from U.S. Consulate in Benghazi, Libya By Paul Joseph Watson, September 03, 2014
ISIS Murders Another US Journalist, Steven Sotloff. Pretext for Another Full-scale War of Aggression in the Middle East? By Mike Head, September 03, 2014
Steven Sotloff Video Found by Group Connected to Homeland Security and Responsible for Releasing Fake Osama Bin Laden Video By Kurt Nimmo, September 03, 2014
The Islamic State (ISIS) is Like an Agent Provocateur, Justifying Renewed U.S. “Humanitarian Bombings” in Iraq and Syria By Sara Flounders, September 03, 2014
Media Disinformation: The Islamic State (ISIS), Syria’s President Bashar Al Assad and the Bombing of Iraq By Media Lens, September 02, 2014
US Foreign Policy Lies and Obama’s Fake Solutions: “Creating” and then “Fighting” the Islamic State, Supporting the Kurdish Peshmarga By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, September 02, 2014
ISIS and Al Nusra: Syria Condemns EU Support to Armed Terrorist Organizations While Paying Lip Service to the “War on Terrorism” By Hazem Sabbagh, September 01, 2014
America’s War Hawks Back in Flight By Danny Schechter, September 01, 2014
Syria Refugee Total Nears Ten Million By Patrick Martin, August 30, 2014
Propaganda Alert: Flashback to 2013. Obama: “I am Ready to Bomb Syria” By Cem Ertür, August 30, 2014
300 Americans, CIA Agents Fighting Within ISIL Ranks in Syria and Iraq: US Political Commentator By Press TV, August 29, 2014
Is the Pentagon using ISIL and the Iraq Crisis to Finally Strike Syria? By Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya, August 29, 2014
“The Enemy of my Enemy is my Friend”: How the U.S. is Using ISIS as a Pretext for War Against Syria By Timothy Alexander Guzman, August 28, 2014
Syria: ISIS Rebels, Assisted by Israel, Jordan and the U.S., Detain UN Peacekeepers in Israeli-Occupied Golan Heights By Kurt Nimmo, August 28, 2014
Obama Vows Protracted Military Campaign in Iraq, Syria By Bill Van Auken, August 27, 2014
Why is the U.S. Backing the Most Barbaric, Violent, Extreme Muslims … And Overthrowing Moderates? By Washington's Blog, August 26, 2014
US Military to Initiate Operations in Syria By James Cogan, August 26, 2014
Syrian Government: James Foley Killed a Year Ago By Paul Joseph Watson, August 26, 2014
Damascus Warns Washington regarding Unilateral Airstrikes against Syria under the Pretext of Targetting ISIS Terrorists By Global Research News, August 26, 2014
Staged Foley Beheading Used as Poster Child for Syria Attack By Paul Joseph Watson, August 25, 2014
The European Union And The Twin Civil Wars In Syria-Iraq By Peter Custers, August 25, 2014
The Islamic State (ISIS) and Israel are Allies By Press TV, August 25, 2014
Muslim Leaders Worldwide Condemn ISIS By Washington's Blog, August 24, 2014
US Begins Selling “Syria Intervention” Using ISIS Pretext By Tony Cartalucci, August 22, 2014
Fighting Al Qaeda by Supporting Al Qaeda in Syria: The Obama Administration is a “State Sponsor of Terrorism” By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, August 22, 2014
Outrage! On The Beheading of Our Media Brother James Foley By Danny Schechter, August 21, 2014
US Operating on Both Sides of Syrian-Iraqi Border – Providing Cover for Terrorists in Syria; Fighting ISIS in Iraq By Tony Cartalucci, August 21, 2014
War Propaganda: Supposed ISIS Beheading Of American Journalist – Pretext for Military Intervention in Syria? By Kurt Nimmo, August 20, 2014
How the War on Christians in Iraq and Syria is Paving the Way for a Clash of Civilizations By Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya, August 16, 2014
Targeting Iraq’s Izadi Kurds: ISIL Terrorists Selling Captured Izadi Women to Traffickers By Press TV, August 16, 2014
The Illusory Islamic State: Washington’s Caliphate Project “Made in America” By Rev. Richard Skaff, August 16, 2014
Gaza, Egypt and Syria: a Common Thread of Genocide, War Crimes, and Wars Against Humanity By Esam Al-Amin, August 12, 2014
“Humanitarian Intervention” in Iraq and Ukraine: American Double Standards By Alexander Clackson, August 11, 2014
Debacle of a “Great Game”: The Islamic State (IS) and America’s War on Iraq and Syria By Adeyinka Makinde, August 10, 2014
All of the Countries which the U.S. “Regime Changed” – Iraq, Afghanistan and Libya – Have Descended into Brutal Chaos By Washington's Blog, July 29, 2014
Are There Any Terrorist Groups Who AREN’T Paid Foot Soldiers for the U.S. Military-Intelligence Agenda? By Melissa Dykes, July 26, 2014
Beyond Propaganda: Discourse of War and Doublethink. “When the Lie Becomes the Truth” The Example of Syria By Jean-Claude Paye and Tülay Umay, July 25, 2014
President Bashar al-Assad.Transcript of Inauguration Speech By Bashar al Assad, July 16, 2014
ISIL Leader Closely Cooperating with CIA By Fars News Agency, July 16, 2014
Plans for Redrawing the Middle East: The Project for a “New Middle East” By Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya, July 14, 2014
Al Qaeda-Linked Syria Group Enjoying USAID? You’ve Got to See This to Believe It By Sara Carter, July 13, 2014
Amnesty Report: Harrowing Torture, Summary Killings In Secret ISIS Detention Centers In Syria By Amnesty International, July 12, 2014
Syria: US Sponsored Terrorists Commit a New Massacre in Hama By M. Ismael and H. Said, July 11, 2014
The Arc of ISIS and the Caliphate: Western ‘Regime Change’ Rouses The Masses With New Brand Of Terror By Shawn Helton, July 07, 2014
57 Years Ago: U.S. and Britain Approved Use of Islamic Extremists to Topple Syrian Government By Washington's Blog, July 07, 2014
The Orthodox Church’s Holy Synod of Antioch Condemns World’s Silence About Terrorism Against Syria By Global Research News, July 07, 2014
ISIL and its So-Called Caliphate: Israeli-US Tools to Divide Iraq By Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya, July 05, 2014
As Iraq Burns, US Plans $500 Million to Terrorists in Syria By Tony Cartalucci, July 03, 2014
Iraqi Ambassador Lukman Faily: Iraq will turn to Syria, Iran, and Russia if the US delays Helping By Press TV, July 03, 2014
The International Journalists Federation expels Israel, refuses to accept Syrian insurgent journalists By Global Research News, July 03, 2014
Saudi and CIA Terror Army: The Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham (ISIS) Declares “Global Caliphate” on Ramadan By Kurt Nimmo, July 01, 2014
The ISIL or DAISH Caliphate in Iraq and Syria is a US Project By Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya, July 01, 2014
Who is Responsible for the Catastrophes in the Middle East? By Bill Van Auken, June 30, 2014
The Fragmentation of Iraq and the Middle East: “Muslim Civil War?” By Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya, June 30, 2014
Russia and Belarus Send Sukhoi Jets to Iraq, Moscow Slam West Over Syria By Allison Quinn, June 30, 2014
Target ISIS: First batch of Russian fighter jets arrives in Iraq By Global Research News, June 30, 2014
Saddam Hussein’s Last Words: “To the Hell that is Iraq!?” By Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya, June 29, 2014
America’s “Nonconventional War” against Syria: Western Media Narrative Enters into Comedy Act By Sam Muhho, June 28, 2014
Syria: United Nations Pays Lip Service to Al Qaeda Affiliated “Armed Opposition” By M. Ismael, June 27, 2014
Tweet This! The ISIS Terrorists and Social Media By Soraya Sepahpour-Ulrich, June 26, 2014